Bets: How long till the SAS storms Iran?

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Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2005
Originally posted by: irishScott
Nothing unless Iran starts coercing/torturing prisoners. Then the sh!t is gonna fly. Remember that they were captured by the Revolutionary Guard, which is only semi-controlled by the Iranian government. It's full of radicals that would love to go to war with the West like wannabe Spartans.

another dumbass that doesn't know the truth behind 300
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: alimoalem
Originally posted by: irishScott
Nothing unless Iran starts coercing/torturing prisoners. Then the sh!t is gonna fly. Remember that they were captured by the Revolutionary Guard, which is only semi-controlled by the Iranian government. It's full of radicals that would love to go to war with the West like wannabe Spartans.

another dumbass that doesn't know the truth behind 300

what the hell are you talking about?
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Atheus
Originally posted by: Mill
Originally posted by: Atheus
Originally posted by: JS80
Never, Brits are bonafide pvssies.

Suck my c0ck yankee, you know nothing, why don't you find some brits and say that to their face? I look forward to your asskicking. bitch.

Yeah, what are you going to do? Smother him in some gravy and serve him up with some blood pudding?

Yea, well, I'm obviously not going to do anything - this being the internet.

Still really fvcking pisses me off, insult people's country :thumbsdown:

Well, since we're the USA, we're pretty damn used to it, even from pvssy countries like New Zealand
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
It's funny how there's all these "oh we're soooo tough, we would have kicked their @ss already, turned iran into a wasteland" etc etc. The good news is, it makes it easier to pick out the morons. Only naive stupid idiots think that way, it's just not how the world works.

if you think a US Navy ship would have just sat there and watched their sailors be kidnapped like the Brits did you are delusional. If you read details of the story the Brits were ready to fire at the kidnapping ships but they decided not to last minute and literally just watched the sailors get kidnapped.

I would venture to say the US Navy would have went as far as breach Iranian waters to blockade the ship holding the sailors.

You've been a Navy Admiral for how long? And with how many years of conflict experience?

You mean that this is just an internet forum with normal civilians speculating on what could've been????



Feb 14, 2001
Originally posted by: IAteYourMother
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
It's funny how there's all these "oh we're soooo tough, we would have kicked their @ss already, turned iran into a wasteland" etc etc. The good news is, it makes it easier to pick out the morons. Only naive stupid idiots think that way, it's just not how the world works.

if you think a US Navy ship would have just sat there and watched their sailors be kidnapped like the Brits did you are delusional. If you read details of the story the Brits were ready to fire at the kidnapping ships but they decided not to last minute and literally just watched the sailors get kidnapped.

I would venture to say the US Navy would have went as far as breach Iranian waters to blockade the ship holding the sailors.

You've been a Navy Admiral for how long? And with how many years of conflict experience?

You mean that this is just an internet forum with normal civilians speculating on what could've been????


He's so serial.


Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: alimoalem
Originally posted by: irishScott
Nothing unless Iran starts coercing/torturing prisoners. Then the sh!t is gonna fly. Remember that they were captured by the Revolutionary Guard, which is only semi-controlled by the Iranian government. It's full of radicals that would love to go to war with the West like wannabe Spartans.

another dumbass that doesn't know the truth behind 300

Actually I do (saw the History Channel special on it anyways). Note I said "wannabe". Also I meant that they'll start screaming how superior they are due to Allah's love or some sh!t and try to go out with a bang. Only, unlike the Spartans, they will kill women children in the process and utterly fail at causing any damage to the West.


Golden Member
Feb 5, 2000
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
They're not doing anything because the Queen doesn't care for peasants.

You really hate monarchism don't you?

I really hope you're being sarcastic and don't believe the Queen has any de facto power within the British Parliamentary or military anymore.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
Originally posted by: fallenangel99
I hope the SAS does something. I want to hear some cool special ops mission. :D

If those were Israeli soldiers, Mossad, IMO the best intelligence unit in the world, would have rescued those soldiers by now.

The very nature of special ops demands secrecy about unit strengths, locations, and armaments, as well as the identity of personnel. You generally don't hear about special ops unless there was a spectacular explosion captured on tape or a spectacular failure on the part of said special ops team. That said, SAS is a force to be respected and feared.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
I'm thinking about a week before B happens...doesn't appear as if A is going to happen anytime soon. If it was going to, it would have happened already. Plus the "admission" letter that the UK guys were in Iranian waters...psh.

