When it comes to integrity...


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018
Democrats own the Republicants on all fronts!

Their moral compass is so fucked up, it's a miracle that they can find the parking lot.

The curious case of Katie Hill

On Sunday, Democratic Rep. Katie Hill of California announced her resignation from Congress -- following recent allegations that she had an improper relationship with a campaign staffer before taking office. (She has denied separate allegations that she had an inappropriate relationship with a congressional staffer.)

"This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I believe it is the best thing for my constituents, my community, and our country," Hill said in a statement. "For the mistakes made along the way and the people who have been hurt, I am so sorry, and I am learning."
There's plenty to parse regarding the news about Hill. But one of the most important elements is this: Forgiveness, when it comes to the messiness of politics, is a privilege not evenly distributed. More specifically, it's disproportionately withheld from women and Democrats.

Former Republican Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana? In 2007, he admitted to having been previously involved in a Washington prostitution ring while in office. In 2010, he was reelected to the Senate.

Republican 2020 presidential candidate Mark Sanford? He completed his second term as the governor of South Carolina after he admitted in 2009 that he'd had a taxpayer-funded affair. In 2013, he once again ran for and won a seat in Congress.

Physician and Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee? A divorce trial transcript released in 2012 documented that he'd previously had multiple affairs with patients and had pressed one of them to have an abortion. (DesJarlais initially said that the incriminating phone conversation was recorded without his knowledge, though this contradicted the transcript.) He remains in Congress.

Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter of California? In June of this year, a court filing alleged that, over years, he'd used campaign funds for extramarital affairs with lobbyists and congressional staffers. (In court, Duncan has pleaded not guilty to these charges.) He, too, is still in office.

And this is to say nothing of President Donald Trump, who has remained unscathed by the allegations that more than a dozen women have publicly leveled against him, ranging from unwelcome advances to sexual harassment and assault. (The President has repeatedly denied all such allegations.)

Even Democrat Al Franken, who resigned from his Senate seat in 2018 following allegations that he had touched women inappropriately, is attempting a bit of a comeback, having headlined Politicon last weekend.

Put another way, men, particularly those of certain political persuasions, are given redemption arcs, while women who dare to challenge norms -- such as Sandra Fluke, who in 2012 was slut-shamed after she testified before Congress in an effort to persuade Georgetown University to include birth control in its health care coverage -- are expected to buckle to biases and, ultimately, bow out.

In addition to double standards -- and the fact that Democrats, at least in the post-Bill Clinton era, seem willing to hold their own accountable to a degree Republicans aren't -- there's something else that shouldn't be overlooked in the Katie Hill debacle: that she also appears to be the victim of revenge porn (which is illegal in both the District of Columbia and California).

Over the past week, a conservative blog and a British tabloid magazine have disseminated intimate photos of Hill, claiming that she and her husband of nine years, Kenny Heslep, had a separate relationship with a female campaign staffer. In this light, this isn't merely a story of dueling responses to sexual misbehavior -- it's also a story of a foul assault on a woman's privacy.

In a video statement on Monday, Hill alleges that her "abusive husband," whom she's in the midst of divorce proceedings with, and "hateful political operatives" are attempting to humiliate her via the photos. (CNN has reached out to Heslep for comment but has not heard back.)

But there's a twist: Hill is fighting back. In the aftermath of the publication of the photos, she's pursuing legal action against outlets that have shared the photos.

"I'm hurt. I'm angry. The path that I saw so clearly for myself is no longer there," Hill says in the Monday video. "I never claimed to be perfect. But I never thought my imperfections would be weaponized and used to try to destroy me and the community I've loved for my entire life."

As visible as the theme of impunity for male misbehavior has become in the past couple years, so, too, has the power of women's anger at the world's many gendered injustices. This rage is no longer a cause for shame but rather a cause for its own weaponization.

"To every girl and woman -- to everyone who believes in this fight -- this isn't over," Hill tweeted on Sunday. There's every reason to believe that she's right.


Oct 15, 1999
Without doubt one of the most poorly written articles I've ever read. I'm not familiar with Mrs. Hills story, and after reading that article all I know is that she may have had an affair and her husband may have released nude pics of her.


