Biden prime time speech thread

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Jun 23, 2004
Maybe politics and free democracy are a bad thing after all?

No... it's just that they are NOT infallible. They have weaknesses that can be exploited. The human factor, as always. It was our hubris that lead us to not protect ourselves and see human nature for what it truly is. We are blind and ignorant and it is costing us our very lives. We did not safeguard the minds of our people from corruption. We let it take root, rot and fester. Under the guise of freedom we let an evil grow. The value of shared culture and a sense of common purpose was not cherished and maintained for what it was. A safeguard.

Now we face modern technology, of communication, were propagandists erode everything that once made us Americans. We are kin and brethren no more. Yet we share a land and a struggle for power over that land. It is our nature for the fervor pitch to rise, absent an external threat or a common struggle. We will increasingly threaten each other until someone makes good on it. And the crowds will cheer it on.

Nations that strictly control information, they may fair better than we do on this count. Yet they lack human rights. Their people suffer for it. The struggle is not how to copy them.... it is how to maintain a Democracy that respects human nature and the need to share a common faith... in science... in institutions.... in each other. Perhaps a civilization that follows can learn from this.


Jan 8, 2010
No... it's just that they are NOT infallible. They have weaknesses that can be exploited. The human factor, as always. It was our hubris that lead us to not protect ourselves and see human nature for what it truly is. We are blind and ignorant and it is costing us our very lives. We did not safeguard the minds of our people from corruption. We let it take root, rot and fester. Under the guise of freedom we let an evil grow. The value of shared culture and a sense of common purpose was not cherished and maintained for what it was. A safeguard.

Now we face modern technology, of communication, were propagandists erode everything that once made us Americans. We are kin and brethren no more. Yet we share a land and a struggle for power over that land. It is our nature for the fervor pitch to rise, absent an external threat or a common struggle. We will increasingly threaten each other until someone makes good on it. And the crowds will cheer it on.

Nations that strictly control information, they may fair better than we do on this count. Yet they lack human rights. Their people suffer for it. The struggle is not how to copy them.... it is how to maintain a Democracy that respects human nature and the need to share a common faith... in science... in institutions.... in each other. Perhaps a civilization that follows can learn from this.

People like to talk like most people are good. That might be the case, but most of the people in power are bad, and since they are the ones making the rules, the people suffer anyway. I used to think most people were good...until the pandemic. Then I realized people are indeed just selfish. We are no longer 'we the people' we are 'me me me oh look a squirrel'.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
My view is a far more mundane than that, and well off center. In the political arena the issues are rarely about facts, but about beliefs, and the desire to get others to behave a certain way. This is where I diverge. I find tribalism very off-putting, though necessary. It also invariably carries a dishonesty that I find repulsive. In this venue I don't dare make the claim that both sides do it, as that will lead to an average of five outraged responses.

I can prove that the MAGA crowd isn't bent on the end of democracy by simply pointing out that they didn't end it when they had the chance. Yes, a lot of them believe the election was rigged, but I don't see city's burning, I don't see daily riots, I don't see armed insurrection. They get a lot of hate for how they think, not how they act.
When did they have the chance to end it and didn't?


Mar 17, 2008
Brandon is on a fucking roll right now. Stacking up policy wins like #WINNING all day all year, getting messaging on point, and now going for the throat of the retracted MAGA cult. Jim Jones has been called out for a high noon stand off.
On the other side though the cult has got their own messaging on point as well, pregnant children, super expensive insulin, cw2.0 so on and so forth.

Lets go Brandon.


May 30, 2008
I can prove that the MAGA crowd isn't bent on the end of democracy by simply pointing out that they didn't end it when they had the chance. Yes, a lot of them believe the election was rigged, but I don't see city's burning, I don't see daily riots, I don't see armed insurrection. They get a lot of hate for how they think, not how they act.

They don't need to burn cities and riot, because they already have plenty of institutionalized power. They just need to give money and votes to those already ensconced within the system who do have the power to bring about the end of democracy. Those who ended democracy in Weimar Germany didn't need an armed insurrection. Nor did it require one to bring Putin to power.

Edit - I mean, the death of Weimar did involve a lot of small local acts of violence and thuggery - assassinations, street-fights here-and-there. Lots of Kyle Rittenhouse and "Proud Boys" types. But no grand insurrection - you don't need that when you already have the support of powerful figures within the system.
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May 15, 2000
They don't need to burn cities and riot, because they already have plenty of institutionalized power. They just need to give money and votes to those already ensconced within the system who do have the power to bring about the end of democracy. Those who ended democracy in Weimar Germany didn't need an armed insurrection. Nor did it require one to bring Putin to power.

Edit - I mean, the death of Weimar did involve a lot of small local acts of violence and thuggery - assassinations, street-fights here-and-there. Lots of Kyle Rittenhouse and "Proud Boys" types. But no grand insurrection - you don't need that when you already have the support of powerful figures within the system.

Exactly! You don’t break in a house when you are already inside it. You don’t seize power when you’ve already have it. That’s the part he doesn’t seem to get, the call for ending democracy is coming from inside the building and his only concern is the mood lighting is off.