Too bad we have to wait a whole week before we can prove the OP is an idiot.
Jun 14, 2003
tony blair isnt being a pussy, i havent got a clue what theyre doing down in westminster/white hall/wherever ,it seems like nothing from where im sat.

nothing will happen probably, i doubt tony will want to send more troops to the ME, he's already got a roasting for the Iraq involvement and more when he said he was bringing the lads home, but then had to send them back when other coutnries refused to fill the gaps.

i predict this go on for a while, but eventually the limelight will become disinterested in this affair and iran will have no reason to keep them hostage, unless of course they go ape ****** insane and start torturing and beheading them or something.

if that happened i think the SAS would be in, and failing that tony would be on the blower to GWB to get some "shock and Awe" fedex'd to iran.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: RichUK
To be fair, if this DID happen to American sailors, what would be the ramifications?

Seriously.. Do you really think bush would send your guys in all guns blazing? I don't think so.

1 - we'd block shipping lanes into Iran and bomb the ****** out of their terrorist training facilities, which is exactly what Britain should do


2 - The US Navy would have chased down the kidnappers, into Iranian waters, and gotten the sailors back. If Iran decided to use that as cause to escalate with us, we would be turning the desert into glass right now.

yeah, lol

if this was US troops it'd be over by now, you guys got the balls and a trigger happy president.

we have limp wristed blair, soldiers living in squallor, rubbish armoured vehicles (bar the challenger 2), some crusty war ships (though we are getting new ones at last!) and some subs.

having said that, big metal like that isnt really necessary...the commandos proved just what a small highly trained group of men can do in WWII, the greatest raid of all is a classic example where they destroyed the only dry dock on the atlantic coast capable of servicing the tirpizt

i think you'd have to be monumentally daft to take on america in the war game today, its not impossible just look at iraq, it isnt a roaring success....but you started that, and you handed more ass to them, than they have you. but it would still be an unwise decision.

still your way of doing things is to lock n load, charge in, egos fully pumped shouting "your ass is grass" and blowing anything that moves into makes for a compelling computer game for sure, but war isnt a computer game.

we've sat back, analysed the situation...lethal force will be the last call, not the first. we play smart, you play hard, fast and sometimes without thinking


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
Well, I just hope that those who said Israel's response to its soldiers kidnap by Hizbullah was "not proportional" think of it in a different light now.
Iran is simply wiping the floor with Britain now. It's a f-ing joke and everybody sees it.

I doubt Blair would have the balls to do anything extreme in the very PC climate that's going on in Britain now.

People around the West have just lost all survival instincts and will for self-preservation. It's OK as long as Western country battle each other as this crap attitude is common to both sides, so it just restrains.
But when it comes to Muslim fundies like the one giving the Brits a hard time now, it's an entirely different ball game. You have to be tough. And Britain is obviously not.

What do you think will exactly happen if Britain negotiates these men out of there? Do you think it will discourage more of this stuff in the future? I can't possibly see how, apart from ignorant, pathetic, impotent politics, this situation could have materialized.

Edit: I'm just at awe at this paragraph (from the Independent article quoted here, by Gwynne Dyer):

Does that mean that one of his American boarding teams would have opened fire if it had been them in the two inflatable boats that were surrounded by Iranian Revolutionary Guard fast patrol boats off the coast of Iraq last Friday? "Agreed. Yes."

Just as well that it was a British boarding team, then. The 15 British sailors and marines who were captured and taken to Tehran for "questioning" last week are undoubtedly having an unpleasant time, but they are alive, and Britain is only involved in two wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan. If it had been one of Horner's boarding teams, they would all be dead, and the United States and Iran would now be at war.

Does she understand that these are MILITARY PERSONNEL in a conflict, that just surrendered and let be taken away?
I will bet against anyone that:

1. The boarding teams were not so far from their main vessels (the frigates)
2. The frigates KNEW the Iranian were coming - they have radars good for hundreds of miles, and there are means of communication between the boarding teams and the vessels
3. Both the US and Britain could have called for air support, to stop the Iranian ships

And from what appears in the media now, the Brits were just taken, without any resistance from either them or their frigates and navy. It's lame.