Oct 6, 2009
Without doubt one of the most poorly written articles I've ever read. I'm not familiar with Mrs. Hills story, and after reading that article all I know is that she may have had an affair and her husband may have released nude pics of her.
It probably assumes you've been following the story all along.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
Without doubt one of the most poorly written articles I've ever read. I'm not familiar with Mrs. Hills story, and after reading that article all I know is that she may have had an affair and her husband may have released nude pics of her.
Your mind's inability to accept content due to it contradicting your current world view does not make the article poorly written.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Without doubt one of the most poorly written articles I've ever read. I'm not familiar with Mrs. Hills story, and after reading that article all I know is that she may have had an affair and her husband may have released nude pics of her.

I agree that the article should devote more space to details of the allegations against her, but it's only ever necessary to point out that the very same people that excoriate her for the decisions that she has made in her life are the very same people that praise, and reward-by-vote those members of their own party that behave the very same way, and far far worse.

...I mean, what the fuck, GOP? You re-elect a redneck running a prostitution ring, an "anti-abortion" redneck that is forcing patients that he is having affairs with to abort the fetuses that he is putting in their wombs?

Today's Republican party is a fucking disease, and we need some new form of penicillin to eradicate it from our population.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018
I agree that the article should devote more space to details of the allegations against her, but it's only ever necessary to point out that the very same people that excoriate her for the decisions that she has made in her life are the very same people that praise, and reward-by-vote those members of their own party that behave the very same way, and far far worse.

...I mean, what the fuck, GOP? You re-elect a redneck running a prostitution ring, an "anti-abortion" redneck that is forcing patients that he is having affairs with to abort the fetuses that he is putting in their wombs?

Today's Republican party is a fucking disease, and we need some new form of penicillin to eradicate it from our population.

"Integrity" is doing the right thing even when no one's looking. Republicans, on the other hand, could give two farts in a hurricane over who sees what they do.

Al Franken took a joke photo, and still had enough integrity not to soil his office. He resigned when he had absolutely no reason to, but then, he was a Democrat.


Oct 15, 1999
Your mind's inability to accept content due to it contradicting your current world view does not make the article poorly written.
The articles lack of context and information makes it poorly written. A litany of republican picadillos doesn't tell me Mrs. Hills story. There are the five W's of basic reporting, who, what, when, where, and why. This story got one of those.
I'll have to go elsewhere to discover what events occurred and why they happened. That aint reporting.


Oct 6, 2009
The articles lack of context and information makes it poorly written. A litany of republican picadillos doesn't tell me Mrs. Hills story. There are the five W's of basic reporting, who, what, when, where, and why. This story got one of those.
I'll have to go elsewhere to discover what events occurred and why they happened. That aint reporting.
It isn't reporting, it is an analysis. It says so right at the top.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
The articles lack of context and information makes it poorly written. A litany of republican picadillos doesn't tell me Mrs. Hills story. There are the five W's of basic reporting, who, what, when, where, and why. This story got one of those.
I'll have to go elsewhere to discover what events occurred and why they happened. That aint reporting.
A lot of reporting does depend on the reader being aware of modern affairs. But also, it appears part of the problem is that you didn't properly understand the thesis of the report. The report isn't about Mrs. Hill. The report is about the double standard that exists for democrats compared to republicans, and even more so for women compared to men. The reporting covers all your five Ws, you just didn't recognize them. To help, I'll lay it out for you.

Who - Democrats and more particularly women.
What - Are held to a higher standard than republican males.
Where - In political offices in the United States.
Why - Because we have a double standard where we are willing to "forgive" republican males for not living a good, moral life, but not democrats. Additionally, democrats hold their own accountable, while republicans give their representatives passes.

However, I imagine I probably just wasted my time, because I highly doubt you actually care. You are just following the conservative playbook. When you can't fight the facts, you attack the procedure.
Feb 4, 2009
She shouldn't have resigned. Period.

I don’t have a horse in this race but I agree. She should have owned it all, woman messing around with an assistant isn’t as creepy as a guy doing it.
She has one small problem, she has a iron cross tattoo near her pubic area. Could be hard to explain that in CA and yes I looked at the pictures. I shouldn’t have because they were stolen/revenge porn.
She should have owned it all, she looks good for her age, she looks like she is fun to be around.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I think it was Rush that I heard pointing to Hill as an example of left wing media bias because it wasn't being plastered all over the news... This article paints a stark contrast, but it's clear to see how easy it is to paint a different picture when you suspend any pretense of fair and honest reporting. And blast that alongside the message that they are the only source of trustworthy information. Where have we seen those tactics before?


Dec 7, 2004
She never should have resigned. This seems like not a big deal whatsoever. Republicans commit treason while in office, Democrats resign over a BS "scandal" like this.