Feb 6, 2002
Did you note the back ground and the lighting? The two Marines? The only thing they missed was putting Biden in a flashy generals uniform with thirty fake medals.
What moron thought this entire display was a good idea? Someone decided that this was the image they wanted to present, someone decided that issuing a straight up challenge to half the nation was a sensible idea.
Everyone involved in this particular piece of theater should be fired.

The very Democracy is at risk and you think the problem is lighting?

With Republicans all over the country attempting to overturn valid elections, refusing the will of the people by blocking ballot initiatives, refusing to admit today Biden is the legitimate President, threats of violence on the streets if we uphold the law and prosecute Trump, promoting white nationalists.

Should we just ignore it? Biden spelled out exactly the people who are threats. Would you just not give the speech? How would you change the speech contents? Vague generalities?

BTW - I’m sure we can search and find your objections to Trump using the military when he attacked peaceful protesters in DC just to get a photo op. Just checking your consistency.


Mar 17, 2008
I can prove that the MAGA crowd isn't bent on the end of democracy by simply pointing out that they didn't end it when they had the chance. Yes, a lot of them believe the election was rigged, but I don't see city's burning, I don't see daily riots, I don't see armed insurrection. They get a lot of hate for how they think, not how they act.

None of this computes.
When they had the chance?
Daily riots is ending democracy?
Never heard of proud boys oat keepers etc.
This post is all over the place and non of it sticks, certainly not in the context of proof.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
The very Democracy is at risk and you think the problem is lighting?

With Republicans all over the country attempting to overturn valid elections, refusing the will of the people by blocking ballot initiatives, refusing to admit today Biden is the legitimate President, threats of violence on the streets if we uphold the law and prosecute Trump, promoting white nationalists.

Should we just ignore it? Biden spelled out exactly the people who are threats. Would you just not give the speech? How would you change the speech contents? Vague generalities?

BTW - I’m sure we can search and find your objections to Trump using the military when he attacked peaceful protesters in DC just to get a photo op. Just checking your consistency.
Why bother with him?

You know damn well he didn't even watch or listen to it.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Greenman and other magats still don't understand that this:


Is the very same as this:


He doesn't get it and refuses to understand the comparison.

But of course now we have Biden standing in front of a brick wall with some military dudes behind him, and greenman is all in on thinking he sees a tyrant.

Such people are lost. They claim they are blind to intentional displays of very specific homages to fascism, but then when some example appears that isn't at all fascism in a discernable way, he's all over it like some expert now, claiming he finally sees it. These people are lost.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
They don't need to burn cities and riot, because they already have plenty of institutionalized power. They just need to give money and votes to those already ensconced within the system who do have the power to bring about the end of democracy. Those who ended democracy in Weimar Germany didn't need an armed insurrection. Nor did it require one to bring Putin to power.

Edit - I mean, the death of Weimar did involve a lot of small local acts of violence and thuggery - assassinations, street-fights here-and-there. Lots of Kyle Rittenhouse and "Proud Boys" types. But no grand insurrection - you don't need that when you already have the support of powerful figures within the system.

Not enough people seem to remember that Mussolini actually came to power after one specific act: he paraded his thugs around Rome, trashing everything and demanding that the Emperor put him in power, now. It was such in Italy that this was possible--the Emperor could declare their president in this way--and so, well, he did. And that's it. There was indeed a bit of a slow walk towards "tolerating" the black shirts running around Rome and other Italian cities for a few years before this, doing thuggery and yelling what would become the pre-figuring to today's MAGA slogans, but in the end they just had to be obnoxious and violent enough at one specific moment to demand that they be made in charge. This actually happened.

Then, you have January 6th, which also actually happened. So, what was that all about, then? These magats think they aren't fascists, despite attempting the exact same thing that the very first fascists did to beat their way into power?

Democrats have been likening Trump to Mussolini since fucking 2015, calling his little magats little fascismi, and they complain and moan that it's very unfair to call them this. It's interesting that they don't like being called the things that they very much are; of course this is based on their words, their actions, their stated goals, and their very real means to obtain those goals. But they don't like being called what they are.

This of course is just one of the intended results of the GOP's decades long assault on mental health care and education, so it really shouldn't be too surprising. All the tools needed for these people to become functioning adults were specifically removed for them, because the GOP needed this army of shithead sister-fuckers.

The end of Trump is the end of nothing. The GOP must be destroyed.
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Jul 13, 2005
The bottom line is when the Republicans are in control they go for the jugular and when the Dems are in control we roll over and play dead!!

We need to fight fire with fire and stand up to these people!! Why?

Because you can bet if they gain control of the House or the Senate or lets say the presidency in 2024 they will turn our country into country where books are banned and whites are once again the chosen race and women have no rights!! Also we will become a police state where the police do as they please with no checks or balances! Who wants to live in a shithole??


Jan 14, 2013
Greenman thinks that because Trump failed to overthrow democracy, either bureaucratically or with violence, that must mean they don't really want to.

