7.9 earthquake in China


Senior member
Oct 28, 2000
Earthquake in China


Aid workers have yet to reach Wenchuan County -- the epicenter of the 7.9-magnitude earthquake

What with all these natural disasters lately?
Bush offered help in "any way possible." I doubt they'll take us up on it. China is realeasing $2.89 million to respond to the disaster which doesnt seem like a lot of money to me.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Death toll in China earthquake up to nearly 9,000

This on top of the Myanmar tragedy.



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2001
7.9 is insanely strong... sounds like it hit some densely populated areas too, and large cities-- Chengdu and Chongqing in particular :(. What's with all these stupendously intense natural disasters lately... :(


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
The disasters have always been there. they jsut are being reported faster and with more hype.


Feb 7, 2005
I have sympathy for those who died, but I really don't care.

Hmm, no, it doesn't make any more sense in this thread either.

God is on a roll in Asia lately. Dude is getting all old testament on them.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
Originally posted by: LongCoolMother
7.9 is insanely strong... sounds like it hit some densely populated areas too, and large cities-- Chengdu and Chongqing in particular :(. What's with all these stupendously intense natural disasters lately... :(

MMGW. /sarcasm

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Thank you dphantom for sounding the proper human note. It is sad that China, the county with the largest population on earth, is also an earth quake zone. The notion that this is God's judgment on China is absurd.

We in the USA daily live with a similar threats of perhaps even greater magnitudes. Shall we mention the new mardid fault, the 600 or so mile Saint Andrias fault, the tsunami faults off the Oregon coast plus the Canari Islands, not to mention the threat of a super volcano lurking under Yellowstone. Our entire cascade range is underlain by explosive volcanoes of Mt Pentitubu size, and at least three of those events have occurred in the less than the 300 year history of our country.

Our turn will come and maybe the morally bankrupt sirjonk will sing a different tune.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2001
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
The government there seems to be acting faster than the government here after Katrina.

According to CNN, the US has search and rescue teams standing by in California and Virginia to ship out and help over there. But the Chinese government has not yet requested assistance. From the other CNN article::

The United States has search-and-rescue teams on standby in Virginia and California, said Ky Luu, the director of foreign disaster assistance for the U.S. Agency for International Development. Washington is also prepared to send a disaster assistance response team if asked, he said.

But the quickest way to help would be funding, he said.


Luu said Beijing has good disaster-response mechanisms of its own.

The Chinese have a strong capability of responding," he said, adding that the United States doesn't want to displace the internal expertise. "There is a 72-hour window of opportunity and it may be best to support regional teams on the ground.

Sounds pretty bad though, right now. But it looks like they're doing all that they can:


China is deploying about 50,000 soldiers to Sichuan province after the nation's strongest earthquake in 58 years killed almost 10,000 people.

``The death toll and damage are more serious than we expected and we need more people here to help,'' Prime Minister Wen Jiabao said today at disaster relief headquarters in the town of Dujiangyan near the epicenter, in comments broadcast on state television.


The military is airlifting 27,000 personnel, including 3,000 members of the special forces, to join about 20,000 soldiers already in the disaster area, state TV reported. Rain and blocked roads hampered troop movements. China allocated 200 million yuan ($28.6 million) for disaster relief, Xinhua said.

looks like the CNN article messed up reporting the amount of $$$ used for disaster relief (missed a decimal point).


Golden Member
Jan 24, 2008
I think a 7.9 in California would mean we have 51 states tomorrow, yeah?

I'm actually very curious to see how China's government responds. The pessimist in me says that if the Olympics weren't coming up, they'd sweep the whole province under the carpet and shoot anyone who spoke about it. With all the current concern for their global image/reputation, we may see some neat "look at all the helping!" news reels.


Senior member
Jan 29, 2006
Originally posted by: Foxery
I think a 7.9 in California would mean we have 51 states tomorrow, yeah?

I'm actually very curious to see how China's government responds. The pessimist in me says that if the Olympics weren't coming up, they'd sweep the whole province under the carpet and shoot anyone who spoke about it. With all the current concern for their global image/reputation, we may see some neat "look at all the helping!" news reels.

