Being black sucks (at least for me)


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
Somedays I feel like I come from another planet. I'm not black enough for some people and not white enough for others.

One of my co-workers (who is black) labeled me a sell-out because I did'nt use slang and I listened to rock music every now and then. Another co-worker of mine (who is white) once told me that some of the other people in the office were intimidated by me. That really floored me because 98% of the time I'm always in a good mood. I always go out of my way to hold a door for someone or just try to greet people in my work area. But yet some people still refuse to talk me if I say good afternoon, certain women hold their purses tighter when I get on the elevator. Its maddening, I just wish people would see me for a human being instead of a black guy.

and before anyone asks, no I do not:

wear braided hair
drive a vehicle with flashy rims and tinted windows
listen to Nelly, 50 Cents, Ja Rule and whoever the latest thug rapper currently is
use ebonics
smoke weed/grass
blast music while driving
wear extremely baggy pants that fall off of my waist
wear shirts with the designers name imprinted on the front or back
sell drugs
have a parole officer


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002

sorry, i had to play with emoticon!!

you don't have to be anyones idea of anything.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Arkitech

wear braided hair
drive a vehicle with flashy rims and tinted windows
listen to Nelly, 50 Cents, Ja Rule and whoever the latest thug rapper currently is
use ebonics
smoke weed/grass
blast music while driving
wear extremely baggy pants that fall off of my waist
wear shirts with the designers name imprinted on the front or back
sell drugs
have a parole officer

Are you sure you're black? Maybe you were Theo on the Cosby Show?

j/k j/k!!! :D :D :D

Don't let it get to you. Be whoever you're happy being.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
Being black sucks (at least for me)

C'mon the color of the skin means nothing in life. I'm 'white' as they say... But my position is very, very bad. I'd rather be black, literally.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2001
Some people are retarded. Ok, most.

If you live your life for them, you'll miss out on living life for you. There's just so much you can do to improve the quality of somebody else's life. Conversations and relationships are two-way streets... you can do your part, but there is a limit.

Just be yourself, and those worthy of your friendship will take note of you for who you are.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
Oh come on... we know you gotta douce in the back... :p

that really sucks that people feel like that though... I've never had to deal with it, so I can't empathize, but it makes me wonder how people can feel "intimidated" by the fact you're black.. I mean, it just means you've got really tanned skin right.. ;)

I dunno.. people are just stupid sometimes...



Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
I usually try to not let it get to me but its tough sometimes. Just a few weeks ago my wife and I were looking at some new homes in a new subdivision in a suburb of Chicago and the lady who was showing the homes actually told us "would'nt you be more comfortable living in an area with your own kind". I was so mad that I just left without saying a word. It would be so nice if people were treated by their actions instead of appearances.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2000
I'm sorry that you feel this way but people who judge others by color of their skin needs some good spanking!!! :)
Although majority of my personal experience with blacks were in a negative way. :( maybe its the area I'm visiting (Oakland, CA).

Arkitech, don't get drag down by this. just be normal and sooner or later people around you will come to sense. If they don't well the hell with them :D



Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Booster
Being black sucks (at least for me)

C'mon the color of the skin means nothing in life. I'm 'white' as they say... But my position is very, very bad. I'd rather be black, literally.

you are so ignorant it's not even funny



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
I like you just the way you are. :)

As OO said, "you don't have to be anyone's idea of anything."

BTW, I find the fact that blacks label you a "sell out" because you don't do things to harm your ability to advance in society as disgusting as white people being intimidated by you solely because of your skin color.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Arkitech
I usually try to not let it get to me but its tough sometimes. Just a few weeks ago my wife and I were looking at some new homes in a new subdivision in a suburb of Chicago and the lady who was showing the homes actually told us "would'nt you be more comfortable living in an area with your own kind". I was so mad that I just left without saying a word. It would be so nice if people were treated by their actions instead of appearances.

People like that really piss me off!

You should've at least told her where she can shove it!


