No, the book written by graphics professionals won't teach you how to be a pro, but the online tutorials written by 16 year old kids working with pirated copies of photoshop and Kai's power tools, and "just messing around" will.
Phuz - I suppose you work in graphic design? >>
Sorry notfred, Phuz is easily more knowledgable in Photochop than you are, if I am thinking quite right at the moment. Everything I've learned(now, granted, I may not be a 'professional' in the sense you are most aquainted with) I have gotten from doing about 8 Photoshop tutorials, about an hour of reading a few Photoshop books at the local bookstore, and the rest just 'messing around(Read - trying all the different uses and effects and buttons and seeing just what they do, and how they can be incorporated into normal use rather than making some 'cool' looking smudge of colors or something) in Photoshop. Then, I see how far I can take each use inside PS.
I didn't take classes, read books, study for months and finally suddenly become a Photoshop genious. Reading books, for me, just DOESN'T work unless you want to learn just what the job of ______ is, which in that case you run over to Borders/B&N, grab a book, look it up, say "Oh, I get it!" go home and try it out.
Oh, and I take it that you're inferring that online tutorials are all done by pimply faced kiddies who ripped PS from Direct Connect and managed to bevel the word, "Fsck" in Arial, right?
I'm sure you know Illustrator and pro logo design much better than most people here on the board, but when it comes to stuff like Phuz does...well...I think he has an upper hand.