That is just stupid. It was poorly organized, the violent overthrow, and still got so close. He got really close to doing it bureaucratically too. Trump was just not organized enough to do it. Hitler failed, and came back later and did it.

There are a million things people and groups fail at but still want to do and will try and try again. This goes far beyond politics as well.. Inventions. Creations. Thought groups. Rebels. Terrorists. Etc... It's so obvious that Greenman must know this, but he likes to excuse and misrepresent Maga behavior all the time.

Like I said before to call Biden a Trump lite is insane, and just proves a level of cognitive dissonance so strong it should disturb anybody.
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Jun 23, 2004
People like to talk like most people are good. That might be the case, but most of the people in power are bad, and since they are the ones making the rules, the people suffer anyway. I used to think most people were good...until the pandemic. Then I realized people are indeed just selfish. We are no longer 'we the people' we are 'me me me oh look a squirrel'.

It is not a question of good or bad. People can be made to believe in things that we define as either.
People are tribal, fervent, and delusional. First they identify with a leader or an idea. Then our Ego tells us whatever lies are needed to make us feel good with our associations.

Now, imagine this ID belongs to people (your party) on the internet. All their screeching and shouting is gospel. If they tell you medicine is poison... then your Ego tells you to believe it because your identity (continued association) depends on it. Social media has let crazy people take the reigns in the relationship we have with information and decision making. In our hubris we imagined people sought the truth, and that simply speaking the truth would allow it to prevail in an open and free society. But someone speaking the truth is not enough, if people are convinced to place their trust in something / someone else.

In our minds, the truth is simply what we choose to believe in. Where we choose to place our faith. In doctors, or some twitter account telling you Bill Gates put chips in the vaccine? Both are of equal value to the brain. The ONLY defense against the wrong choice... is if we already trusted the doctors. But what if it is politicized? What if the doctors work for big pharma? What if you believe them to be liars who only want to get rich? There are MANY ways to be predisposed to opposing them and seeking out their opponents.

It wasn't selfishness, although much of it will correlate. It is simply the delusion that masks will not help. Because the Ego needed them to feel better about identifying with some anti science messenger online. People they placed their trust into.

It is a simple mechanism for religious indoctrination. And the psychology behind it applies to each and every one of us. We are all tribal. We are all fervent. And we believe whatever makes us comfortable with our tribe. In some tribes that requires upholding the rule of law. In others... it requires burning it all down.


Nov 28, 2004
It is not a question of good or bad. People can be made to believe in things that we define as either.
People are tribal, fervent, and delusional. First they identify with a leader or an idea. Then our Ego tells us whatever lies are needed to make us feel good with our associations.

Now, imagine this ID belongs to people (your party) on the internet. All their screeching and shouting is gospel. If they tell you medicine is poison... then your Ego tells you to believe it because your identity (continued association) depends on it. Social media has let crazy people take the reigns in the relationship we have with information and decision making. In our hubris we imagined people sought the truth, and that simply speaking the truth would allow it to prevail in an open and free society. But someone speaking the truth is not enough, if people are convinced to place their trust in something / someone else.

In our minds, the truth is simply what we choose to believe in. Where we choose to place our faith. In doctors, or some twitter account telling you Bill Gates put chips in the vaccine? Both are of equal value to the brain. The ONLY defense against the wrong choice... is if we already trusted the doctors. But what if it is politicized? What if the doctors work for big pharma? What if you believe them to be liars who only want to get rich? There are MANY ways to be predisposed to opposing them and seeking out their opponents.

It wasn't selfishness, although much of it will correlate. It is simply the delusion that masks will not help. Because the Ego needed them to feel better about identifying with some anti science messenger online. People they placed their trust into.

It is a simple mechanism for religious indoctrination. And the psychology behind it applies to each and every one of us. We are all tribal. We are all fervent. And we believe whatever makes us comfortable with our tribe. In some tribes that requires upholding the rule of law. In others... it requires burning it all down.

The current problem is that the tribe that claims to believe in the rule of law is the same tribe that wants to burn it all down.


May 30, 2008

Having just read an article in the Atlantic that complained about exactly that (the 'optics'), I would say, that while I get the intention, and it's not particularly important, maybe they'd have been better not to have made the red _quite_ so dominant? Maybe made the white light a bit stronger?

(It did have me thinking "hmm, I never did get back to Doom 2016 after getting stuck on that miniboss level")


Dec 15, 2015
Having just read an article in the Atlantic that complained about exactly that (the 'optics'), I would say, that while I get the intention, and it's not particularly important, maybe they'd have been better not to have made the red _quite_ so dominant? Maybe made the white light a bit stronger?

(It did have me thinking "hmm, I never did get back to Doom 2016 after getting stuck on that miniboss level")
Optics of a light show should not be what people focus on in the modern era. Leave that shit where it belongs, in our garbage past of picking colors that make us feel stronger.

Tsinni Dave

Senior member
Mar 1, 2022
^Biden's speech sounded brilliant on the clips I caught on the radio. Without video you can still tell what Biden is talking about whereas with Trump you need video just for the descriptor banner to tell you what the hell he was supposed to be speaking about.