Can someone elaborate on which AGP cards are 3.3v? I just want to make sure I understand exactly what they are talking about.. Thanks. >>
First go read
Andy's FAQon the whole 845/850 AGP issue. And for the most part, Voodoo 3, 4, and 5's are all 3.3v cards, other than them I dunno, but Andy's FAQ should give enough info.
While the objections to RAMBUST's antics are understandable, when are people going to finally take the blinders off and fess up to the fact that for a typical system (256MB), the cost "penalty", if it can even be called that anymore, is down to ~ 2 to 3% of total system cost. Sure, you can be tricky and compare just the RAM costs and it looks like anywhere from a 25-50% cost penalty, but when you look at the sum totals for all components in the two (ie. RDRAM vs. non-RDRAM) systems, that extra $30-40 memory cost turns in to a coupla percent overall. >>
Midnight Rambler, You speak wise words! I couldn't agree more. The cost of RDRAM is greatly exaggerated, and really, the ONLY situation where you will see me say go P4+DDR is when it
outperforms850+RDRAM. Right now, I would recommend ECS P4S5A+DDR333 for a P4 system because it's cheaper and performs better than 850+RDRAM.
Next year, 850 should become the platform of choice when 533fsb comes because PC2700 just will not be able to compete with 4.2GB/ps of fsb and mem bandy on PC1066+533fsb. Now, that is an interesting thing to keep an eye on though because DDR could take the lead next year when QBM starts to hit the streets at PC3200 and PC4200 speeds (200 and 266MHz QDR), so we'll see, right now P4S5A get's my pick, and we'll just see what happens. Really, unless RDRAM prices go up (they may, we'll see), just hand me the fastest platform for the P4 and I'd buy it, no matter weather it's RDRAM or DDR. You get my point?