Woosta's Weekly MMA Thread [Episode #1]


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2008

Zuffa News


- We are 2 weeks away from Shogun vs Bones Jones
- Brian Bowles choked out Damacio Page at UFC Live 3
- Cyrille "Snake" Diabete dominates Steve Cantwell for a decision win
- Rousimar Palhares subs Dave Branch via kneebar
- TUF 13 debuts on March 30th, featuring JDS vs Brock


Non-Zuffa news


- Marloes Coenen defends her title against Liz Carmouche via triangle choke at SF: Hendo vs Feijao
- Dan Henderson knocks out Rafael Cavalcante for the SF LHW belt at SF: Hendo vs Feijao
- Tim Kennedy choked out Melvin Manhoef at SF: Hendo vs Feijao
- Strikeforce: Overeem vs Werdum pushed back to June
- April 9th will be SF: Nate Diaz vs Paul Daley, here's the card:

Welterweight Championship bout: Nick Diaz (c) vs. Paul Daley[1]
Lightweight Championship bout: Gilbert Melendez (c) vs. Tatsuya Kawajiri[1]
Light Heavyweight bout: Gegard Mousasi vs. Mike Kyle[1]
Lightweight bout: Shinya Aoki vs. Lyle Beerbohm[5]
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Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2008

- Can't wait for TUF 13. It's funny how Brock is going to be teaching, though... seeing as how most of the fighters probably have more experience than him.

Looking forward to seeing how Junior is on camera, and hoping to maybe see the Nogs as his coaches.

- I love Marloes Coenen; that fight was reminiscent of Ando vs Sonnen with the triangle come from behind win
- Awesome that Hendo won the LHW belt
- Sucks the GP is delayed


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2008
- Can't wait til Shogun destroys Bones. I'm likely going to bet $1k in favor of Shogun, who's not the favorite. If Bones wins, I will not be surprised at all considering he is the absolute best LHW other than Shogun and I've been saying that for ages.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
- Can't wait til Shogun destroys Bones. I'm likely going to bet $1k in favor of Shogun, who's not the favorite. If Bones wins, I will not be surprised at all considering he is the absolute best LHW other than Shogun and I've been saying that for ages.

So you're betting $1k on Shogun but you won't be surprised if he loses. o_O Not sure I follow that logic. I think it's too close to pick and I'm not going to bet it.

The Strikeforce event last weekend was pretty sweet. Hendo is my all-time favorite fighter, so to see him win the belt at 40 with such a dramatic KO of a much bigger guy was awesome.

I'm also looking forward to TUF. Brock is such a strong personality, I'm curious to see how or if there's any tension with JDS, who to me seems always really smiley and humble and understated. Maybe it'll be a mini version of Kos-GSP, although probably not. Kos really is a dipshit while Brock is just a character that's been carried over from rasslin.


Feb 6, 2000
Why do you have to have weekly threads? Can't you just make one thread and one thread only?



Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2010
Yes does suck that the GP is delayed, I still think Ubereem wins it all.

I think Brock will make a decent coach, he has the wrestling creds to be a good coach, but that isnt going to help the guys that need standup work...

I'm am extremely anxious for the shogun fight. I hope shogun wins it, but who knows how bones does when he's in trouble, thats a big unknown. I really think that fight is a tossup, no way should shogun be the underdog. I don't think he should be a huge favorite either, i'd say slight favorite. Man it'll be epic if shogun wins though...



Jan 6, 2002
Yes does suck that the GP is delayed, I still think Ubereem wins it all.

I think Brock will make a decent coach, he has the wrestling creds to be a good coach, but that isnt going to help the guys that need standup work...

I'm am extremely anxious for the shogun fight. I hope shogun wins it, but who knows how bones does when he's in trouble, thats a big unknown. I really think that fight is a tossup, no way should shogun be the underdog. I don't think he should be a huge favorite either, i'd say slight favorite. Man it'll be epic if shogun wins though...


Shogun ain't gonna be the one to do that. There's a reason he's a huge underdog on the betting lines. Because this isn't 2005 and isn't Pride. Shogun dominate Pride, but so did CroCop & Big Nog. Shogun's definitely still the best of the bunch, but Jones is on another level. He's definitely the future of MMA and I think this is his match to finally show the people who question his skills how good he is.

6 years ago in Pride Shogun himself was in the same position, it's gonna be a passing of the torch match.


Platinum Member
Dec 23, 2010
I don't think its fair to put Shogun in the same boat as cro cop and nog.

Nog faded because he just took way to much damage over the years, his fall was inevitable no matter what organization he was in. Its not like nog was known for just coming into a fight guns blazing destroying everyone while taking no damage.

As for cro cop, i think the gonzaga KO had a bad effect on him, he is starting to age, and just isn't evolving really.

We have to remember shogun is still only 29 and hasn't been just beaten and battered his whole career.


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2008
I am willing to make a mute bet with anyone on Shogun vs Bones.

If you agree, and if Bones wins then I won't talk/post about MMA in OT for 90 days. If shogun wins, you can't talk/post about MMA in OT for 90 days.

Who's down to see Woosta not talk about MMA for 90 days in this bet?

Is anyone man enough and sure enough of Bones to bet against me? Or do you have your doubts? I do not doubt Shogun.

I'll even change my signature and avatar to whatever you want. You don't have to.

Oh and

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Nov 29, 2006
I'll make that bet. If you lose let's make it a year, if I lose it's two years.