Yep, all three were in a consenting relationship. The only issue was the woman being on her campaign staff. That should have resulted in a letter of reprimand or whatever but is definitely no reason to resign.

The pictures were the mistake. Always make sure your face isn't in them.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018
I don’t have a horse in this race but I agree. She should have owned it all, woman messing around with an assistant isn’t as creepy as a guy doing it.
She has one small problem, she has a iron cross tattoo near her pubic area. Could be hard to explain that in CA and yes I looked at the pictures. I shouldn’t have because they were stolen/revenge porn.
She should have owned it all, she looks good for her age, she looks like she is fun to be around.

In case you hadn't noticed, my avatar, which is my squadron patch, of the 3rd Marine Air Wing, (HMLA–169) also has an iron cross.

Do we need to explain that?

P.S. PM me a link for those photos.. :cool:
Feb 4, 2009
In case you hadn't noticed, my avatar, which is my squadron patch, of the 3rd Marine Air Wing, (HMLA–169) also has an iron cross.

Do we need to explain that?

P.S. PM me a link for those photos.. :cool:

I should have been more clear. I don’t think that’s indicative of her being a Nazi, her actions prove otherwise. I think there are some that would.

Several of the photos (non nude) had her holding an Xbox controller. Wouldn’t surprise me if she got the tattoo because of a game.
Just a guess, no I do not think she’s a hidden Nazi.


Jun 23, 2004
Democrats stood by Bill Clinton, but they did not stand by Katie Hill. Shame, that. She did not deserve this outcome.

Correction, unfair assessment.
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Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2007
IF we accept the Republican premise that the impeachment inquiry is illegitimate because the whistle-blower allegedly had ulterior motives for (factually) reporting the call...

THEN we can only conclude that Ms. Hill should not have resigned because the reporter who broke the story makes campaign contributions to Republican candidates.


Apr 8, 2013
Her liaison with the campaign staffer - which she admits to - is a non-issue. Congress has no jurisdiction to sanction her over that. The ethics investigation has to do with an allegation that she had a sexual relationship with one of her Congressional aids - which she denies.

I'm assuming that second allegation is actually true and that is why she resigned. I still don't understand it though. She would have gotten a slap on the wrist from the ethics committee and it wouldn't have affected her chance to be re-elected much if at all.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Wherever or not someone can get away with something to me is not the bar to measure with. I personally have a problem with the ethics of mixing sex with their business relationships. It is no standalone source of judgment of character, but neither would I brush off the question of whether this indicates someone has appropriate boundaries to perform their job in the public's interest.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018
Democrats stood by Bill Clinton, but they did not stand by Katie Hill. Shame, that. She did not deserve this outcome.

She didn't give anybody a chance to stand behind her, (which in some ways, would be a spectacular place to...) Almost immediately after it came out, she said she was just going to toss it in. The only thing I find curious about that, is that she said that she was doing it because "she didn't know what would be next".

So Katie, what else is out there sweetheart? Is that a great Dane or a bull mastiff? How many guys again? Give us a clue. o_O

Wherever or not someone can get away with something to me is not the bar to measure with. I personally have a problem with the ethics of mixing sex with their business relationships. It is no standalone source of judgment of character, but neither would I brush off the question of whether this indicates someone has appropriate boundaries to perform their job in the public's interest.

REALLY? Believe it or not, there was a time, when a majority of the people found their spouses on the job. Guys were always marrying their secretaries. If a woman didn't get married right out of high school or college, she went to work with the hidden agenda of smoking Bob from accounting.
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Apr 8, 2013
Wherever or not someone can get away with something to me is not the bar to measure with. I personally have a problem with the ethics of mixing sex with their business relationships. It is no standalone source of judgment of character, but neither would I brush off the question of whether this indicates someone has appropriate boundaries to perform their job in the public's interest.

I agree with you, and in another time I might have felt more strongly about this. The problem is that we have male politicians, especially republicans, who are getting away with sex scandals way worse than this one. There is a double standard which needs to be addressed, and that issue is more important than whether Hill exercised bad judgment in this case.
Nov 25, 2013
I should have been more clear. I don’t think that’s indicative of her being a Nazi, her actions prove otherwise. I think there are some that would.

Several of the photos (non nude) had her holding an Xbox controller. Wouldn’t surprise me if she got the tattoo because of a game.
Just a guess, no I do not think she’s a hidden Nazi.

The Iron Cross actually has nothing to do with nazis. It was established in early 1813.