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Originally posted by: Booster
Being black sucks (at least for me)

C'mon the color of the skin means nothing in life. I'm 'white' as they say... But my position is very, very bad. I'd rather be black, literally.

you are so ignorant it's not even funny

Why am I ignorant? Believe me I know quite a lot about racial problems. But I also know for sure that in life the skin color is completely irrelevant. Who cares what color your skin is? Who? I don't and that guy doesn't. Most people are that way.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Arkitech
I usually try to not let it get to me but its tough sometimes. Just a few weeks ago my wife and I were looking at some new homes in a new subdivision in a suburb of Chicago and the lady who was showing the homes actually told us "would'nt you be more comfortable living in an area with your own kind". I was so mad that I just left without saying a word. It would be so nice if people were treated by their actions instead of appearances.

Yep, the racism and segregation here in Illinois is the worse I've seen, and I've lived in CA, GA, SC and NC. There are literally whole suberbs outside Chicago that have changed from white, to black majority in the span of a few short years. It's called "white flight" and the term is used to describe what happens after a black family or two moves into a neighborhood. It disgusts me to no end.



Jul 7, 2001
you should try to just ignore those people i guess. people make all sorts of judgements about me, i try not to let it bother me too much.

btw, honestly, i am intimidated by black people at first sight. *shrug* i went to predominantly black schools all my life. sorry... if i get to know the person of course, and they are nice, then i recognize them for who they are. i would say hi back if you said hi to me though, i try not to let my sterotyping bias my behavior too much


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Booster
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Originally posted by: Booster
Being black sucks (at least for me)
C'mon the color of the skin means nothing in life. I'm 'white' as they say... But my position is very, very bad. I'd rather be black, literally.
you are so ignorant it's not even funny
Why am I ignorant? Believe me I know quite a lot about racial problems. But I also know for sure that in life the skin color is completely irrelevant. Who cares what color your skin is? Who? I don't and that guy doesn't. Most people are that way.

Yes, you are absolutely correct. I agree with you 110%. Infact, I am quite intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2000
I should mention that not all my experiences with other races have been bad as I have met some really cool people from all walks of life. I just wish there was a way to blot out the stereotypes that get applied to people simply because of a skin color. I can't tolerate racism in any form or fashion, a relative of mine was making some pretty crude racial comments and I basically told him he was bigot. That was 4 years ago and we still don't talk anymore even though I see him often.

Who knows maybe one of these days racism will be a thing of the past.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
I understand what you're saying. You can thank the black rap artists and sports stars for the stereotypes you listed.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
I'm not giving that an excuse for racism, or stereotypes. But when the only black person someone takes the time to know is the one they see on TV, that is how they will think of them.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2003
Anyone remember that one Asian dude who used to draw comics? He went by Tak or something. He had a strip that would be perfect for this thread. It was titled "Sometimes I wish I had a Hammer". It showed people stereotyping and generalizing him.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Booster
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Originally posted by: Booster
Being black sucks (at least for me)

C'mon the color of the skin means nothing in life. I'm 'white' as they say... But my position is very, very bad. I'd rather be black, literally.

you are so ignorant it's not even funny

Why am I ignorant? Believe me I know quite a lot about racial problems. But I also know for sure that in life the skin color is completely irrelevant. Who cares what color your skin is? Who? I don't and that guy doesn't. Most people are that way.

I am a sociology major, so I know a thing or two about this.

African Americans are discouraged when they attempt to move into certain communities, and if they do end up moving in, they are seen as a negativey entity.

Audit studies also show that African Americans in average pay more for cars at car dealers, are accepted less in occupations just because their names sound "black," etc.

You should consider yourself lucky that you are white. I am asian and although I had my share of negative racial experiences, African American community have it the worst.

Just because you are white and is not discriminatory doesnt mean other whites are not


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: nater
I understand what you're saying. You can thank the black rap artists and sports stars for the stereotypes you listed.

No stereotyping going on here.


Dec 17, 2001
sorry you feel that way,
if i were you, i wouldn't

but dont forget, no matter who you are, life gennerally sucks. good rules to live by :)