XFX GeForce 7600GS 256MB PCI Express 49.99AR


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
buy.com has the XFX GeForce 7600GS 256MB PCI Express for 49.99 after rebate and google checkout. With free shipping not a bad deal. They picture the 7900gs in the photo but it dose not match the model #.
I doubt you will get a 7900gs but its worth mentioning that the pic is incorrect.

Hope it helps :)


Nov 7, 2006
Both rebates require the original upc and you can't stick them in the same envelope. Too risky for me.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
Is XFX a good brand?
I've been pondering a 7600GT purchase but wonder if there'd be much noticeable difference between the 2.
It seems both rebates go to the same place & it also mentions that the $15 is a bonus rebate, so I would think that both forms would go in the same envelope. I could be wrong, tho. Perhaps there's a number one could call & check with?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Tullphan
Is XFX a good brand?
I've been pondering a 7600GT purchase but wonder if there'd be much noticeable difference between the 2.
It seems both rebates go to the same place & it also mentions that the $15 is a bonus rebate, so I would think that both forms would go in the same envelope. I could be wrong, tho. Perhaps there's a number one could call & check with?

XFX is a great company, and make very nice cards. Just a FYI the correct card has a passive HS, link to correct pic and reviews at newegg


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
Is there a noticeable difference performance-wise between the GS & the GT?
I'm sure as far as bar charts go, one would see the difference on different applications, but what about to the naked eye?


Feb 1, 2000
Originally posted by: Tullphan
Is there a noticeable difference performance-wise between the GS & the GT?
I'm sure as far as bar charts go, one would see the difference on different applications, but what about to the naked eye?

the GS is a lot slower. maybe 30-40%


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
Originally posted by: hans007
Originally posted by: Tullphan
Is there a noticeable difference performance-wise between the GS & the GT?
I'm sure as far as bar charts go, one would see the difference on different applications, but what about to the naked eye?

the GS is a lot slower. maybe 30-40%

So is the GT worth the extra $50ish for all-around use?


Platinum Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Tullphan
Originally posted by: hans007
Originally posted by: Tullphan
Is there a noticeable difference performance-wise between the GS & the GT?
I'm sure as far as bar charts go, one would see the difference on different applications, but what about to the naked eye?

the GS is a lot slower. maybe 30-40%

So is the GT worth the extra $50ish for all-around use?

yes, but the x850xt is worth the extra couple dolllars over the 7600gt performance-wise


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Originally posted by: LukeManyes, but the x850xt is worth the extra couple dolllars over the 7600gt performance-wise

Not this silly argument again. Forum after forum ends up voting in favor of 7600GT, it wins.

Performance victories are not clearly going to X850XT and it has a lot going against it today.

No SM3, bigger/hotter/power-hungry/louder, limited HD acceleration, and a lot of them end up burning out early.

X8nn series was an interesting stop on the ATI train, but that train has now left the station. No good reason to get X8nn on PCI Express platforms unless you get a deal on one.



Golden Member
Jun 4, 2004
Originally posted by: mindless1
Originally posted by: LukeManyes, but the x850xt is worth the extra couple dolllars over the 7600gt performance-wise
X8nn series was an interesting stop on the ATI train, but that train has now left the station. No good reason to get X8nn on PCI Express platforms unless you get a deal on one.

If you need AGP... X8x0XT and Pro's are good performers for the $$. 7600GTs for AGP are a bit pricy.


Aug 10, 2006
firingsquad.com and motherboards.org had very favorable reviews of this board. Editors Choice. It is overclocked from stock and very close to the GT. Dual dvi and will output HDTV. Fanless and only takes 32 watts as opposed to GT which takes 67, so it actually does run cool, or not too hot anyway. I picked one up. fifty bucks after Google, state sales tax, shipped. How can you beat that. Double life time warranty, you get a lifetime warranty and the person you sell it to will get a lifetime warranty. If not too late you should bite.


