Western media sensationalizing rapes in India


Aug 24, 2004
So often when I go to Yahoo I often see the most bizarre stories. Whether it's about Beyonce's latest outfit or something BS story. It appears that Yahoo and many other outlets like to put "shock" stories to grab the attention.

So it appears what better method than to constantly pick stories about rapes in India. I understand it's not Yahoo but sources like AP and others actually report the news but the point still stands. By establishing a theme, that rapes occur soooo often in India, they can keeping on adding on to this.

But please guys, come to grips with reality. India is no worse when it comes to rapes than many other countries. It's not India that has led the world in portraying women as sexual objects - it is only following the example set forth by the West. I will say that India has a lot of issues but these don't only apply to India. It applies to everyone - you, me and the various countries we live in.

Don't go around bashing a certain country because it suits your agenda or because its convenient. (Or go and do it, it's up to you). You're not looking at the entire picture if you do that. So look at reality. How many rapes happen every day in almost every country in the world? I'm sure there is plenty of violence involved. Yet, these don't get covered in the media.

Just look at these figures:


It seems like the West has a lot of work to do itself. But it's way more convenient to pick on some other country and shift attention their way.
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Aug 24, 2004
The Indian legislators who try to blame the victim or downplay the severity of these events do not help the cause.

Nice reply. Avoid the whole thing and choose something else to talk about. Typical. But if it suits your agenda, then go ahead.
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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Please read this:

So often when I go to Yahoo I often see the most bizarre stories. Whether it's about Beyonce's latest outfit or something BS story. It appears that Yahoo and many other outlets like to put "shock" stories to grab the attention.

So it appears what better method than to constantly pick stories about rapes in India. I understand it's not Yahoo but sources like AP and others actually report the news but the point still stands. By establishing a theme, that rapes occur soooo often in India, they can keeping on adding on to this.

But please guys, come to grips with reality. India is no worse when it comes to rapes than many other countries. It's not India that has led the world in portraying women as sexual objects - it is only following the example set forth by the West. I will say that India has a lot of issues but these don't only apply to India. It applies to everyone - you, me and the various countries we live in.

Don't go around bashing a certain country because it suits your agenda or because its convenient. (Or go and do it, it's up to you). You're not looking at the entire picture if you do that. So look at reality. How many rapes happen every day in almost every country in the world? I'm sure there is plenty of violence involved. Yet, these don't get covered in the media.

Just look at these figures:


It seems like the West has a lot of work to do itself. But it's way more convenient to pick on some other country and shift attention their way.

First, I consider myself fairly well-read. I've heard about grooming in the UK and problems with muslims in France. This is the first I've ever heard about 'rape gangs' in India.

Do you think that the shooting stories you see in LA, Chicago, and Detroit really represent the rest of the US? Well they don't. The media is there to generate hits and generate buzz, so they print the most outrageous, brutal, and horrible stuff they can find. India is no different.

Here's the deal though. That link you linked to? It's the biggest pile of contrived bullshit I've seen since Stormfront's last article. Seriously. You HAVE to be able to rationally read that and just start laughing. For instance...

I would suggest that this conflation is intentional and it is typical of the demonization campaigns carried out by the Western state media against countries targeted for intervention, whether that takes the form of bombing or of proxy wars or of NGO psyops.

Demonization 'campaign'? 'Western state media'?

Go get your tinfoil hat surgically removed, then spend a day or two contemplating the irony in that website demonizing the 'west' while decrying the same actions.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Please read this:

So often when I go to Yahoo I often see the most bizarre stories. Whether it's about Beyonce's latest outfit or something BS story. It appears that Yahoo and many other outlets like to put "shock" stories to grab the attention.

So it appears what better method than to constantly pick stories about rapes in India. I understand it's not Yahoo but sources like AP and others actually report the news but the point still stands. By establishing a theme, that rapes occur soooo often in India, they can keeping on adding on to this.

But please guys, come to grips with reality. India is no worse when it comes to rapes than many other countries. It's not India that has led the world in portraying women as sexual objects - it is only following the example set forth by the West. I will say that India has a lot of issues but these don't only apply to India. It applies to everyone - you, me and the various countries we live in.

Don't go around bashing a certain country because it suits your agenda or because its convenient. (Or go and do it, it's up to you). You're not looking at the entire picture if you do that. So look at reality. How many rapes happen every day in almost every country in the world? I'm sure there is plenty of violence involved. Yet, these don't get covered in the media.

Just look at these figures:


It seems like the West has a lot of work to do itself. But it's way more convenient to pick on some other country and shift attention their way.

