Recent content by xaero999

  1. xaero999

    The development of game industry

    Ok, what's the goal in world of tanks? Kill'em all and be the coolest? That's not interesting anymore, I played a lot and killed a lot and was the coolest many times while played online games. I want games to change minds!!! ():)
  2. xaero999

    The development of game industry

    Let’s look at the best 90s games. The games that layed the foundation of how the video game must look like and what the player must do while playing. Here are the modern games of the same genres. What were changed except graphics? Of course these games have greater scales of action...
  3. xaero999

    Are you anti-tobacco?

    Smokers poison their bodies your body with smoke and also ecology with their cig butts. So your dreams about "do whatever you want but don't harm those who're around" won't fly. My point is we'd better start to get rid of tobacco obsession gradually.
  4. xaero999

    Why do blacks vote Democrats?

    Nothing changes. Racism is being kept alive and Democratic party play their part too. What we have as a result: parties don’t trust each other, different party supporters have different dreams, blacks usually claim Republicans are racists, Republicans usually call Democrats racists. By the...
  5. xaero999

    Are you anti-tobacco?

    I hope everybody understands smoking tobacco harms much more than smoking pot. So, if we’re heading to total legalization of marijuana then why not to get rid of tobacco? Anti-tobacco agenda just raises minimum age of tobacco purchasers but it can’t beat the tobacco propaganda.
  6. xaero999

    Another shooting. A black man shot dead after being cleared from prison

    Bad argument, isn't it? Drugs are illegal because of abuse. Drugs do harm. If we'd live in a starving world we had not only drug-related crimes but bread-related or sausage-related crimes too. :D
  7. xaero999

    Do you want Ted Cruz to be our next president?

    Of course they do, he's a brave one. And he fights against Democrats who drown our country in shit.
  8. xaero999

    Do you want Ted Cruz to be our next president?

    So now he’s a kind of outsider (in his party, not in race) because of supporting Trump. But he’s the one man with a beautiful articulation, he has style, he’s comparably young and he has strong points on many controversial provocating issues. Ain’t such product as Cruz is great for our country...
  9. xaero999

    Sugar substitutes

    We all know that sugar destroys our teeth and causes obesity and diabetes. But using sugar substitutes is not the way that guarantees healthy living further. For example, controversies on aspartame never stopped, I bet our scientists still don’t know how aspartame really affects health. Some of...
  10. xaero999

    Texas Denies American-Born Children Of Immigrants Citizenship Texas stands against the 14th amendment. The war against illegals is going on. What makes me laugh that these illegals who were “discriminated” file civil rights lawsuits against the Texas...
  11. xaero999

    Which Symbol Caused Deaths of 90,000 Black Babies (It’s not a flag)

    It's a matter of choice, mothers decide themselves because they have this right according to the law.
  12. xaero999

    Could Sen. Bernie Sanders Become President?

    Wow, what a joke! Barrel of laughs! Obama had no foreign policy agenda and still doesn't have it. And he's a sheep too.
  13. xaero999

    Could Sen. Bernie Sanders Become President?

    Read the whole sentence. If he centrist or rightwinger it doesn't matter, he must be a wolf but not sheep, strong man with emphatic opinion and excellent foreign policy agenda.
  14. xaero999

    Do we really need guns?

    It became a nationwide fetishism, so giving up guns today would be harmful for the ideology of the nation. What's about the proper use - yes, the defensive role of guns gave its first place to gun culture. But banning it today would be ridiculous, it's like banning the current flag.
  15. xaero999

    Who Funded Clinton's Speech?

    No, Republicans only wage war on Democrats. Don't forget that one of Republican candidates is Carly. And Republicans are against Hillary because she is: 1. Democrat 2. Clinton