Sep 24, 2005
I'm building a Linux (Ubuntu) box. Somehow I got the impression that I should go with an NVIDIA card (and not ATI). Am I totally on crack? Someone please tell me b/c this 7600 is tempting.


Senior member
Mar 19, 2006
Originally posted by: nobalance
Both rebates require the original upc and you can't stick them in the same envelope. Too risky for me.

Umm, no--the $15.00 rebate clearly states:

"a copy of the serial number label from the box"


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2004
That is a new $15 rebate which has different purchase dates than the original one.



Senior member
Mar 19, 2006
Originally posted by: mshan
That is a new $15 rebate which has different purchase dates than the original one.

My bad. :)

The good thing is that the deal is up again and there are now no rebate conflicts.


Sep 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Geraldo8022
firingsquad.com and motherboards.org had very favorable reviews of this board. Editors Choice. It is overclocked from stock and very close to the GT. Dual dvi and will output HDTV. Fanless and only takes 32 watts as opposed to GT which takes 67, so it actually does run cool, or not too hot anyway. I picked one up. fifty bucks after Google, state sales tax, shipped. How can you beat that. Double life time warranty, you get a lifetime warranty and the person you sell it to will get a lifetime warranty. If not too late you should bite.

Looks like motherboards.org was reviewing 7600GS XT SLI with 500/900 frequencies, whereas the card in the deal is 400/700. Can anyone commend on card's overclockability, esp. in Linux?


Golden Member
Dec 3, 1999
>I'm building a Linux (Ubuntu) box. Somehow I got the impression that I should go with
> an NVIDIA card (and not ATI). Am I totally on crack? Someone please tell me b/c this 7600 is tempting.

What have they been telling you? Linux was NOT DESIGNED to run Windows games, although it can do so sometimes, for particular cases (using a Windows to linux translator like WINE or the commercial Cedega.). Don't have high expectations. Getting each individual game to even run is a challenge, and your best bet is to see if anyone has the game already running. The old hands are good at working it out, but anybody inexperienced is in for a challenge he is not up to.

If current and trendy games are your passion, you might just as wll forget about linux.

Yes, a lot linux people complain that ATi is deficient compared to NVIDIA in the propriety, not open souce, drivers it puts out. Purists believe you should not be using closed source drivers at all, and are trying to prevent you from doing so to the extent they can. But the open source drivers, not written or endorsed by ATi, though more reliable, run far slower. But the complaint has more to do with using the new, fancier alternative window managers that are just barely stable at this point. What is a window manager and why does linux have many alternative ones? If you don't know, that tells you something about how tough it is going to be to get up the learning curve, in order that you might get this alternative stuff debugged and working on your set up, if you care to. Of course, if you stick with straight Ubuntu, and straight linux programs, you don't need to know any of that. Windows games are not linux programs. There is no official Ubuntu support for any Windows programs, but quite a lot of people are running Windows programs.

There are also quite a lot of people that say ATi cards are running just fine for them. I don't know what to make of that. I suppose it depends on what you attempt to do, and how good you are at tracking down the correct info. It just happens that the least accomplished and most frustrated make the most noise, as always.

BTW, I have yet to see my first Windows game running on Ubuntu, and I have spent quite a lot of time on it.


Sep 24, 2005
Hey KF, I'm not into games at all [well, occasional day or two of HOMM3 doesn't count :) ]. I'm not a Linux expert either, but have been using it for the last seven years or so on a daily basis, even did some basic administration/maintenance. I'm just so sick of Windows (that I now have to use at work), that I want to have a Linux box at home (which will allow me to be so much more productive in most of the things I do / interested in). However, I don't want to get stuck with hardware that I won't be able to use to its fullest thus all of these stupid sounding questions like "Is NVIDIA nicer for Linux than ATI?", "Can I overclock a videocard without putting it into a Windows machine first?", etc. BTW, any thoughts on this last one?


Oct 17, 2006
Thanks for the tip OP, i got one through Google and the 2 rebates (hopefully),even though I don't put much faith in rebates. We'll see what happens.