Hmmm.. well this article seems to disagree with you on some levels.
India has a rape crisis, but Pakistans may be worse

And this article that points out what your saying is a bad analogy and flawed

Oh and this article here: Quote: Gang-rapes are evidence of entrenched social problems, analysts said: the resiliency of caste-based sexual violence, police indifference and a tolerance of sexual harassment. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...ng-rape-and-the-failure-to-stop-it/?tid=hp_mm


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Nice reply. Avoid the whole thing and choose something else to talk about. Typical. But if it suits your agenda, then go ahead.

I have no agenda and enjoy visiting India quite a bit. I'll be going next month actually.

Doesn't really change the fact that there is a PERCEIVED acceptance of gang rape against certain subsets of the Indian population based on comments made by legislators, repeatedly.

Sure America has a "rape" problem, but I've never heard of an American legislator trying to downplay gang rapes. Can't say the same for India...


Aug 24, 2004
First, I consider myself fairly well-read. I've heard about grooming in the UK and problems with muslims in France. This is the first I've ever heard about 'rape gangs' in India.

Do you think that the shooting stories you see in LA, Chicago, and Detroit really represent the rest of the US? Well they don't. The media is there to generate hits and generate buzz, so they print the most outrageous, brutal, and horrible stuff they can find. India is no different.

Here's the deal though. That link you linked to? It's the biggest pile of contrived bullshit I've seen since Stormfront's last article. Seriously. You HAVE to be able to rationally read that and just start laughing. For instance...

I would suggest that this conflation is intentional and it is typical of the demonization campaigns carried out by the Western state media against countries targeted for intervention, whether that takes the form of bombing or of proxy wars or of NGO psyops.

Demonization 'campaign'? 'Western state media'?

Go get your tinfoil hat surgically removed, then spend a day or two contemplating the irony in that website demonizing the 'west' while decrying the same actions.

It might be better if we start to realize that the media is there to get our attention and to rile us up. Unfortunately, we do pay too much attention and get very riled up. As to that article, I'm sure they have their agenda as well. It's up to the reader to decide whether he will be a sheep, as the vast majority are, or he will read that news story with some doubt. After all, reporters are just as biased as anyone else. I know this goes against the majority view.

I just removed the link to that article. Thank you.
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Aug 24, 2004
I have no agenda and enjoy visiting India quite a bit. I'll be going next month actually.

Doesn't really change the fact that there is a PERCEIVED acceptance of gang rape against certain subsets of the Indian population based on comments made by legislators, repeatedly.

Sure America has a "rape" problem, but I've never heard of an American legislator trying to downplay gang rapes. Can't say the same for India...

Ok, that is one specific problem. Is the problem rape or is it something deeper? There is huge corruption in India at all levels (to a lesser extent in other countries probably). So that plays into all these issues. However, I have to question whether it makes any difference what politicians say or do. I have doubts as to whether politicians anywhere care what goes on besides getting elected and then reelected.

The problems in India, and elsewhere, lie way beyond politicians, police chiefs and other so-called leaders. If the people did not think like they think, I'm sure many, if not most, problems would go away. Including rape. Rape is not an isolated problem. It is all connected - connected to our sick minds. Very, very sad. :(


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Ok, that is one specific problem. Is the problem rape or is it something deeper? There is huge corruption in India at all levels (to a lesser extent in other countries probably). So that plays into all these issues. However, I have to question whether it makes any difference what politicians say or do. I have doubts as to whether politicians anywhere care what goes on besides getting elected and then reelected.

The problems in India, and elsewhere, lie way beyond politicians, police chiefs and other so-called leaders. If the people did not think like they think, I'm sure many, if not most, problems would go away. Including rape. Rape is not an isolated problem. It is all connected - connected to our sick minds. Very, very sad. :(

Culture problems are universal. Some facets of Indian culture seem to accept rape. Some facets of US culture (Inner City Culture) glamorize thug culture, crime, and gun violence. Or, in other words, stupid people will always be stupid people. Don't get so wound up about the media. They're worthless.

Don't be so sensitive about the problems in your own culture. God knows we have enough in the US. Look at the rampant corruption that allowed the City of Detroit to go bankrupt.

Politicians are usually worthless.


Senior member
May 5, 2014
It might be better if we start to realize that the media is there to get our attention and to rile us up. Unfortunately, we do pay too much attention and get very riled up. As to that article, I'm sure they have their agenda as well. It's up to the reader to decide whether he will be a sheep, as the vast majority are, or he will read that news story with some doubt. After all, reporters are just as biased as anyone else. I know this goes against the majority view.

