What I truely expect to see in the next 4 years

Sep 29, 2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal
8) N Korea and Iran will continue developing WMD (ironic how they stated this after Iraq invasion)

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)

I'd have to agree but it (failing economy, loss of job, etc) will not affect the red states nearly as much as the blue states, because much of the red states are service-based economies. They're pretty much insulated from economic fluctuations.
Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)

I'd have to agree but it (failing economy, loss of job, etc) will not affect the red states nearly as much as the blue states, because much of the red states are service-based economies. They're pretty much insulated from economic fluctuations.

service based meaning the services industry or military service?

I nterms of military service, iwht a failing economy, they government won't have money to spend on military. Add in more tax cuts .....


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)

I'd have to agree but it (failing economy, loss of job, etc) will not affect the red states nearly as much as the blue states, because much of the red states are service-based economies. They're pretty much insulated from economic fluctuations.

service based meaning the services industry or military service?

I nterms of military service, iwht a failing economy, they government won't have money to spend on military. Add in more tax cuts .....

Service based = retail, restaurant, etc...


Oct 10, 1999
It is funny -- people like to say that Bush ran on a campaign of fear-mongering, but what exactly is this?


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
N Korea and Iran will continue developing WMD (ironic how they started after Iraq invasion)



Senior member
Dec 6, 2001
What i expect to see in the next 4 years.

1) Libral Moaning
2) Libral Crying
3) Libral Weeping
4) Libral Suffering
5) Libral Praying?? well prob not.
Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Mill
It is funny -- people like to say that Bush ran on a campaign of fear-mongering, but what exactly is this?

Keep saying terrorism enough and people will become fearful for psycoligical reasons.

But the campaigns both sucked. Both said whaht the other guy would do wrong instead of what they would do right. I'm so fed up with this BS it's unbeleivable, and hte media is greatly to blame.
Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: namike
What i expect to see in the next 4 years.

1) Libral Moaning
2) Libral Crying
3) Libral Weeping
4) Libral Suffering
5) Libral Praying?? well prob not.

Wow, talk about a totally irrelecvant statement. Why not just say what you expect to see in the next 4 years instead of moaning, crying, weeping and suffering due to my opinion.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal
8) N Korea and Iran will continue developing WMD (ironic how they stated this after Iraq invasion)

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)
Pessimism is the single largest ingredient in failure. :gift: I suppose you are one of those guys that hates your job, also. :p



Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal
8) N Korea and Iran will continue developing WMD (ironic how they stated this after Iraq invasion)

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)

#6 WILL NOT HAPPEN. With the exception of #7, I saw this all happening no matter who won the election.


1) Happened before Bush was elected.
2) Happened before Bush was elected.
3) Happened before Bush was elected.
4) Happened JUST before Bush was elected.
5) Happened before Bush was elected.
8) Happened before Bush was elected.

I actually see the potential of Bush having a much better term in these 4 yars. As long as he doesn't invade any more countries, our economy has grounds for much improvement. Of course, it also all depends on how well/bad things go in Iraq.


Golden Member
Apr 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal
8) N Korea and Iran will continue developing WMD (ironic how they stated this after Iraq invasion)

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)
Pessimism is the single largest ingredient in failure. :gift: I suppose you are one of those guys that hates your job, also. :p

actually its likely the above will happen with exception of pt#6


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Hey... You left out this...


No more evolution being teached in schools. It's sad really to hear how GOD created the earth / Sun and planets not to mention everything else on this earth ...

What a bunch of BS. Yup, I hope you guys like lots of religion? It's not only going to be in the white house or every time you turn on your tv, it's going to be in your schools, work place, shopping malls, etc...etc..


Senior member
Jul 29, 2001
Havre doubts about 6 and 7.
Anyway, the others were Clinton's fault, or at the very least the work of the Godless liberal bastards.;)


Jan 28, 2002
I also believe that #7 is very unlikely to happen.

The main reason: Does anyone really think the Republican Party would give this up as an issue?

Think about it... No more votes from the religious right.


Senior member
Dec 6, 2001
I wouldn't underestimate the potential to ban abortion....Below i've tried to list what the Democrats will have to do and overcome to stop any potential ban on abortion. Also, below is what i feel are the trends of this topic over recent years...Do not take offense to the term "Libral" i just use it because thats the general description of pro-choice people termed by the media and etc...

Look at the trends from recent and in the past in terms of "morality."

1) America has spoken in this election in terms of "moral" values. Take example the 11/11 States that put Ban's on gay marriage.....

2) Here in Florida Amendment 1 was passed, allowing that Parents of Minor's trying to get an abortion must be notified.

