XSPC Razor R9 290X

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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010

Dunno why anyone would pick this water block aside the looks.
I probably would have bought the EK but as I said it's NOT presently available in Canada and the new XSPC design appears to be a virtual copy of the EK - So kindly knock off your SNIPS - Thank you - But I do see your point - Let me attempt to explain the principle of how I interpret how the XSPC's design works:

I don't believe it matters much which direction the fluid is flowing in XSPC design. NOTE the parallelogram with parabolic tips as what one sees as the entrance or exit bays , depending direction of fluid flow, for the pipes connected to the VRM cooling cavity.

Whatever way the current flows Hi-Pressure will build in the 1st bay to feed the VRM cavity and as the main stream fluid flows over the winged surface of the parallelogram it will speed up and create a vacuum in the 2nd bay to draw fluid from the adjoining cavity ensuring fluid flowing through it at all times no matter the direction or pressure of the fluid - It just has to be flowing or say having a current.

Other then for the bays and parallelogram shaped wing at the entrance to the adjoining VRM cavity creating pockets of different pressure, there is no Hi or Low pressure before or after the GPU matrix as the fluid simply flows, none restricted, through the fins to effectively cool the GPU. If there where a pressure difference in the larger cavities before and after the GPU Matix, thereby impeding fluid flow and working against the pump, I would think the cooler less efficient. Other then from what I've read about the EK being an excellent WB where I do not know what's under the hood as I can't seem to find info about the internal design anywhere I say if the VRM Cavity is feed on the principal where there is more pressure before the GPU Matrix then after it then I would consider the cooler to inferior in design.

In the XSPC design, fluid flows through the VRM cavity based on Bernoulli's principle in a manner very similar as the way fuel is feed by a venture into a carburetor.

I do think the design more efficient with the fluid flowing from front to back.

Clever design and engineering by XSCP in my opinion.

By the way, I know the EK is MFGr'd Slovenia but all the reviews and retailers I've seen online are primarily located in the UK. That's one thing I can't say about XSPC Manufacturers because I don't have a clue in what Country they reside - LOL


If you can find a PIC exposing all what's under the hood of the EK WB for the R9 290/X please post it so we can relate to your argument.
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Golden Member
Jul 6, 2011
No, just no.

The Razor cooling the GPU first would go like this:


Pretty much passive cooling for the VRMs with the majority of the current pushing on the VRM part outtake.

With the water flowing in the other direction:


The current through the VRM part would be minimal since you have a great deal of the coolant that you previously split pushing on the outtake and the GPU fins acting like a dam.

Now compare that to the design for all EK FC water blocks:


With the coolant going through the GPU fins first the current is split favouring the VRM part. In the other direction the coolant has way more push getting out the VRM part outtake in a bigger bay taking in mind that the GPU fins act like a dam.

So no, the EKWB design is way better IMHO and can work in both ways.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
No, just no.
That EK example you referring to does not appear to fit the R9 290/X as it does not appear to coincide with your first example of the bottom view you provided.

That is THIS:

Compared to this:

Your confused between two different card designs an one of your examples fit the R9 290\X and your TOP example clearly does not but it does show how EK designed the Base Plate for whatever card it was made for. The Top example your providing does not have the forward VRM pads nor can it clear the regulators before the rear VRM modules of the R9 and the GPU location doesn't appear to fit either.

Other wise a n excellent presentation.
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Golden Member
Jul 6, 2011
The design is the same for all of them. You want to see what's under the hood and you can check it in your second pic. If the PCB allows for a unified design it's like the Titan one. If the PCB has oversized mosfets then you get the 290x/Palit/Lightning/etc.
Feb 19, 2009

Actually, the EK blocks do not have water going over the VRM, the above channel split are the far VRAM only. The "GAP" is for a row of capacitors and chokes to poke through. The VRM is cooled passively by a thin line contacting it on the edge of the block.