I just removed the link to that article. Thank you.

When children get gang raped periodically and die from the injuries.... Yeah, riled up is a bit of a stretch, shouldn't care much about it at all, right? Like when that 4 year old girl was gang raped before Christmas, no one should care about that, the police didn't because it was a child of a lower caste and it wasn't until the media got the story going that anything actually happened.

The real problem is that this is rarely even reported even if it is a very young child that was raped and died from it and it's because of the fucking caste system, the police are unwilling to charge anyone with a high caste for raping a four year old caste less girl.

THIS is Indias problem.


Senior member
May 5, 2014
Culture problems are universal. Some facets of Indian culture seem to accept rape. Some facets of US culture (Inner City Culture) glamorize thug culture, crime, and gun violence. Or, in other words, stupid people will always be stupid people. Don't get so wound up about the media. They're worthless.

Don't be so sensitive about the problems in your own culture. God knows we have enough in the US. Look at the rampant corruption that allowed the City of Detroit to go bankrupt.

Politicians are usually worthless.

And yet there is a court system in place that isn't allowed to consider such things as hierarchical standings of the subjects (even though this does happen in almost every single ruling while we pretend it doesn't). The law should be blind.


Senior member
May 5, 2014
I have no agenda and enjoy visiting India quite a bit. I'll be going next month actually.

Doesn't really change the fact that there is a PERCEIVED acceptance of gang rape against certain subsets of the Indian population based on comments made by legislators, repeatedly.

Sure America has a "rape" problem, but I've never heard of an American legislator trying to downplay gang rapes. Can't say the same for India...


This Chinese guy speaks of the truth. (And by chinese i mean oriental and if that offends you too then i mean asian.)


Senior member
May 5, 2014
Ok, that is one specific problem. Is the problem rape or is it something deeper? There is huge corruption in India at all levels (to a lesser extent in other countries probably). So that plays into all these issues. However, I have to question whether it makes any difference what politicians say or do. I have doubts as to whether politicians anywhere care what goes on besides getting elected and then reelected.

The problems in India, and elsewhere, lie way beyond politicians, police chiefs and other so-called leaders. If the people did not think like they think, I'm sure many, if not most, problems would go away. Including rape. Rape is not an isolated problem. It is all connected - connected to our sick minds. Very, very sad. :(

It's the fucking caste system, police can and do rape young children freely, so do those of the higher castes and not a single fuck is given about it, in none of the medial cases has anything what so ever happened until there were fucking riots about it.

This should tell you what happens in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of cases where there is no one to speak for the victims who are lower caste and thus worthless per fucking Indian definition.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
So often when I go to Yahoo I often see the most bizarre stories. Whether it's about Beyonce's latest outfit or something BS story. It appears that Yahoo and many other outlets like to put "shock" stories to grab the attention.

So it appears what better method than to constantly pick stories about rapes in India. I understand it's not Yahoo but sources like AP and others actually report the news but the point still stands. By establishing a theme, that rapes occur soooo often in India, they can keeping on adding on to this.

But please guys, come to grips with reality. India is no worse when it comes to rapes than many other countries. It's not India that has led the world in portraying women as sexual objects - it is only following the example set forth by the West. I will say that India has a lot of issues but these don't only apply to India. It applies to everyone - you, me and the various countries we live in.

Don't go around bashing a certain country because it suits your agenda or because its convenient. (Or go and do it, it's up to you). You're not looking at the entire picture if you do that. So look at reality. How many rapes happen every day in almost every country in the world? I'm sure there is plenty of violence involved. Yet, these don't get covered in the media.

Just look at these figures:


It seems like the West has a lot of work to do itself. But it's way more convenient to pick on some other country and shift attention their way.

That table is reporting "number of police-recorded offenses." It's very well known that in India rapes are hugely under-reported.

No, India is one of the world's leading shit-holes when it comes to rape. Stop making excuses.


Nov 23, 2003
That table is reporting "number of police-recorded offenses." It's very well known that in India rapes are hugely under-reported.

No, India is one of the world's leading shit-holes when it comes to rape. Stop making excuses.

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that more conservative countries will have lower number of reported rapes. Western countries still have major issues with blaming rape victims, but there are countries that outright punish rape victims (ME countries actually charge them with a crime).

India has a major issue because of its caste system.


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010
So often when I go to Yahoo I often see the most bizarre stories. Whether it's about Beyonce's latest outfit or something BS story. It appears that Yahoo and many other outlets like to put "shock" stories to grab the attention.

