World War II veteran beaten to death by two black teens

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Apr 27, 2012
Don't hold your breath. I doubt Sharpton or any of them would condemn it, considering they did much to incite it - it seems to be what they want.

Oh, I know he won't say anything but it would be nice to hear from him. He doesn't care about this because he can't incite his idiotic followers and cry racism. If this was reversed then that moron would be outraged and leading protests.


Senior member
Apr 21, 2009
There was racism in the GZ case. It was just never from the two people involved in the actual shooting. And the only reason the Zimmerman situation became a national is because an underage black kid was killed and the shooter wasn't charged. It hit too close to home to southern black people from the 50's and 60's. This situation is different because the perpetrators here no one is doubting for a second they will be pursued, charged, and very likely convicted, as they should be.

I'm pretty sure calling someone a "creepy-ass cracker" is a derogatory and racist term... this is what Trayvon's sister testified that Trayvon referred to Zimmerman as. See:

While it's a leap, Trayvon's views may have made him inclined to attack Zimmerman... which is what the preponderance of evidence seems to indicate happened. :(
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Feb 24, 2009
BUT .. but did they do it for trey-trey ... Anyone knows?

The story just came out this morning. There is zero evidence in the case at this point other than the perpetrators were a couple of male black teenagers between the age of 16 and 19. No suspects have been caught.

But continue with your thinly disguised racist campaign!
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Apr 10, 2000
The story just came out this morning. There is zero evidence in the case at this point other than the perpetrators were a couple of male black teenagers between the age of 16 and 19. No suspects have been caught.

But continue with your thinly disguised racists campaign!

As I said, the continuing saga of


Senior member
Apr 21, 2009
The story just came out this morning. There is zero evidence in the case at this point other than the perpetrators were a couple of male black teenagers between the age of 16 and 19. No suspects have been caught.

But continue with your thinly disguised racists campaign!

The speculation over whether that was a motivating factor does not seem far-fetched, considering the several occurrences recently, and it is not racist to theorize about motive. It is a natural question to ask. Stop with the wild accusations.
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Sep 7, 2009
There was racism in the GZ case. It was just never from the two people involved in the actual shooting. And the only reason the Zimmerman situation became a national is because an underage black kid was killed and the shooter wasn't charged. It hit too close to home to southern black people from the 50's and 60's. This situation is different because the perpetrators here no one is doubting for a second they will be pursued, charged, and very likely convicted, as they should be.

"Creepy ass Cracka" is absolutely racist. It showed trayvon's racist mindset before his brutal and unjustified attack on an innocent upstanding citizen.

Zimmmerman was not charged ONLY because there was no evidence of a crime.

I wish some of you progressives would learn just a little bit about how our upstanding justice system works. It (should) take more than a simple accusation to get someone arrested and charged with a crime, to prevent lynch mob type situations JUST like what happened to zimmerman.

And please, take your 50 year old poor me I'm held back due to racism whining somewhere else.

Society has moved on, nobody is getting sprayed with hoses and forced to drink out of different fountains.

Companies have been forced to prove for years and years that hiring and everything else is not in ANY way based on race. Everybody from little kids to business owners are WELL past judging people based on skin color. Yes, there are old people diehard racists (on both sides!) and yes, a small percentage of society is going to be racist no matter what (on both sides!).

But we are at a point where 'mainstream racism' is gone. It's not accepted. Everyone else has figured this out and moved on except for sharpton and his crew, and the extremely vocal race brigaiders like the 4-5 in ATPN.

Interstingly enough just about EVERY situation you all blow out of proportion turns out to have not a thing to do with race.

Ironically it seems like the vast majority of our racist violent crimes are actually black on white hate crimes.


Apr 8, 2013
Wow, the meatheads found another crime committed by black people and ran to post it on Anandfront as fast as they could. What a shocker.
Sep 7, 2009
The story just came out this morning. There is zero evidence in the case at this point other than the perpetrators were a couple of male black teenagers between the age of 16 and 19. No suspects have been caught.