Are you retarded, stupid or both? Whenever there is a natural disaster, the People's Liberation Army is always the first to respond regardless if there is olympics or not. When the flood happened many years back before china bid for the olympics, large amount of PLA soldiers was sent in to fix the levees at the Yellow river and a few thousands lost their lives when the levees broke. What the fvck do you have to say about that? Your own pitiful soldiers can't even handle a local katrina flooding.

How many days did it take your government to respond to katrina. Oh noes they are of certain color so lets take our own sweet time. Chinese government is not the myamar government and you can royally fvck off with your asinine comments.


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
The government there seems to be acting faster than the government here after Katrina.

No shit. The country's premier (kind of like the VP), used to be the head of their geological survey center and many other economic development head. He was already on a plane flying there within a few hours of the news to lead the rescue effort.

My bet is he is there to make sure there is no corruption and gouging of the local officers.


Senior member
Jan 29, 2006
Originally posted by: PandaBear
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
The government there seems to be acting faster than the government here after Katrina.

No shit. The country's premier (kind of like the VP), used to be the head of their geological survey center and many other economic development head. He was already on a plane flying there within a few hours of the news to lead the rescue effort.

My bet is he is there to make sure there is no corruption and gouging of the local officers.

And yes some people here says whatever the government is doing is just for public relation and show purpose because of the olympics. Lets get this straight, the government has always responded immediately with the PLA even before china started to bid for the games.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
If you'll notice on a geological map of the area LINK those mountains are pushing in a semi circle around the epicenter. I guess we now know why. And I bet they are not done pushing yet.

The earth moves in sudden and violent ways. Pangea did not slowly break apart over the course of hundreds of millions of years, in spite of what you may have been taught. The dinosaurs and even mankind may have been forced to the brink of extinction many times from violent earthquakes and super volcanoes that made mount Saint Helens look like a pea shooter by comparison. Yellowstones super volcano is also due for another massive eruption, and the warning signs are all over the park that it may do just that, with little or no warning.

We could live to see another continent created in our lifetime. Or see a continent pushed beneath the sea. If Yellowstone erupts, It may even break the US into 2 nice pieces, with the grand canyon filling up with the new steaming ocean in the middle. Anything is possible, and nothing is impossible.

USGS Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming



Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Qianglong
Originally posted by: Foxery
I think a 7.9 in California would mean we have 51 states tomorrow, yeah?

I'm actually very curious to see how China's government responds. The pessimist in me says that if the Olympics weren't coming up, they'd sweep the whole province under the carpet and shoot anyone who spoke about it. With all the current concern for their global image/reputation, we may see some neat "look at all the helping!" news reels.

Are you retarded, stupid or both? Whenever there is a natural disaster, the People's Liberation Army is always the first to respond regardless if there is olympics or not. When the flood happened many years back before china bid for the olympics, large amount of PLA soldiers was sent in to fix the levees at the Yellow river and a few thousands lost their lives when the levees broke. What the fvck do you have to say about that? Your own pitiful soldiers can't even handle a local katrina flooding.

How many days did it take your government to respond to katrina. Oh noes they are of certain color so lets take our own sweet time. Chinese government is not the myamar government and you can royally fvck off with your asinine comments.

looks like someone hit a nerve.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2003
A 7.9 quake with 5.0 tremors? *shudder* Thank god/allah/budda/whomever that it was not in Chendu, a 10 million population mega city. That would have wiped out a huge chunk of the city if it was. It's pretty impressive that the Premier actually flew out there with such initiative, speed, and is so involved in the rescue efforts. Pretty amazing what a politician can do with competent knowledge about science.

I have a feeling some local official's heads are about to roll in the face of corruption charges for not enforcing building codes. I expect at least a few executions of corrupt officials for putting the public in danger.

I do wonder how a disastrous quake such as this one would have been handled by the US gov if it was near a city such as Los Angeles or New York City. *shudder*

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Qianglong
Originally posted by: Foxery
I think a 7.9 in California would mean we have 51 states tomorrow, yeah?

I'm actually very curious to see how China's government responds. The pessimist in me says that if the Olympics weren't coming up, they'd sweep the whole province under the carpet and shoot anyone who spoke about it. With all the current concern for their global image/reputation, we may see some neat "look at all the helping!" news reels.