So it appears what better method than to constantly pick stories about rapes in India. I understand it's not Yahoo but sources like AP and others actually report the news but the point still stands. By establishing a theme, that rapes occur soooo often in India, they can keeping on adding on to this.

But please guys, come to grips with reality. India is no worse when it comes to rapes than many other countries. It's not India that has led the world in portraying women as sexual objects - it is only following the example set forth by the West. I will say that India has a lot of issues but these don't only apply to India. It applies to everyone - you, me and the various countries we live in.

Don't go around bashing a certain country because it suits your agenda or because its convenient. (Or go and do it, it's up to you). You're not looking at the entire picture if you do that. So look at reality. How many rapes happen every day in almost every country in the world? I'm sure there is plenty of violence involved. Yet, these don't get covered in the media.

Just look at these figures:


It seems like the West has a lot of work to do itself. But it's way more convenient to pick on some other country and shift attention their way.

It's called Atrocity Literature. Look it up.

Here is a small sample from "Breaking India" by Rajiv Malhotra:

The Criminal Tribes Act was passed in 1871 and made it lawful to perform genocide against a list of Indian tribes deemed to be criminals, including every member of this tribes right from birth. Many tribes were condemned not because they were criminals but because they were fighting against the British destruction of their jungles and other habitats. The Thugs were one such group that got so badly maligned via atrocity literature that their name has entered English language as being synonymous with criminals.

Atrocity literature played its part in downgrading women's rights too. Veena Oldenburg's seminal book, Dowry Murder, gives details of how the British encouraged Indians to list out cases of atrocities that could be blamed on native culture. They systematically compiled these anecdotes, mostly unsubstantiated and often exaggerated and one-sided. This became a justification to enact laws that downgraded the rights of the common citizens. The book shows how the dowry extortion that have become so common in middle-class India today, were actually started when women's traditional property rights were taken away by British through convoluted logic.

Girl child infanticide [from a earlier post of mine]

Nicolas Dirks is one of the many scholars to have shown how the British used atrocity litrature in order to exacerbate conflicts between 'jatis' in order to 'solve' their problems by intervening. This helped the British to gain further power and extort Indian wealth.

Claims of atrocities against workers were used to outlaw various Indian industries, including textiles and steel making, in which India had a lead over Britain. Meanwhile, the British started own Industrial Revolution to supply these goods to India as a captive market, turning Indians from world-class producers and exporters into importers and paupers. According to British authros WilliamDigby, between 1757 and 1812, the inflow of profits from India into Britain was estimated at between £ 500 million and £ 1 billion. The value of this sum in todays purchasing power would be over a trillion dollars. British were very diligent in documenting alleged cases of atrocities against workers, by the Indian manufacturers who were their competitors, and then outlawed many Indian industries on the charges of violating workers rights. The massive poverty and unemployment that resulted, only made the workers plight worse.

The Abrahamic vermin have always been maligning those not part of their worthless cults. Their game is up and the last 'big' civilization they have been unable to destroy is India.

I bolded the above so you will know what not to post next time.

Forum Director
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Jun 19, 2004
Most of the rape statistics in third world countries are unadulterated bull shit. The majority simply aren't reported.


Oct 18, 2005
It's called Atrocity Literature. Look it up.

Here is a small sample from "Breaking India" by Rajiv Malhotra:

The Abrahamic vermin have always been maligning those not part of their worthless cults. Their game is up and the last 'big' civilization they have been unable to destroy is India.

God you're a bigoted POS.......

No one has had to "destroy" India. I enjoyed my time in the country but dear god does anyone know how to pick up their damn trash?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
It's called Atrocity Literature. Look it up.

Here is a small sample from "Breaking India" by Rajiv Malhotra:

The Abrahamic vermin have always been maligning those not part of their worthless cults. Their game is up and the last 'big' civilization they have been unable to destroy is India.

You JUST got back from being banned for this sort of post. Reported.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Western media sensationalizing things? Unheard of.

That's why I cancelled my cable subscription years ago. Let 24-hour network news die a quick, painful death.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Why is raildogg defending gang rape?

He also did it in the other current thread about the gang-rape of the village woman who was engaged to marry an outsider. His comment about THAT atrocity:

You do realize that this is not religion. This is fanaticism. But people will manage to throw in their little insults and jibes at the country or the religion.

In other words, stories of rampant and particularly hideous gang rapes in India are just an unfair insult, besmirching India's and Hinduism's good name. All these rapes can just be chalked up to "fanaticism." And of course it's totally unfair to ask: what attitudes by Hindus in India toward women make "rape fanaticism" so prevalent?