I don't believe it matters much which direction the fluid is flowing in XSPC design. NOTE the parallelogram with parabolic tips as what one sees as the entrance or exit bays , depending direction of fluid flow, for the pipes connected to the VRM cooling cavity.
Whatever way the current flows Hi-Pressure will build in the 1st bay to feed the VRM cavity and as the main stream fluid flows over the winged surface of the parallelogram it will speed up and create a vacuum in the 2nd bay to draw fluid from the adjoining cavity ensuring fluid flowing through it at all times no matter the direction or pressure of the fluid - It just has to be flowing or say having a current.
Other then for the bays and parallelogram shaped wing at the entrance to the adjoining VRM cavity creating pockets of different pressure, there is no Hi or Low pressure before or after the GPU matrix as the fluid simply flows, none restricted, through the fins to effectively cool the GPU. If there where a pressure difference in the larger cavities before and after the GPU Matix, thereby impeding fluid flow and working against the pump, I would think the cooler less efficient. Other then from what I've read about the EK being an excellent WB where I do not know what's under the hood as I can't seem to find info about the internal design anywhere I say if the VRM Cavity is feed on the principal where there is more pressure before the GPU Matrix then after it then I would consider the cooler to inferior in design.
In the XSPC design, fluid flows through the VRM cavity based on Bernoulli's principle in a manner very similar as the way fuel is feed by a venture into a carburetor.
I do think the design more efficient with the fluid flowing from front to back.
Clever design and engineering by XSCP in my opinion.
By the way, I know the EK is MFGr'd Slovenia but all the reviews and retailers I've seen online are primarily located in the UK. That's one thing I can't say about XSPC Manufacturers because I don't have a clue in what Country they reside - LOL
If you can find a PIC exposing all what's under the hood of the EK WB for the R9 290/X please post it so we can relate to your argument.
I probably would have bought the EK but as I said it's NOT presently available in Canada and the new XSPC design appears to be a virtual copy of the EK - So kindly knock off your SNIPS - Thank you - But I do see your point - Let me attempt to explain the principle of how I interpret how the XSPC's design works:Dunno why anyone would pick this water block aside the looks.
I don't believe it matters much which direction the fluid is flowing in XSPC design. NOTE the parallelogram with parabolic tips as what one sees as the entrance or exit bays , depending direction of fluid flow, for the pipes connected to the VRM cooling cavity.
Whatever way the current flows Hi-Pressure will build in the 1st bay to feed the VRM cavity and as the main stream fluid flows over the winged surface of the parallelogram it will speed up and create a vacuum in the 2nd bay to draw fluid from the adjoining cavity ensuring fluid flowing through it at all times no matter the direction or pressure of the fluid - It just has to be flowing or say having a current.
Other then for the bays and parallelogram shaped wing at the entrance to the adjoining VRM cavity creating pockets of different pressure, there is no Hi or Low pressure before or after the GPU matrix as the fluid simply flows, none restricted, through the fins to effectively cool the GPU. If there where a pressure difference in the larger cavities before and after the GPU Matix, thereby impeding fluid flow and working against the pump, I would think the cooler less efficient. Other then from what I've read about the EK being an excellent WB where I do not know what's under the hood as I can't seem to find info about the internal design anywhere I say if the VRM Cavity is feed on the principal where there is more pressure before the GPU Matrix then after it then I would consider the cooler to inferior in design.
In the XSPC design, fluid flows through the VRM cavity based on Bernoulli's principle in a manner very similar as the way fuel is feed by a venture into a carburetor.
I do think the design more efficient with the fluid flowing from front to back.
Clever design and engineering by XSCP in my opinion.
By the way, I know the EK is MFGr'd Slovenia but all the reviews and retailers I've seen online are primarily located in the UK. That's one thing I can't say about XSPC Manufacturers because I don't have a clue in what Country they reside - LOL

If you can find a PIC exposing all what's under the hood of the EK WB for the R9 290/X please post it so we can relate to your argument.
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