But continue with your thinly disguised racist campaign!

Back pedal all you want, but you are being incredibly naive if you truly think those two thugs did not beat that old man to death because he was white. They did not just push him over and grab his wallet. They beat his skull on the ground until he was dead. Identical to what trayvon tried to do to zimmerman.

Again I ask, do you truly think they would've done this to an elderly burnt orange gentlemen?


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2008
What is wrong with the world today? Saw a man lying on the street. Someone had chopped off his head. I'm the only one who stopped, to see if he was dead. Turns out he was dead.

They're turning kids into slaves, just to make cheaper sneakers. But what's the real cost, cos the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper? Why are we still paying so much for sneakers when you got them made by little slave kids? What are your overheads?
I call bs on that, unless you were in london.

What do asian kids and sneakers have to do with savage beatings of old men in the US?
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Jul 17, 2003
Horrible news. And Auric, you can eat a bag of dicks. You should be ashamed of yourself. Do you question the past of rape victims as well? Nevermind, welcome to my ignore list you worthless shit.

Unfortunately, I think it's going to take more lethal acts of self-defense to make it clear to young males that these kind of acts are unacceptable. You go out and prove you can't be trusted to play nice with the rest of the populace and you have prison or gun barrel in your future. Either that or parents are going to have to start actually parenting again.

Disgusting. This is as bad as the two assholes who shot that Georgia ladies 13month in the face when she didn't have any money. I feel so bad for that man's family. :(


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010

This feels to me like a natural result of how the TM case was handled. All the clearly racist feelings and rhetoric of hate against white people that was tolerated across so many media outlets,... didn't those engaging in it, and those with the power to challenge it but stayed quiet, didn't they see what that would lead to?

Looks to me like one of the worst aspects of political correctness is playing out with the recent rash "thrill kills" against white people.

All that needed to happen was for TM's action the night he was shot to be called out in an honest manner... If you tell the black community TM was killed while walking home for "walking while black" and doing nothing, and that white America is to blame for that "murder" and the killer being set free, you're going to embolden quite a few people, as should be done under circumstances as grave as the lie perpetuated in the TM case was.

TM case set race relations back decades, i'd blame that on PC thinking. No logic, no common sense being used to drum up support for TM having no culpability in brutally attacking GZ through screams for help.

Funny these recent murders are done on folks who were just "walking/jogging while being white".

The worst part was the calls from the racists on TV who were instigating hate and using foul rhetoric against whites, that they had the gaul to ask for peace and not violence after igniting such strong emotions in the black community under numerous false flags in the TM case. Like that cleanses their hands of what they sowed.
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Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Wow, the meatheads found another crime committed by black people and ran to post it on Anandfront as fast as they could. What a shocker.

Wow, the meatheads found another crime committed by black people and ran to post it on Anandfront as fast as they could. What a shocker.

Wow, the meatheads found another crime committed by black people and ran to post it on Anandfront as fast as they could. What a shocker.

Wow, the meatheads found another crime committed by black people and ran to post it on Anandfront as fast as they could. What a shocker.

Wow, the meatheads found another crime committed by black people and ran to post it on Anandfront as fast as they could. What a shocker.



Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
Seriously?, you take solace that lying to yourself that this is "just another crime" is something to LOL about?

Good, good for you.


Senior member
Apr 21, 2009
Robbery was the motive EXACTLY AS I STATED before. Not racism, target of opportunity.

They say in the article you referenced, quite clearly, that they still don't have a motive:

" The motive? Police don't have one. The teens appeared to have picked him at random, authorities say. "

Most people just don't keep that much cash on them anymore, and credit cards are deactivated quickly, so robberies like that don't make much sense... and the police apparently aren't confident that robbery was the underlying motive yet... especially considering they wouldn't have to kill the person to rob them.

They also acknowledge the sad fact that [most of us] have been discussing here, that "It's the second time in a week that a seemingly random attack by teenagers has claimed a life."
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Sep 7, 2009
Robbery was the motive EXACTLY AS I STATED before. Not racism, target of opportunity.