Are you retarded, stupid or both? Whenever there is a natural disaster, the People's Liberation Army is always the first to respond regardless if there is olympics or not. When the flood happened many years back before china bid for the olympics, large amount of PLA soldiers was sent in to fix the levees at the Yellow river and a few thousands lost their lives when the levees broke. What the fvck do you have to say about that? Your own pitiful soldiers can't even handle a local katrina flooding.

How many days did it take your government to respond to katrina. Oh noes they are of certain color so lets take our own sweet time. Chinese government is not the myamar government and you can royally fvck off with your asinine comments.

Yeah, the Katrina response was an embarrasing fiasco, but what further proof did we need that the Bush administration and Louisiana/New Orleans state and local governments are incompetent and corrupt?

On the other hand, the Chinese government would roll right the f@ck over any disaster victims who dared fire on military helicopters bringing food and supplies, so let's not go overboard here. They've crushed their own citizens beneath tank treads for much less, and within recent memory.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
Originally posted by: sunzt
I do wonder how a disastrous quake such as this one would have been handled by the US gov if it was near a city such as Los Angeles or New York City. *shudder*

CA experienced a 7.9 but it was back in the 1800s
Not quite the same but CA did have a 7.3 in 1992 just outside of LA. 1 died as result, 2 people died of heart attacks.

edited for correctness


Senior member
Jan 29, 2006
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Originally posted by: Qianglong
Originally posted by: Foxery
I think a 7.9 in California would mean we have 51 states tomorrow, yeah?

I'm actually very curious to see how China's government responds. The pessimist in me says that if the Olympics weren't coming up, they'd sweep the whole province under the carpet and shoot anyone who spoke about it. With all the current concern for their global image/reputation, we may see some neat "look at all the helping!" news reels.

Are you retarded, stupid or both? Whenever there is a natural disaster, the People's Liberation Army is always the first to respond regardless if there is olympics or not. When the flood happened many years back before china bid for the olympics, large amount of PLA soldiers was sent in to fix the levees at the Yellow river and a few thousands lost their lives when the levees broke. What the fvck do you have to say about that? Your own pitiful soldiers can't even handle a local katrina flooding.

How many days did it take your government to respond to katrina. Oh noes they are of certain color so lets take our own sweet time. Chinese government is not the myamar government and you can royally fvck off with your asinine comments.

Yeah, the Katrina response was an embarrasing fiasco, but what further proof did we need that the Bush administration and Louisiana/New Orleans state and local governments are incompetent and corrupt?

On the other hand, the Chinese government would roll right the f@ck over any disaster victims who dared fire on military helicopters bringing food and supplies, so let's not go overboard here. They've crushed their own citizens beneath tank treads for much less, and within recent memory.

Right, so the US army never fired a single shot at their own students before? Oh another thing, Chinese people dont own guns unlike you american's who prefer to shoot each other on a daily basis and also getting shot at in Iraq. Stop using tiananmen square as an excuse to flame china because it is getting old.

Oh and another thing, Chinese government responds almost immediately, if it is within their capabilities unlike your government who needs to debate with a so called incompetent white org. called FEMA. So thepeople affected with the disaster won't go cannibalistic like what happened in the US.

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Qianglong
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Originally posted by: Qianglong
Originally posted by: Foxery
I think a 7.9 in California would mean we have 51 states tomorrow, yeah?

I'm actually very curious to see how China's government responds. The pessimist in me says that if the Olympics weren't coming up, they'd sweep the whole province under the carpet and shoot anyone who spoke about it. With all the current concern for their global image/reputation, we may see some neat "look at all the helping!" news reels.

Are you retarded, stupid or both? Whenever there is a natural disaster, the People's Liberation Army is always the first to respond regardless if there is olympics or not. When the flood happened many years back before china bid for the olympics, large amount of PLA soldiers was sent in to fix the levees at the Yellow river and a few thousands lost their lives when the levees broke. What the fvck do you have to say about that? Your own pitiful soldiers can't even handle a local katrina flooding.

How many days did it take your government to respond to katrina. Oh noes they are of certain color so lets take our own sweet time. Chinese government is not the myamar government and you can royally fvck off with your asinine comments.

