Why does BlahBlahYouToo think that he has to share every idiotic thought that flashes through his mind with ATOT?
Or my infraction for stating that it's more likely that oldsmoboat (a male) has had anal sex than is pregnant. Would love to hear the mods explain how that's not true.Because it's a liberal message board. Same reason I get an "infraction" for calling someone a cuntwad when he is one.
Is he holding that right? It doesn't look right. (the gun, not the broom. He's obviously holding the broom upside down)
Because he's white, so naturally thinks his opinions are worth more than everyone else's.
Note, not all white people think this, just the racist ones. Wait, that is all of them.
(im white. Well I was born jewish so some of the above racist whites would say i'm not white, but screw em. If Brendan Frasier could pass for joe schmo elitist at a WASP boarding school then so could I)
As to the OP, some people consider human life, you know, special, and would like to avoid killing someone if reasonably possible. Also useful in avoiding accidents, like a drunk guy trying to break into his "own" house not realizing it's his neighbor's and getting killed for the mistake.
Is he holding that right? It doesn't look right. (the gun, not the broom. He's obviously holding the broom upside down)
lulz. You're fucking stupid if you don't think this is a liberal message board. Your own response about a personal death sentence shows you fit right in. My cuntwad comment simply shows that I'll call things as they are. It's funny to see grown men act as children though, that's something to masturbate to.
Is he holding that right? It doesn't look right. (the gun, not the broom. He's obviously holding the broom upside down)
I would assume one wouldn't generally hold the mag when shooting. The left hand is usually further up the gun to control recoil.
If someone were to break into my place they have violated every law of respect I abide by, so I would pull the trigger first. Of course this is assuming I am sure they are a home invader. I'm not gonna run around pre-firing corners or anything haha.
Just the opposite as you can pull mag well down towards body. This tension stops muzzle rise in rapid fire.
I am as conservative as they get up here in Canada.
If you want to see a liberal see Denilfloss. Your brand of tea baggers american conservatism is a joke and is despised in the rest of the world.
I don't know why you have to resort to so much foul language but you got warned in the past and may very well get more warning if you keep this up.
I would assume one wouldn't generally hold the mag when shooting. The left hand is usually further up the gun to control recoil.
If someone were to break into my place they have violated every law of respect I abide by, so I would pull the trigger first. Of course this is assuming I am sure they are a home invader. I'm not gonna run around pre-firing corners or anything haha.
Lots of trained killers on this board. I hope any would-be home invaders read this so they know what they're getting into.
Ok, so is this because you can brace it better? I mean I can see your point. The only auto I've ever fired is an MP5 and it wasn't very hard to control the recoil, it just seems holding further out on the barrel would give you more leverage on it.
Ok, so is this because you can brace it better? I mean I can see your point. The only auto I've ever fired is an MP5 and it wasn't very hard to control the recoil, it just seems holding further out on the barrel would give you more leverage on it.
Haha, I'm too busy drinking and fucking away my life to actually care about politics or canadians.
Eh, I like holding the mag well, no reason not to. I prefer it over a forward vertical grip.
That's the point of a gun, it's the equalizer. And if all homes had one with owners willing to use them then yes it would be a great deterrent to criminals. That's the point
That's the point of a gun, it's the equalizer. And if all homes had one with owners willing to use them then yes it would be a great deterrent to criminals. That's the point
If you announce you're armed, then maybe they'll run away and you won't have to kill somebody.
I understand that. I'm just amused at how willing many of the Keyboard RAMbos on these boards. I would imagine everyone would prefer not to kill someone if they could avoid it but hey, I'm just a Hollywood lib'ruhl
fuck that shit.
if you break into my house, you are getting shot without me saying a damn thing.
Except that most break in's occur when the people are gone. Then the criminal steals the guns and profits.
because some have brains. Maybe its a friend or a family member.
Guess this is why most firearm shootings are 'accidental'
I will never visit any of you psychos at home.
I understand that. I'm just amused at how willing many of the Keyboard RAMbos are on these boards to kill somebody. I would imagine everyone would prefer not to kill someone if they could avoid it but hey, I'm just a Hollywood lib'ruhl
If you act in real life like you do online you wouldn't be invited anyways, we don't allow cockbags in our apartment.