Will you buy Modern Combat 2 for $60-$65 on the PC

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Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I can't think of any game I would pay $60-$65 for and certainly not this one since I hated CoD4, the last CoD I owned.



Jul 18, 2003
Originally posted by: gorcorps
One of the biggest reasons devs site for moving away from the PC is because of lower profits. A mix of pirating, less user base, and other things can be blamed for it but it's no mystery that there's more money in the consoles. This is just a way to get some more money flowing from the PC crowd. While it costs a bit more initially for each gamer, it could spark more interest in PC gaming again if profits are boosted.

Now a bunch of you cheap fucks boycott the game, they lose even more money, and then another dev moves away from the PC market. You guys are single handedly ruining PC gaming for yourselves. Anybody who bitches about the price are not allowed to bitch about lack of PC support ever again.

Do we really need to bring up the sales figures of the 50%+ Steam sales that show you move tons more units when you drop the price? Do I also need to mention that they can nickel and dime you for DLC once they get the main game onto your machine too for nearly 100% pure profit? They will release it at $60-$65 and then drop the price once sales slow. It is our job as consumers to make sure sales never start up at too high of a price point.


Jul 18, 2003
Originally posted by: Piuc2020
Originally posted by: shortylickens
Thats the problem with spending assload of money to make games. You need to charge a lot to recoup expenses. The problem is, as prices go up, sales go down.
The fact people are talking about boycotting the game before its even out means companies should reconsider how they make games these days. One bad title can easily put you out of business.

Once again, I blame the console lovers. They demand better graphics every year and refuse to spend money on anything less. Production costs go up, price goes up. Eventually it affects everyone.
The fact they are actually willing to spend 60 bucks a pop doesnt help matters either. That just encourages publishers to charge high prices.
And I agree about the inflation issue. If Windows games are going for 60 dollars, you can bet the console people will be getting screwed.

I miss the NES days. :(

Actually, games during the NES/SNES era and for the N64 were grossly overpriced and much more expensive than they are now.


At least you got some hardware, a manual, a dust sleeve, and a nice box though ;).


Jul 18, 2003
IMHO, I think $50 is a fair price for this game. Basically the formula is console price - $10 = PC MSRP. Typically, the MSRP is cut by another few bucks near release day to spur sales, and then it left at MSRP if it gets good reviews. If it doesn't get good reviews, then sales stall and price cuts are given to the original MSRP.

On a side note, I really figured this game would be Steam only so they can start charging for DLC through Steam's framework. Maybe Microsoft deluded them into thinking GFWL actually works? Who knows?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
I plan on getting it off ebay or amazon for around 30-40 bucks max.

I am not getting it until it drops in price. Activision can pull this with their 10-12 year old audience who buy consoles, but as an adult, nothx.


Jul 7, 2008
The last time I purchased any game for full retail price was Fallout 3, and that was a rare exception. I have such a backpile of games-- and a lifetime subscription to LOTRO-- that I typically wait for over a year, to let the price drop at the quality to rise (via patches).


Sep 5, 2004
I'm not much of a PC gamer but this is bullcrap. I agree with the OP, if they can get away with this why not bump the price of 360 games up to $70? Everyone seems "all to compliant" paying $60 (maybe 1 out of every 10 games I buy is new, I'm too cheap to pay retail prices usually).

I hope that Gabe Newell refuses to sell it or something to make a point but I don't see it happening...


Senior member
Feb 22, 2005
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Originally posted by: 450R
$60? Nope. I got 6 hours out of COD4's campaign... 6 hours of linear, simplistic on-rails arcade gameplay. It wasn't a bad game for what it was by any stretch of the imagination - I just didn't feel like I got my money's worth.

And yet it has mutliplayer...

MP didn't do anything for me. Might as well have been Quake with better graphics and a retarded spawn system. But, as I said, for what it is it's not a bad game and I can see how other people would gladly spend $60 for more. I won't because it's just not my thing.



Senior member
Feb 22, 2005
Originally posted by: gorcorps
Second, er... what? I didn't say anything about how increasing the price is going to address piracy. The only thing I said was that piracy is some part of why the PC game dev has been losing money and sales recently. A price jump is a hope to get some of that money back. I didn't say it'd stop pirating or anything like that.

My point was that, for anyone using lack of money as an excuse to pirate games, tacking on another $10 to the price isn't going to have a positive effect. To be honest, I can see a lot of people pirating MW2 out of spite alone because of it.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Golgatha said..in part;
They will release it at $60-$65 and then drop the price once sales slow. It is our job as consumers to make sure sales never start up at too high of a price point.

I go along with this line of thinking..count me in.


Jun 3, 2001
PC Games have been $50 for 20 years, it's about time prices went up. I don't love it, but I have no clue how they've sustained these prices for so long.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Originally posted by: 450R
Originally posted by: gorcorps
Second, er... what? I didn't say anything about how increasing the price is going to address piracy. The only thing I said was that piracy is some part of why the PC game dev has been losing money and sales recently. A price jump is a hope to get some of that money back. I didn't say it'd stop pirating or anything like that.

