Please forgive me for going over some very basic things, but double checking the following can't hurt. It's meant as no insult to you! The best of us have made silly mistakes before. I certainly have.
For ease of mind, I say we go through and check seating of your RAM, as that can cause strange issues like this. I'd suggest checking if your sticks are seated snugly into their slots. Even if they appear to be, go ahead and pop them out and reseat them. (At this time it's not a bad idea to make sure they're in the correct positioning on the motherboard, either. According to the section 1-4, page 1-12 of the
manual it should be A2 and B2.) It's also a good idea to check seating, and reseat on the GPU while you're in there.
There's only one
bios update on ASUS's site for your Mobo, but it can't hurt to check this as well right after you boot up from checking your component seating.
Reading through
this thread on guru3d with similar errors, there's allusion to the voltage to the GPU not being sufficient. If after the above basic troubleshooting steps are done and you're still having problems, attempt to bump the voltage on your GPU a little to see if there's any change. I'd recommend increments of 5 mV, up to 20 mV, to see if it makes any difference. Reading about this card, apparently it can overvolt and overclock pretty well.
If after all of that you're still having issues, do you have the option of trying a different PSU?
I know all of this is a pain in the butt, but it sounds like you've reached that territory with all of the troubleshooting you've done. Hang in there!
Hi! Sorry I haven't responded in a bit, I've been busy with work, hopefully you're still around to help *fingers crossed*. No insult taken, don't worry -- I appreciate the help, and any suggestions very much. I have made sure my GPU is seated properly quite a few times, and same with RAM
. I do know that A2 and B2 are correct spots, but I have also tried every other combination just in case(1 stick in: A1, A2, B1, B2; 2nd stick in: A1, A2, B1, B2; A1+A2, B1+B2, A1+B1, A2+B2, etc.), or just in case one of the sticks is faulty and the other is good. I have also run memtests on them and they both passed with flying colors. Just a note, it is 3000mhz RAM running at a slower speed(2133mhz I believe, I'd have to check my bios to be 100%), but from what I read this should cause no problem.
I am pretty sure I did the update for the bios, its completely familiar but at this point I have tried so many things that I honestly can't remember if I only looked into it, or if I actually researched how to do it and then went through the process of updating. Could you give me a quick refresher on what that process is? I think I'd remember if I did it then, or also if there is a way to check what version I have that would work too.
As far as power goes, that was the next direction I was going in as well lol, I actually just changed out my psu 10min ago. I still am still both crashing to desktop, and getting "application has been blocked", etc. error, so it's not the PSU. I started this reply thinking I'd be able to screw with the voltage in MSI afterburner, but it looks like that's going to be a bios thing? I'll post this right now, then, and add in an edit of either the results of upping it 5mV at a time, or an edit of asking how to up the voltage lol. Thanks again for all the help!
Edit: Ok so I'm a dummy, I DO change gpu voltage in MSI Afterburner. I'm not sure how to do it though. I had to turn on "Unlock voltage control" and "Unlock voltage monitoring". When I do this, I get a bar I can up the voltage with, but it's in %, not mV. Also, from the voltage monitoring, it looks like my mV is 675mV idle, but it changes when I do stuff. How do I up this by 5mV at a time: I can find the % of 675 that is 5mV easily enough, but it's not a consistent 675, so I don't think that's what you mean I should do. There is an option to "Force constant voltage", should I do this, and if so, what should I set it to?
2nd Edit: I tried 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% increase in voltage, all no change, still same errors. Also, checking the "Force constant voltage" either doesn't do what it sounds like, or I'm doing something wrong. After checking the box, clicking ok, and applying changes... mV still varies depending on what my pc is running.