You are being willfully ignorant.

Two thugs are not "robbing" some 88 year old man walking out of his old man's club. Are they going to take his AARP card and breakfast buffet VIP info?

Your ignorant behaviour is exactly what's holding back race relations today.

Pillar of community who has a history of publically standing up for black victim's rights who shoots VICIOUS attacker = RACIST

Two thugs target older white guy and senslessly beat his head on the ground until he's dead with no motive = CAN'T BE RACIST


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
Robbery was the motive EXACTLY AS I STATED before. Not racism, target of opportunity.


Use some common sense here.

If robbery were the only motive the guy would still be breathing. The wallet was taken after the main motive, which was to assault/kill this guy.

You really think the two perps targeted an 88 year old guy and though that they'd go so far as to beat him to death over a few bucks? And that robbery was the overriding motive in something like that? It wasn't like they accidently killed the guy or faced overwhelming resistance to this supposed robbery motive, the guy was absolutely mauled before he died.
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Sep 7, 2009
News says they caught one.

Wonder if sharpton has contacted his family to have his facebook shut down before we see what the thug is really like.


May 24, 2004
Robbery was the motive EXACTLY AS I STATED before. Not racism, target of opportunity.


You may have a correct point somewhere in your head, but your logic is absolutely fucking hilarious!

Al Capone was charged and convicted of tax evasion, therefore those who call him a vicious gangster murderer are wrong.

Not to mention you're even proving the overall point in the comparison to the Zimmerman trial. If this incident here is not at all about race, then what makes the Zimmerman trial all about race in the eyes of those who believe it (which is a significant number of people in this country, not a fringe few)?

Is the difference here because neither Jesse Jackson nor Al Sharpton made a media appearance telling you this was a race-based crime? ;) Or is it because it is impossible for any non-white to be racist?
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Piece of shit scumbags need to face justice for what they did, hopefully they're caught.

I'm waiting for obama, al sharpton and the rest of the race baiters to comment on this case along with the race baiters on here.

The only people that I've ever heard use the word race baiters are the racists... of course, that applies to you too.
Sep 7, 2009
Yup, one good thing about this situation is that it TRULY forces these race brigaiders out into the light.

It's going to be a long, long time before we have another zimmerman lynch mob - thank goodness.

People who are considering CCW, now is a great time.

We are now seeing daily reports of these dur hur "random" attacks. Don't let yourself be a "random" victim.

There are lots of tiny pocket guns that are VERY safe. Not much large than a wallet. No different than tossing your phone in your pocket every morning.

.........Until you're on the ground being viciously assaulted like this poor old man. Then pull that gun out and shoot the thug square in the heart. The law supports it, society supports it.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
The only people that I've ever heard use the word race baiters are the racists... of course, that applies to you too.

Don't really agree here.

Your logic (IMO on this: lack of) provides impenetrable defense for race baiters. If they ever get called on it they can dismiss the truth tellers by claiming "Rascism!"


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Generally the police don't charge people with robbery unless they um actually rob somebody. I imagine they knocked him around a little and robbed him. The problem is that this is an 89 year old man and a beating that is not lethal to an average person is lethal for a person this age.

male suspect has been charged with first-degree robbery


Jun 5, 2000
Police respond to (after) crime... protection is but a slogan, if not outright fallacy.

It's called the Genocide Generation for a reason. The combat veteran has a history of violence by definition, and more may be supposed -i.e. aforementioned violent crimes and psychological trauma. Whereas the statistical black teen may have a history of property or drug offenses, largely owing to poverty.

i have never heard of the genocide generation until our garbage post

combat vets have a history of violence? well no fucking shit moron.
Sep 7, 2009
Generally the police don't charge people with robbery unless they um actually rob somebody. I imagine they knocked him around a little and robbed him. The problem is that this is an 89 year old man and a beating that is not lethal to an average person is lethal for a person this age.

You should be ashamed of yourself.