What kind of GPA does it take to get into your school?


May 20, 2002
I know this is kind of early, but I'm a freshmen in high school. Currently I have a 2.7 average, I really need to work on it(my history teacher's fault). I know people with GPA's below 3.0 don't have that many options, what does it take to get into your college?


Senior member
Aug 25, 2001
you need a lot to get into a UC, it's inflated thanks to AP classes and IB classes that the state of california offers. i got into ucla with a 4.05 and i'm currently doing microbio with an asian am minor. i know that the average gpa to get into the UC system is actually above 4.0, but they "should" allow people into ucla with at least a 3.80 gpa. it's pretty competitive, but keep at it, good luck.



Oct 7, 2001
UCSD, i got 1330 on SAT, 4.2 weighted gpa, 3.8 unwieghted......i was active in community services, leaders of two clubs, one i helped found....yeah.....go in UCSD revelle college as an EE major (big mistake to get into revelle goddamnit)

since ur still a freshman, u have a chance to bump up that gpa...try to get AT LEAST a 3.6 by the time you graduate....just do the hw and study...it's not that hard in high school...wait 'till u see college .. :(

oh yeah..and u get to study w/ :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer: !!!! YEAH!


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: psy44
I know this is kind of early, but I'm a freshmen in high school. Currently I have a 2.7 average, I really need to work on it(my history teacher's fault). I know people with GPA's below 3.0 don't have that many options, what does it take to get into your college?
You are a freshmen... in two years your GPA could be anywhere. Just work hard to stay above 3.0


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2001
Originally posted by: psy44
I know this is kind of early, but I'm a freshmen in high school. Currently I have a 2.7 average, I really need to work on it(my history teacher's fault). I know people with GPA's below 3.0 don't have that many options, what does it take to get into your college?

GPA aside, don't start blaming anyone but yourself. :p

I've read too many threads of people complaining about being wronged by a teacher only to learn that the kid had an attitude problem or didn't try or something ridiculous. But hey, I could be wrong.

And I went to a UC, so high 3's and up.




Oct 7, 2001
Originally posted by: ggavinmoss
Originally posted by: psy44
I know this is kind of early, but I'm a freshmen in high school. Currently I have a 2.7 average, I really need to work on it(my history teacher's fault). I know people with GPA's below 3.0 don't have that many options, what does it take to get into your college?

GPA aside, don't start blaming anyone but yourself. :p

I've read too many threads of people complaining about being wronged by a teacher only to learn that the kid had an attitude problem or didn't try or something ridiculous. But hey, I could be wrong.

And I went to a UC, so high 3's and up.


i agree w/ u...u have no one to blame but yourself....YOU are the one who should take the initiative to study you arse off....it's not that difficult especially in high school.....of course there's butthole teachers, but you still have to study....


Sep 17, 2002
I got into my college fairly easily (Clemson U...I was actually asked into their honors program before I even showed up). My grades and SAT were pretty decent though. I have been out for a couple of years now and my little sister just started this year at the same college with same grades and a slightly better SAT, but many of her friends did not get in and she was not asked into the honors program. Now I am coaching a "prep" school's varsity soccer team and a number of the guys with allright grades and allright SATs were not able to get in to Clemson...I was suprised.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
I got into UF with a 3.6GPA (weighted) and a 1320 SAT. I heard now that it's impossible to get in without a 3.9 GPA.

I think the U of M requires a 3.6 GPA or above.

Of course, if you're black, indian, female or any other underrepresented minority, you need to have a pulse. Yup, just a pulse.



Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2001
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
UCSD, i got 1330 on SAT, 4.2 weighted gpa, 3.8 unwieghted......i was active in community services, leaders of two clubs, one i helped found....yeah.....go in UCSD revelle college as an EE major (big mistake to get into revelle goddamnit)

since ur still a freshman, u have a chance to bump up that gpa...try to get AT LEAST a 3.6 by the time you graduate....just do the hw and study...it's not that hard in high school...wait 'till u see college .. :(

oh yeah..and u get to study w/ :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer: !!!! YEAH!

ha! i told my friend not to go to revelle and he did anyway. :) now he regrets it


May 20, 2002
It just doesn't make sense to me, why I have to work twice as hard because I have a terrible teacher. I know I sound really dumb for blaming her, but she is the most unfair of all of my teachers. This term we had 4 grades. I got an F on one test and 2 B's and one C on my other tests. She says because she has 130 students, that she won't grade projects and she won't give papers because she knows we all download them off the internet. Since September we have taken notes every day, while she lectures us, we have done nothing else. She doesn't spend any of her money on us, instead she drives the nicest car in the parking lot (BMW 5 series brand new). The thing that makes me most mad is that, the school is laying off almost all new teachers, and since she has worked there 10 years, she will be the last to go. The new teachers are the ones that spend time and effort to create projects and spend their salary on us, while she rides around in her BMW all day(literally she does, she tells us she takes one day off every term to get away from all the work). It's just not fair!

