We see a lot of this when it comes to Trump.
They do all their homework, get right up to pulling the trigger, then they don't.
About the only real worries Donald Trump has had is with the voters, they refused to reelect him. Nothing Trump could do about that, but he tried.... OH BOY did he try.
Pelosi did her impeachment thing but she knew it would never stick. They knew from day one that Trump would never be removed. They knew the senate would never convict. It was all about humiliation and embarrassment and that's all that really mattered.
This is about as far as it has gone. Threats, promises, witnesses, hearings, more witnesses, video recordings, audio recordings, etc etc yet guess who's still walking around free as a bird and guess who's still running for president, again!
I chalk this up to the syndrome of the good ole boys club. In a way, they're all part of the club the club of the rich and powerful be it politically or position or face time on tv. But still, they just can't quite hold one of their own accountable. That's why Trump himself chanted lock her up lock her up, but Trump knew even as president that he would never lock Hillary up. They just never do that to each other, and they will never bring the hammer down on Donald Trump regardless. Oh they'll come close but let's face it, Donald Trump has a very good chance of becoming the next president. The game plan when it comes to club members is only to humiliate and embarrass, but never to destroy. Its a club thing....