Apple A11x Rumors.


Senior member
Mar 5, 2010
- 7nm : We Expected that, since the "X" series are now merely the pipe cleaner for A12.
- 6 Core Graphics : Basically double of A11. Also the norm for X.

Now the Interesting Part.

8 Core CPU - 3 High Perforamnce Core + 5 High Efficiency Core. Compared to A11 which is 2 HP Core + 4 HE Core

I dont quite understand how this part came to be, if it was 8 core, surely it would makes more sense to have 4 HP Core + 4 HE Core.

P.S - And this thing would smoke whatever Intel has for the Macbook.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2003
I dont quite understand how this part came to be, if it was 8 core, surely it would makes more sense to have 4 HP Core + 4 HE Core.

The biggest gain from multi cores happen to be going from 1 to 2 core. The next is from 2 to 4. Benchmarks show that 2 cores gain a lot from Hyperthreading, but 4 cores gain almost nothing from it.

3 cores would be the optimal step in a power constrained platform. 5 cores may make sense because the "multi-threading" in modern applications tend to be asymmetrical. The first 1-3 threads may require large amount of compute resources, but the rest might require a lot less. You can use the 5 small cores for that. Why 5, not 4, or 3 small cores? Probably they observed that 5 cores can be utilized in light usage scenarios. I don't think the design reasons are arbitrary like other vendors(MediaTek) putting 8 or 12 cores for no reason other than that they can.

Apple seems to use the small cores like a hardware version of SMT. Rather than "splitting" the core into multiples with SMT, they use a very sophisticated scheduler to offload extra resources into the small cores. The technical achievement is amazing.