Originally posted by: Flexicon
Originally posted by: HermDogg
Originally posted by: ElisaH
they have a skin called Panther... looks like a mac interface... love it
Can you explain why you want the Mac OS X interface? Why didn't/don't you just buy a Mac? I never understood this... (Not trying to bait/ridicule, honestly curious)
It's so annoying when people say, "If you like the Mac interface so much...then why don't you just buy a Mac." Changing a theme does not mean one needs or desires to change OSes. I don't use it personally, but I can certainly see the appeal of the Panther skin. Anyone with eyes and a little bit of taste has to admit that the Mac's interface is, was, and always has been vastly superior to Windows. The design is clean, well laid out, and the colors are subtle and pleasing, unlike Microsoft and their Teletubby-inspired themes and giant green start button. Now can we lay that question to rest... finally?