But it doesn't matter, solid contact with a large copper block that has heat drawn away from it is good.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2011

There are 2 channels for water in that pic. You can even see the o-rings for them.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
I agree Imouto's bottom example Pic looks correct but that top Pic does not seem to correspond as it would never clear the R9 Regulators nor does it over the front VMR's.

How does EK water cool the rear VRM's differently then the XSPC design and keep the base plate on a single plain?

Is it possible EK routes a positive fluid flow around the skirt, avoiding the regulators, with drilled holes compared to XSPC's method of siphoning the fluid over the top? If so, it seems impossible without hitting the mounting studs?

Koolance appear to have elected to Passive Cool the rear VRM Column in their R9 Water Blocks.

In spite of EK's advertizing that they have them; where are the open TOP View Pic's of the their R9 290/X WB solution and why are the EK R9 WB's not available - particularly in Canada?

If a member has one, I along with other members would very much like to see an OPEN PIC of the EK R9 WB solution from a TOP view along with a comprehensive explanation as to how it works.

Now you know my reasons why I purchased the XSPC R9 WB at this point in time, plus it's $30 cheaper then a none existent EK R9 model for me as a Canadian.

Gotta play the game to keep me interested in PC's and I don't believe I'm a Kamikaze wanting a +156mV-1350-1600 Mhz 512Bit/4GB video card to amuse me ;o)

Anyone wanna a slightly used Arctic Eccelero Xtreme III with aprox $60 worth of EnzoTech Copper Heat Sinks for $50 - You pay the shipping - Great for a 7970 - I mean it.

PS: You can't have the AMD Reference R9 290X Cooler - I need it for warranty.
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Nov 30, 2013
Those gaps you see those 4 dark lines are parts of the o-ring visible. Below is a quick drawing.


Edit: I should mention direction doesn't matter. I just drew it that way so it was easier to see.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Yes I see that - So it seems EK also uses a siphon system siniliar to XSPC design to cool the R9's Rear VRM column but where are the OPEN TOP Pics of the EK R9 Base Plate?

One thing I do insist in this thread is that I want an honest presentation.

How else how are we R9'rs going to hit 1350-1600 with a 512 Bit 4 GB card without it throttling.
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Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
WOW, 1k+ for a GPU and you still have to put it all together...LOL...and people thought Titan was expensive?...


Nov 30, 2013
It will greatly depend on the amount of voltage it takes you to reach 1350mhz on core if your card can even do so and I am not talking about being able to run a few short benches, but actually stable for 24/7 use. The extra voltage is going to drive your vrm temps through the roof even with water.

I have the EK block myself and am happy I jumped on it as soon as it came out. The other options don't look as well designed for cooling vrm.


Nov 30, 2013
WOW, 1k+ for a GPU and you still have to put it all together...LOL...and people thought Titan was expensive?...

Where do you see $1k+ for the gpu? The 290x is from $500-550 on Newegg depending on the brand you purchase.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
1 EK waterblock is $107. If you buy a titan and want to go to water cooling you still spend the $100+ for a waterblock so I don't see how that is relevant...

What?, read the thread man....

I paid $549 for the Ref Gigabyte R9 290X and it's costing me another $382 for the water set up - now add 13% HST and shipping I'm probably over $1000. The cost of going 2 Loop Water.

You dont need to put Titan under water!...This GPU setup cost the OP 1k, same as a titan, and hence my comment.


Nov 30, 2013
What?, read the thread man....

You dont need to put Titan under water!...This GPU setup cost the OP 1k, same as a titan, and hence my comment.

Who are you kidding. You are saying you NEED to put the 290 on water. You don't. Going water was his choice and will serve him later down the road as well.

I am sure for $380 he also has a CPU block in there as well. If you are already on water then the cost is $100 and your done and the same goes for any other card you purchase later.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
What?, you are the one saying he needed to, not me, I said, he spent 1k for the GPU with the water setup....whether or not he used it for his CPU...
You wouldnt be able to use the same loop for both CPU & GPU, but if you want to split hairs, sure he could of stayed with the loud & hot GPU for $550....
Jesus, but there are some precious posters on here.