Yeah, the Katrina response was an embarrasing fiasco, but what further proof did we need that the Bush administration and Louisiana/New Orleans state and local governments are incompetent and corrupt?

On the other hand, the Chinese government would roll right the f@ck over any disaster victims who dared fire on military helicopters bringing food and supplies, so let's not go overboard here. They've crushed their own citizens beneath tank treads for much less, and within recent memory.

Right, so the US army never shot their own students before?

Hey, don't get me wrong...if I was caught in a natural disaster right now, I'd much rather be depending on the Chinese government than the Bush administration!

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Qianglong
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Originally posted by: Qianglong
Originally posted by: Foxery
I think a 7.9 in California would mean we have 51 states tomorrow, yeah?

I'm actually very curious to see how China's government responds. The pessimist in me says that if the Olympics weren't coming up, they'd sweep the whole province under the carpet and shoot anyone who spoke about it. With all the current concern for their global image/reputation, we may see some neat "look at all the helping!" news reels.

Are you retarded, stupid or both? Whenever there is a natural disaster, the People's Liberation Army is always the first to respond regardless if there is olympics or not. When the flood happened many years back before china bid for the olympics, large amount of PLA soldiers was sent in to fix the levees at the Yellow river and a few thousands lost their lives when the levees broke. What the fvck do you have to say about that? Your own pitiful soldiers can't even handle a local katrina flooding.

How many days did it take your government to respond to katrina. Oh noes they are of certain color so lets take our own sweet time. Chinese government is not the myamar government and you can royally fvck off with your asinine comments.

Yeah, the Katrina response was an embarrasing fiasco, but what further proof did we need that the Bush administration and Louisiana/New Orleans state and local governments are incompetent and corrupt?

On the other hand, the Chinese government would roll right the f@ck over any disaster victims who dared fire on military helicopters bringing food and supplies, so let's not go overboard here. They've crushed their own citizens beneath tank treads for much less, and within recent memory.

Right, so the US army never fired a single shot at their own students before? Oh another thing, Chinese people dont own guns unlike you american's who prefer to shoot each other on a daily basis and also getting shot at in Iraq. Stop using tiananmen square as an excuse to flame china because it is getting old.

Oh and another thing, Chinese government responds almost immediately, if it is within their capabilities unlike your government who needs to debate with a so called incompetent white org. called FEMA. So thepeople affected with the disaster won't go cannibalistic like what happened in the US.

1. I don't need "an excuse to flame China" about Tiananmen Square, because talking about something that actually happened is not "flaming". Did I tell you to shut up about Iraq because its "getting old"?

2. I don't own a gun and I've never shot anyone. The image of all Americans walking around like Wyatt Earp with a gunbelt on their hip is a myth, just like those about how all Chinese abort their girl babies, have tiny dicks, or know Kung Fu.

3. 9000 dead is a heartbreaking tragedy, so I understand if you're upset, and I'm sorry if I offended you. Like I said, I'm sure the Chinese government will do a much better job of handling the crisis than the American government would, or certainly did during Katrina. I hope they save every life that can possibly be saved at this point, and I couldn't care less about the Olympics.


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Qianglong

Right, so the US army never fired a single shot at their own students before? Oh another thing, Chinese people dont own guns unlike you american's who prefer to shoot each other on a daily basis and also getting shot at in Iraq. Stop using tiananmen square as an excuse to flame china because it is getting old.

Oh and another thing, Chinese government responds almost immediately, if it is within their capabilities unlike your government who needs to debate with a so called incompetent white org. called FEMA. So thepeople affected with the disaster won't go cannibalistic like what happened in the US.

The 1st rule of law in China is that if you are looting or committing crimes during disaster, regardless of how light, it is death penalty. This is to prevent Katrina or Iraq like massive looting, rape, and murder. The soldiers usually have a shoot first, ask question later order.

Tiananmen is not getting old, it is still an example of what a modern country can do to its own citizen with a semi-dictatorship.

US is a bit different that everything is decentralized, so when shit happen, people don't know what to do or who to respond to. Kind of a big/little government pros and cons here. On the other hand, since we are wealthy, things wouldn't get too bad compare to 3rd world like Burma/Myarma.