Oh, and like Chris Matthews, or Rachel Maddow never "spin".
Wouldn't it be incumbent, and prudent for CPS to have asked the caller just why they felt the boy was being neglected, or harmed? OR, was it just the picture, HMMMM? When I look at that picture I see a clean, happy, well dressed,(I.E.,not old tattered, or dirty), No purple mohawk, or mullet, no vulgar tee shirt, no piercings. Hundreds spent for eye care, and glasses, and a really nice gift of a rifle, which his dad no doubt taught
him to use, and respect,(note the extended forefinger). A home with a real mommy, and a real daddy who obviously love, and care for their child. In my book, it doesn't get much better then that. Why was the CPS agent so fearful? Not 1, not 2, but a 4 police "escort"! Perhaps the CPS agent is a recent graduate of our schools indoctrination system, where even drawing a picture of a gun warrants a suspension. Intimidation, and no doubt, coercive words were used. Did they ask to see the child, or the conditions he was living in? Nope, it was straight for the gun grab, which is exactly what would have happened if they got 1 foot in the door! The welfare of the child was not their concern, nor their target. Thank God this family has been reading the writing on the wall, and was prepared.
Unfortunately, Thousands of uninformed, nieve people across the country won't be so lucky.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! you ain't seen nothing yet.