Nov 30, 2013
What?, you are the one saying he needed to, not me, I said, he spent 1k for the GPU with the water setup....whether or not he used it for his CPU...
You wouldnt be able to use the same loop for both CPU & GPU, but if you want to split hairs, sure he could of stayed with the loud & hot GPU for $550....
Jesus, but there are some precious posters on here.

Where did I say he needed to? Go back to your first post. Let me quote it for you again.

WOW, 1k+ for a GPU and you still have to put it all together...LOL...and people thought Titan was expensive?...

You simply say 1k+ for GPU nothing about water. If you did the same thing to any other card if you didn't already have water cooling it would cost the exact same amount extra. Titan $1k card and another $380 in water cooling will be now 1380 + tax and shipping blah blah blah just like with the 290x.

Again he didn't need to water cool the 290x. He choose to do so.

I water cool all GPU's because all high end GPU's are hot and loud compared to water. I don't care if it is the 290x or the Titan.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
WOW, 1k+ for a GPU and you still have to put it all together...LOL...and people thought Titan was expensive?...

The OP stated after the WBs etc, the cost was over 1K

What?, read the thread man....

You dont need to put Titan under water!...This GPU setup cost the OP 1k, same as a titan, and hence my comment.

Except he can use his loop with any new hardware that comes out. Sell the card+block, replace. It's not like it's a loop that is tied to one unique set of hardware.

However, yes, until aftermarket cooled cards come out, you pretty much need to do spend on cooling if you want a great experience with these cards.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2004
Where did I say he needed to? Go back to your first post. Let me quote it for you again.

You simply say 1k+ for GPU nothing about water. If you did the same thing to any other card if you didn't already have water cooling it would cost the exact same amount extra. Titan $1k card and another $380 in water cooling will be now 1380 + tax and shipping blah blah blah just like with the 290x.

Again he didn't need to water cool the 290x. He choose to do so.

I water cool all GPU's because all high end GPU's are hot and loud compared to water. I don't care if it is the 290x or the Titan.

Dude, if you want to take what i said out of context, thats your issue, the Titan doesn't need water cooling, its quiet...period.
The OP didn't have WC before, as for needing to?, its you that bought that up, NOT me...
Stop being precious about the 290x, it might be a great GPU, but it is an absolute rubbish card in my and many other persons opinion. The fact that the OP had to purchase water cooling & given the expense, i thought it humorous along with the fact it still needed to be put together, and that was the basis for my comment.

God knows why im arguing with a poster with 13 posts under his belt?...:confused:


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Let's get back on topic before this thread completely derails

- Elfear


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Holly Crap! I can Post a +156mV-1350-1600 Mhz Valley Bench R9 290X with the reference AMD Cooler - It's tremendously LOUD and not on the card right now. I can run an i7 2700k idling at 1600 Mhz or pinned at 5Ghz's; however, this thread is not about that, but you have a valid point; such that, a $500 cooling solution is necessary for the Reference AMD R9 290/X to compete against a Reference nVidia Titan.

For all intended purposes - Lets get the AMD R9 under control.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Well you really have to be a R9 290 or 290X owner to understand where I'm coming from.

Kill the Throttling in regards to VRM TEMPS - PERIOD - And the card will Master.

The solution may very lay with the AIB Partners incorporating additional Power Phases on reference AMD R9 PCB's to reduce VRM Temps when one chooses to extend off-set voltage but then each vendor will have to design their own Air cooled Solution to match their Platform.

Right now I'm choosing an expensive single Loop WB solution for a very powerful and controversial video card.

Interesting PC time for me or I would not be Posting my experience about the AMD R9 in AnandTech Forums.

I can hardly hold my breath until that XZPC R9 WB solution from NCIX.CA shows up at my door but I've a feeling it could be 6 weeks before it does.

For a $1000 invested in this R9 and I can't consistently beat a Ref-Titan or GTX 780Ti, I will call foul and I'm sure you will hear it. I've already called Tom's Hardware BS in regards to his Arctic Accelero Xtreme III R9 endorsement, so what do I have to gain.
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