Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Genx87
Cancer and diabetes probably kills more each year around the world.
btw I am also willing to bet tribal warfare, genocide, and starvation has killed more in Africa than AIDS.
Maybe this is a great opportunity for the EU to show the world its ability to deal with issues close to home.
Golly, if all of that genocide and warfare cause more deaths in Africa than AIDS, why doesn't Bush apply the same standard there that he applied to Iraq? Why isn't Bush overthrowing all of those dictators and bringing freedom and democracy to Africa?
Not enough OIL in Africa?
You want us to invade Africa?
I want Bush to apply his foreign policy of overthrowing dictators and spreading freedom and democracy equally.
I'll betcha' he can't.
So that is a yes.
Only a Bushie wouldn't get it. Bush and you Bushie supporters are trying to pass yourselves off as humanitarians bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq when the truth is Bush invaded Iraq based on a pack of goddam lies about WMD that didn't exist. At the same time Bush promises aid to Africa that he doesn't deliver while dictators abuse and kill hundreds of thousands of Africans.
If you people are such humanitarians in Iraq, why aren't you as humanitarian in Africa?
Do you have a separate set of rules for Africa? Don't Africans want to be free too?
It's your hypocrisy in using humanitarian excuses for naked aggression in Iraq while you promise and don't deliver on genuine humanitarian issues in Africa.
Get it now?
I doubt it.