Oct 9, 1999
Marloes Coenen vs Liz Carmouche was a great fight. Wasn't really liking Liz's GNP as she had full mount a few times and couldn't finish. I can't wait for the shogun vs bones. Im thinking Shogun by KO but this is MMA and anything can happen so we shall see. Plus isn't this the 3rd knee surgery for shogun? Wonder how its gonna affect him this time.


Feb 3, 2007
Woosta, why would you bet on Jones vs Shogun? I don't understand it because Jones is a very bad match up for Shogun IMO. I don't see how Shogun trains to combat the Jones take down. He won't find a guy who fights like JJ or is built like JJ, so his best bet would be to work on his striking and jits. That said, if he keeps it standing for two rounds, he wins. If not, then he gases and is put to sleep by the 2nd or 3rd.

Also, Coenen is so sexy and Marvelous Melvin losing always makes me sad :(

edit - not down to sig/av bet because I don't like to fuck with it here. Done a few on Sherdog though.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
I am willing to make a mute bet with anyone on Shogun vs Bones.

If you agree, and if Bones wins then I won't talk/post about MMA in OT for 90 days. If shogun wins, you can't talk/post about MMA in OT for 90 days.

Who's down to see Woosta not talk about MMA for 90 days in this bet?

Is anyone man enough and sure enough of Bones to bet against me? Or do you have your doubts? I do not doubt Shogun.

I'll even change my signature and avatar to whatever you want. You don't have to.

Oh and


I've already said I'll take this bet. I'll go mute on OT and I'll change my avatar to whatever you want. Count me in. Got it?


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2000

- Can't wait for TUF 13. It's funny how Brock is going to be teaching, though... seeing as how most of the fighters probably have more experience than him.

Looking forward to seeing how Junior is on camera, and hoping to maybe see the Nogs as his coaches.

Brock won't teach, he'll just watch and be an ass on camera, that's what he's there for. Brock's team will have to rely on the assistant coaches.

Big Nog shows up as a guest coach, but he isn't an actual coach.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2004
The people who're taking Woosta's bet should be the ones who already talk about MMA in OT. Otherwise its a win-win for them. ;)


Feb 3, 2007
I'm ok with the weekly threads. This is a forum for people to post shit in. If you don't like it then ignore the thread and it will die.

btw this card should be fireworks. so many good match ups. I'm hoping CC wins, Jim Miller is probably a sure fire lock, Sexyama vs Nate the Great should be a brawl. EXCITED!


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2008
I'll make that bet. If you lose let's make it a year, if I lose it's two years.

I've already said I'll take this bet. I'll go mute on OT and I'll change my avatar to whatever you want. Count me in. Got it?

Because I'm so sure Shogun will win I'll up it to 1 year on my end. That's one entire year, 365 days, of Woosta not talking about MMA if Bones Jones wins. You guys can do 90 days minimum or even a year if you like.

So far we have on the list:


Is anyone else man enough to take this bet? Or will you guys just take advantage of SSSnail and wheresmybacon betting?


Jan 22, 2003
For the last time...nobody calls Anderson Silva "Ando". ;)

The Spider
Front Kick of Death
1 of the top 3 P4P ever

Anything but Ando.

Oh, and the last strikeforce event as pretty good. I immediately thought of Sonnen vs A.Silva when I saw that fight as well. That card showed a few things though.

1. Strikeforce should add elbows if they want more stoppages. Liz had mount for like 3 total minutes and couldn't finish. (I personally don't like them on the ground and would rather have knees though)
2. Coenen has a long ways to go before she bulks up to take on Cyborg (she mentioned this is a goal in the future)
3. Melvin still hasn't learned the ground game
4. Henderson has a bomb for a right hand
5. Frank Shamrock is a moron - Sobu Bablow? Rear naked oak choke?? - Not as bad as Tito's post fight interviews but man, they need to get him out of there.


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2008
Why should I conform to the standard of calling him by his long regular name? I'm not in a court room. I'll call him Ando always and forever. It's just succinct.


Feb 3, 2007
The only people I've ever seen refer to him as Ando are rabid lovers, generally Fedor haters. Which makes Woosta a conundrum.

Dr. Detroit

Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2004
Epics Strikeforce event:

Too bad Kennedy never tangled with Jake Shields - would have been an excellent match.

Hendo and the H-Bomb - Hendo may have the best chin in all of MMA - Leben & Diaz bro's come in a distant 2nd & 3rd.

For once - a womens fight I enjoyed. Whole family watched this one and the ladies of the house were on the edge of their seat rooting for the underdog Carmouche!

TUF: I've watched since TUF 1, arguably the best season by far with the most talent and its gone downhill every year with talent level dropping way off and the Coaches just not giving a fuck and making it about themselves. I really do not need this much Brock in my living room but I'll DVR the whole season to just watch the fights.

And the Diego/Kampmann fight was an epic battle that will go down as a Top 100 fight in MMA history. I'm no fan of Diego but he he has heart:

Great picof the aftermath of Diego: http://api.ning.com/files/m*Ar7oreS...*QK4kTIYL/uvs3_11_sanchez_vs_kampmann_011.jpg
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Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2008
I would say Mark Hunt has the best chin of all time. Nothing beats taking Cro Cop's LHK. Mark Hunt is used to getting hit by heavyweights.

Before anyone says Melvin Manhoef, Melvin Manhoef is P4P the hardest puncher in all of MMA and Mark Hunt ran into that. Hendo would've been knocked out as well if that took out Mark Hunt.

Nothing tops his Samoan chin. Nothing.