My point was that, for anyone using lack of money as an excuse to pirate games, tacking on another $10 to the price isn't going to have a positive effect. To be honest, I can see a lot of people pirating MW2 out of spite alone because of it.

I know, and I totally agree. I don't think this will end in more money at all... I'm sure it'll bite them in the ass. But I think most can understand the mindset of increasing the price can possibly increase profit. They're trying it out and I doubt it will help, but I can understand the reasoning.


May 30, 2008
Originally posted by: gorcorps
Originally posted by: 450R
Originally posted by: gorcorps
Now a bunch of you cheap fucks boycott the game, they lose even more money, and then another dev moves away from the PC market. You guys are single handedly ruining PC gaming for yourselves. Anybody who bitches about the price are not allowed to bitch about lack of PC support ever again.

Choosing not to buy is considered boycotting? Raising the price to $60 is going to address piracy?

First, choosing not to buy just because you don't want it isn't boycotting. If you're trying to show you don't like the new price point by not buying, it's boycotting. I used that term because the OP mentioned it.

Second, er... what? I didn't say anything about how increasing the price is going to address piracy. The only thing I said was that piracy is some part of why the PC game dev has been losing money and sales recently. A price jump is a hope to get some of that money back. I didn't say it'd stop pirating or anything like that.

Meh, they charge what they think the market will bear i.e. what they think people will pay. If its too much, don't buy it. That's how it works, surely?

But to describe that behaviour as a 'boycott' is doing violence to language. When I don't buy a Porsche because its too expensive, I'm "boycotting" Porsche then?

All I would say though is that it does seem a bit odd to raise prices in the face of a massive recession. Aren't sales of video games going down? Hey sales are falling, lets raise prices!



Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2007
This may be a bit off topic but I think the cost to have a game on a console really is $10 more. A little anecdote: When I visited EA Los Angeles they had a little gift shop with new EA games. All new PC games were $10 each (Got CnC3 and BF2142) and all new console games were $20 each.

Activision may be selling CoD4 PC for $60 because they believe it will sell at that price and because those extra $10 will be pure profit.


Golden Member
Jan 9, 2008
Originally posted by: gorcorps
Originally posted by: 450R
Originally posted by: gorcorps
Second, er... what? I didn't say anything about how increasing the price is going to address piracy. The only thing I said was that piracy is some part of why the PC game dev has been losing money and sales recently. A price jump is a hope to get some of that money back. I didn't say it'd stop pirating or anything like that.

My point was that, for anyone using lack of money as an excuse to pirate games, tacking on another $10 to the price isn't going to have a positive effect. To be honest, I can see a lot of people pirating MW2 out of spite alone because of it.

I know, and I totally agree. I don't think this will end in more money at all... I'm sure it'll bite them in the ass. But I think most can understand the mindset of increasing the price can possibly increase profit. They're trying it out and I doubt it will help, but I can understand the reasoning.
The decision makers at Activision are trying to please their stockholders by attempting to maximize profits. The problem with most large corporations is that it's never about what's good for the customers, it's all about squeezing the most money out of them that they can. Basically, the "If we can get away with it, lets do it" mentality.

This is one of the reasons I mainly support independent PC devs nowadays, or the occasional larger publisher who keeps the customers best interest in mind. Like Ubisoft, who has recently been releasing DRM free games at very reasonable prices. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, HAWX, Prince of Persia.. just to name a few recent ones.


Oct 9, 1999
The main reason I stay clear of consoles for the most part is the price of games.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2006
Originally posted by: skyofavalon
games drop in price so quick.Doesnt really matter.

really, i don't get people who buy games right when it comes out and pay the full price. just wait and it always drops.


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: skyofavalon
games drop in price so quick.Doesnt really matter.

CoD4 is still $40 on the PC, CoD5 is still $50.

I dunno if that qualifies for "so quickly".


May 24, 2003
I don't have some absolute price limit like "I won't pay more than $50" but I do take price into consideration when I buy a game. I don't think it's fair to call it a boycott when someone doesn't buy this game. Are you boycotting BMW when you buy a Ford or a Honda? Of course not. wordweb dictionary says a boycott is "A group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies" and I don't think that applies in this case.

I have no problems with Activision wanting $60 for this game. Some games just cost more. Mario Kart DS is $45 when every other Nintendo DS game is $40. Chrono Trigger was incredibly expensive when it came out. There's nothing wrong with charging more for a game, but the price does affect whether or not I buy a game. I won't pay $60 for MW2 simply because I don't think it's worth that price. If you're a huge fan of CoD games then maybe it is worth $60.


Golden Member
Jul 18, 2005
im not gonna buy it for $60. ill probably look around for deals like the walmart $50 +$10 gift card deal.

i dont believe in $60 PC games esp when there are no licensing fees to justify the price of games.