Originally posted by: psy44
It just doesn't make sense to me, why I have to work twice as hard because I have a terrible teacher. I know I sound really dumb for blaming her, but she is the most unfair of all of my teachers. This term we had 4 grades. I got an F on one test and 2 B's and one C on my other tests. She says because she has 130 students, that she won't grade projects and she won't give papers because she knows we all download them off the internet. Since September we have taken notes every day, while she lectures us, we have done nothing else. She doesn't spend any of her money on us, instead she drives the nicest car in the parking lot (BMW 5 series brand new). The thing that makes me most mad is that, the school is laying off almost all new teachers, and since she has worked there 10 years, she will be the last to go. The new teachers are the ones that spend time and effort to create projects and spend their salary on us, while she rides around in her BMW all day(literally she does, she tells us she takes one day off every term to get away from all the work). It's just not fair!

Uh, there's gotta be some kids in your class who are getting A's. If there are, you've got no one to blame but yourself and your crappy attitude. So what if your teacher's a biotch. Get used to it. Having mean, nasty superiors is an integral part of this thing called life.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: psy44
She doesn't spend any of her money on us

Why the hell should she spend $ on students? I can see like $5 for candy for like Halloween or something but what are you expecting?

Ok, if you don't do projects or papers, what the hell can she be testing you on? Are you just not taking notes? This class sounds like a cakewalk. What subject is it?



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Spac3d
Originally posted by: psy44
I know this is kind of early, but I'm a freshmen in high school. Currently I have a 2.7 average, I really need to work on it(my history teacher's fault). I know people with GPA's below 3.0 don't have that many options, what does it take to get into your college?
You are a freshmen... in two years your GPA could be anywhere. Just work hard to stay above 3.0
At the same time don't think to yourself, well, I'll just work harder next year and pull it up. If your school is anything like mine, by the time you're a junior you'll be doing 2-3 times the work to get the same grades. Now is the time to get a high GPA so you won't have so much pressure later.


May 20, 2002
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Originally posted by: psy44
She doesn't spend any of her money on us

Why the hell should she spend $ on students? I can see like $5 for candy for like Halloween or something but what are you expecting?

Ok, if you don't do projects or papers, what the hell can she be testing you on? Are you just not taking notes? This class sounds like a cakewalk. What subject is it?


It's history, we take notes every day, see, her tests are so hard because she weighs things so much. For example, the last test we had was 70 points, there were 10 vocab words and 1 essay, each vocab word was worth 5 points and the essay 20, in each chapter we get tested on there are about 30-50 words/names, I got two vocab words wrong and 5 points off my essay, that brings me down to a C, which is outrageous since that is 25% of my grade. She should spend money for making handouts and study guides and other things which might help get our grades up(there's no paper in the school, the teachers have to bring their own). I don't know why I stay in this school, my mom says its one of the top public schools in the nation, but I bet 1:1,000,000 people have heard of it (Boston Latin School).


Feb 7, 2001
Originally posted by: psy44
She should spend money for making handouts and study guides and other things which might help get our grades up(there's no paper in the school, the teachers have to bring their own).

No the hell she shouldn't.


May 20, 2002
Originally posted by: aves2k
Originally posted by: psy44
She should spend money for making handouts and study guides and other things which might help get our grades up(there's no paper in the school, the teachers have to bring their own).

No the hell she shouldn't.

Well then I guess that's what I've been used to....All my other teachers do. Anyways this is off the subject. What does it take to get into your college?


Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
UCSD, i got 1330 on SAT, 4.2 weighted gpa, 3.8 unwieghted......i was active in community services, leaders of two clubs, one i helped found....yeah.....go in UCSD revelle college as an EE major (big mistake to get into revelle goddamnit)

since ur still a freshman, u have a chance to bump up that gpa...try to get AT LEAST a 3.6 by the time you graduate....just do the hw and study...it's not that hard in high school...wait 'till u see college .. :(

oh yeah..and u get to study w/ :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer: !!!! YEAH!

I got 1200 SAT, 4.2 weighted gpa, 3.8 unwieghted, did comunity service, some club stuff, got into UCSD Thurgood Marshall college as an comp eng major :) Hope it will be fun when i start there next year.