April 6, 2017 Update
Original Thread:
New interview with Albert Penello sheds some light on their plans for the console.
What we Know (E3 2016 Info)
''Project Scorpio''
8 Core CPU
6 TFLOPS of computing capability (SoC) / 6 TFLOPS of GPU power
>320 GB/s Bandwidth*
Backwards Compatible
Built for 4K and VR
2017 Launch
*384 GB/s according to the latest interview (below).
Some Speculation (Eurogamer)
September 2016 Interview
I'm going to start our predictions with a poll. We know it's an AMD design that includes 8-core CPU + 6 TFLOPs GPU, but which CPU + GPU combination do you expect?

Original Thread:
New interview with Albert Penello sheds some light on their plans for the console.

What we Know (E3 2016 Info)
''Project Scorpio''
8 Core CPU
6 TFLOPS of computing capability (SoC) / 6 TFLOPS of GPU power
>320 GB/s Bandwidth*
Backwards Compatible
Built for 4K and VR
2017 Launch
*384 GB/s according to the latest interview (below).
Some Speculation (Eurogamer)

September 2016 Interview
Albert Penello said:To go back to your original point about salting the competition or trying to be aggressive against them. I think there are a lot of caveats they're giving customers right now around 4K. They're talking about checkerboard rendering and up-scaling and things like that. There are just a lot of asterisks in their marketing around 4K, which is interesting because when we thought about what spec we wanted for Scorpio, we were very clear we wanted developers to take their Xbox One engines and render them in native, true 4K. That was why we picked the number, that's why we have the memory bandwidth we have, that's why we have the teraflops we have, because it's what we heard from game developers was required to achieve native 4K.
Now, similarly to what Sony said, that doesn't mean I'm going to require developers to do this. They're going to be able to decide to take that six teraflops of power and do what they think is best for their game. But I know that 4.2 teraflops is not enough to do true 4K. So, I feel like our product aspired a little bit higher, and we will have fewer asterisks around the 4K experiences we deliver on our box.
Albert Penello said:Yeah. We had to pick a number. Why did you choose six teraflops? Why did you choose 384Gb/s in memory bandwidth? What's the point of those numbers? The point of those numbers was to deliver Xbox One-quality games in 4K. That's the point of those numbers. But we're not going to dictate to developers that that's how they have to use that power.
I'm going to start our predictions with a poll. We know it's an AMD design that includes 8-core CPU + 6 TFLOPs GPU, but which CPU + GPU combination do you expect?
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