Nov 27, 2001
Britain is too busy paying the Reds to create a diversion while they take over America ;).

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: RichUK
To be fair, if this DID happen to American sailors, what would be the ramifications?

Seriously.. Do you really think bush would send your guys in all guns blazing? I don't think so.
He didn't do it with the Chinese.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
It's funny how there's all these "oh we're soooo tough, we would have kicked their @ss already, turned iran into a wasteland" etc etc. The good news is, it makes it easier to pick out the morons. Only naive stupid idiots think that way, it's just not how the world works.
Unfortunately one of those is our President.


Jan 30, 2001
Originally posted by: RichUK
To be fair, if this DID happen to American sailors, what would be the ramifications?

Seriously.. Do you really think bush would send your guys in all guns blazing? I don't think so.

If it went down exactly the way this went down then I think we would probably be doing pretty much exactly what the UK is doing now. As I understand the story though I don't think our frigate would have sat there watching when they were taken initially. From what I read (and the bottom line is that what we read and see in the media is really all most of us know about how this went down) the British frigate received no fire orders when the incident took place. Supposedly our ships have been given standing orders that they can fire in situations like that in that area.


Oct 9, 1999
I don't think you can necessarily blame Tony Blair specifically. Look at the populace. British people are different than Americans, who are different than Israelis, who are different than Iranians. The Israeli people supported the short war against Hezbollah in retaliation for the capture of Israeli troops. That is their mindset. I don't think the British people feel the same way. If the British military started blasting parts of Iran in the same way that Israel did to the Palestinians, I think you'd hear the British people screaming, "Stop!"


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2006
We/Britain shouldn't sit around. Last time Israel retaliated nothing happened in return.
We/Britain need to return to superpower status and give Mid-Eastern problem countries buttsekz until they give up.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: RichUK
To be fair, if this DID happen to American sailors, what would be the ramifications?

Seriously.. Do you really think bush would send your guys in all guns blazing? I don't think so.
He didn't do it with the Chinese.

The Chinese aren't a regime openly hostile to the US. The MIG pilot fscked up and hit the P3, the Chinese were really embarrassed and had to make it look like our fault to save face. The P3 was unarmed and crewed by Air Force personnel (come on, out of their planes they are as dangerous as a girl scout troop :p) Everyone and everything was returned unharmed even though it took a bit to sort out.

They had no designs of pushing the issue with the US and using the men as an international chess piece as Iran seems to be contemplating doing.

I wouldn't be surprised if US commanders in the area have orders on what to do if the Iranians try to grab US personnel (given their actions in the past). I highly doubt it involves sitting around with their thumb up their ass.

The British got grabbed because the Iranians don't respect them or fear the consequences.


Sep 27, 2003
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: RagingBITCH
I'm thinking about a week before B happens...doesn't appear as if A is going to happen anytime soon. If it was going to, it would have happened already. Plus the "admission" letter that the UK guys were in Iranian waters...psh.

Too bad we have to wait a whole week before we can prove the OP is an idiot.

Says the guy glorifying American troop deaths in his signature. :roll: Douche.
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
It's funny how there's all these "oh we're soooo tough, we would have kicked their @ss already, turned iran into a wasteland" etc etc. The good news is, it makes it easier to pick out the morons. Only naive stupid idiots think that way, it's just not how the world works.

if you think a US Navy ship would have just sat there and watched their sailors be kidnapped like the Brits did you are delusional. If you read details of the story the Brits were ready to fire at the kidnapping ships but they decided not to last minute and literally just watched the sailors get kidnapped.

I would venture to say the US Navy would have went as far as breach Iranian waters to blockade the ship holding the sailors.

You've been a Navy Admiral for how long? And with how many years of conflict experience?

It's not a matter of being a Navy Admiral, it's about not looking like a bitch. Think of it this way. Do you let them kidnap your soldiers and do god knows what to them and make your country look like a bunch of pussies, therefore making all the other groups out there think they can get away with the same thing because you won't do anything about it. That right there is fear. It is fear of being attacked if you stand up for yourself. America proved it doesn't take that kind of sh!t.
You can gaurandamntee that if it were American service men, the least that would have happened is that the ship would have been disabled and our men recovered. I doubt Iran would have been attacked directly but there would be a warning given to them that if they tried it again they would face dire consequences.