It?s almost 6:00 and I just got out of a meeting that I didn?t even know I was going to have. I have a stack of work sitting in front of me that needs to be done and this is turning out to becoming a repeat event. I personally thrive under pressure and am not stressed by this situation, I am a little frustrated, however, because I feel that I do not have the tools required to do my job. I wanted to go paperless not because of the whiz-bang factor but because I know it?s the best way to be totally efficient. I find myself fighting against the tools that are supposed to be assisting me. John warned me about this months ago ? ?your computer?s not set up for digital archiving/imaging.? Scanning takes around 6 minutes per page. Our filemaker database, originally intended to elevate us from excel sheet presentations into a easy to use and organized system, is now so large and my computer so old that it?s crashing constantly. OUTLOOK even crashes on me. I believe that I honestly have the most archaic system here and, other than Cathy and Debbie, am trying to do the most processor intensive activities. It?s frustrating and is honestly why I gave up trying to go paperless.
My solution? Either a new desktop or a laptop. A laptop and the wireless network access available here would allow us to streamline immensely. Instead of scribbling notes at drill down meetings I can just edit the list at the meeting. Speaking of notes, secretaries do a great job transcribing meetings because they?re trained in short hand. I?m not. I can type 100 wpm but I?m afraid that my handwriting skills are not up to snuff, I apologize but I?m just not an efficient hand writer. If I did have access to a computer, however, my accuracy and speed would increase dramatically and, best of all, notes can be typed and saved directly into your MSeligman folder. Also, if Bud asks for some data from months ago that we?re not prepared for, we can just pull it up and not shuffle for papers. This all will save me time and allow for far less errors in the long run. Preventing one screw up alone would make the investment worthwhile in my opinion.
I?m sorry if this sounds like I?m whining. I don?t mean to be. I just want us to be as efficient as possible. I can deal with the current situation since I have been dealing with it for quite a while. But steps can be taken and our process can be streamlined.