Why buy $1 shovelware on the iPhone when you get buy $20 - 30 shovelware on the DS and shuffle cartridges?
HEY, keep Style Savvy out of this. I won't stand around and have it insulted.
Why buy $1 shovelware on the iPhone when you get buy $20 - 30 shovelware on the DS and shuffle cartridges?
What a load of bullshit. How many iPod touch users actually use the thing as a gaming device? 10%? The iPod Touch SUCKS for gaming, touch-based gaming in general sucks.
<-- owns an iPod Touch and will never own a portable gaming device, but thinks this is fucking retarded.
how can ANYONE take apple seriously when jobs is such a douche nozzle. it blows my mind...
Why buy $1 shovelware on the iPhone when you get buy $20 - 30 shovelware on the DS and shuffle cartridges?
God damn dude!
You are the angriest person I've seen here since me. WTF is wrong with you? Too much love? Not enough? Dropped? Shaken? What?
Every system has shovelware. The difference in that the DS also has QUALITY games, something that the iPhone lacks. The iPhone library consists or almost purely shovelware.
Every system has shovelware. The difference in that the DS also has QUALITY games, something that the iPhone lacks. The iPhone library consists or almost purely shovelware.
That's BS. There are plenty of quality games on iOS.
That's BS. There are plenty of quality games on iOS.
Agreed. Someone who says that the iPhone/iClone models don't have any games have obviously never seen the contents of the iStore.
Ugh, I can't believe I'm taking Apple's side on this issue.
I learned a lot about the Apple Store when I bought an iPod.
I am like SO COOL that I play games on my IPhone that has no buttons! LIKE OMG YAYZ!!!!
Yes, because video games can only be played with physical tactile-feedback analog button pads. Obviously.
Like OMG Tetris and Solitaire are video games now. Like lolololol cuz that's like Civics are Supercars yo?!!?! VTEC!!!
What a load of bullshit. How many iPod touch users actually use the thing as a gaming device? 10%? The iPod Touch SUCKS for gaming, touch-based gaming in general sucks.
<-- owns an iPod Touch and will never own a portable gaming device, but thinks this is fucking retarded.
Every system has shovelware. The difference in that the DS also has QUALITY games, something that the iPhone lacks. The iPhone library consists or almost purely shovelware.
Don't they mean more than? Or am I missing something really obvious?
The 4 games I have on my iPod are Texas Hold'Em, Tetris, Fruit Ninja, and Flight Control.
Flight Control is freakin awesome. I first played it on a Droid, got hooked, had to have it.
I kno rite? Like SOlitaire!! OMG WE ARE SO COOLZ YO!!!!
You seem to think that it's reasonable to compare an iPod to an xbox 360 or something.
Way to logic, bro.
You're one of those people who still won't admit Nintendo handed Sony and Microsoft their asses this generation. OMG WII TEH WAGGELL!
Like OMG we can't possibly compare it to PSP or DS where epics like FF7 are played like NO WAYZ gotta go to consoles/!?!?