3) March 13, 2003
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate voted overwhelmingly Thursday to ban a procedure that critics call partial birth abortion, a triumph for President Bush and the Republicans who took control of Congress this year.


The 64-33 vote sent the legislation to the GOP-controlled House, where passage is expected this spring. That vote was cast almost a year ago...now the Republicans have even more power with the 4 seats they have. And only 33 votead for it...that means in the time of that vote....~ 13 or so Democratic Senator crossed over to support a type of BAN on abortion AND the Republicans now have 4 more seats (plus 1 VP if needed). Main point here is......56 seats now have the Senate...it takes 60.......so if less than half of the ~13 that crossed the line do it again, its bad news for the legallity of abortion.

Kerry's record showed all the weekness Bush needed to dominate the moral topic of abortion. This is just an example of the type of tatics used on the "#1 Democrat's" views on abortion in this recent election.

Voting Record
# FactCheck: Yes, Kerry did vote against Laci Peterson law. (Oct 2004)
# Against partial-birth abortion but there are exceptions. (Oct 2004)
# Voted NO on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
# Voted NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
# Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
# Voted NO on disallowing overseas military abortions. (May 1999)
# Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record. (Dec 2003)
# Expand embryonic stem cell research. (Jun 2004)

From May 1999 well before this recent election....the "moral" swing started almost a year ago, which in my opinion led to a outbreak of "morality" that carried President Bush to victory. Not to mention Kerry supports abortion, which is a "NO NO" in the catholic church, also didn't help Kerry that the pope didn't favor him.

4) The next big "push" for a ban on abortion will be to use simple facts on the practice itself. Including statistical data, detailed procedures and "grusome" examples of the practice. I.E. Bush used these metods of "simple facts" to dominate the abortion issue. This will help drill home more support of the people, the Representatives will see this, and respresent what the people elected them feel.

Look for Republicans to push the 40,000,000 (40 million) abortions this country has performed (a very big number of "casulaties" of american citizens)....especially win Librals in the future start stressing the "war casulaties" when this abortion ban momentum starts to surface to try to counter act it.

5) If its going to get banned, the work on the bill is going to start soon and will be accomplished, or tried anyways within the next 2 years....before the Republicans have a chance to loose any seats in the House or Senate.

6) The timing of supreme court Justicies to be replaced is also vital... If a "libral" justice can maybe make it 2 years more...then maybe the Dems could gain back some seats in the House's. If bush appoints 2 or even 3 within the first year and gets them seated, its over.

7) The supreme court can still function with as few as 6 Justices (from what i understand). So EVEN IF the Dems can manage by a few vote's to fillibuster Judge appointments, the potential for the Supreme court to rule on this issue is still there, even if not all spots are seated by a judge.

Wheter you agree with what i've listed above or not....the general since of my message will transition the next 2 years on the topic of abortion. If there is time coming to ban abortion, its in these next 2 years.

Whichever way you feel, just keep in mind how things like this work in washington.


Apr 17, 2004
Just as an FYI about the draft thing, take a look at this site. Has a lot of good info IMO, and doesn't seem to be biased to me. Any other opinions?


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2002
Add to the list:

Martial Law declared -- women and children drafted.
Sex out of wedlock made illegal.
Oral sex made illegal.
Books on evolution made illegal.
New armbands featuring a Republican War-Elephant.
War against the US in Iran, NK, Syria, France, and Germany.
Chemical and Biological weapons used by our own government within US cities.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
1) A major terrorist act in the US
2) even more hatred of the US in terms of global opinion (as if it wasn't bad eneough)
3) The sepereation between rich and and poor even greater.
4) A failing economy.
5) more manufacturing jobs will disappear.
6) Draft? (see below)
7) abortion made illegal

Andyone else care to add to the US.

What has happened so far?
1) North Korea has already stated publicly(since the election ended) that iwith the re-election of Bush, they see no way that talks will prevent them from producing nuclear weapons. (draft?)

I'd have to agree but it (failing economy, loss of job, etc) will not affect the red states nearly as much as the blue states, because much of the red states are service-based economies. They're pretty much insulated from economic fluctuations.

Ohio isn't affected by the economy? Iowa wasn't affected by the economy? Texas,Virginia,N.C., Georgia etc weren't affected by the economy? Go look up some stats, you'll find that Ohio was the biggest hit state for job loss in the country.


Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
Since my thread, of course, got locked, here is what I expect to see over the next 4 years.

1. Booming economy
2. Iraqi elections
3. Tax Reform
4. Lower taxes
5. Increased Home Ownership
6. Tort Reform
7. Small Business and Job Growth
8. More Republicans in Congress

A little optimism in the afternoon. The radicals here cheer for things to go bad. I always cheer for things to go well in America no matter who's in office.