Well... They're Really Going To Do It


Feb 1, 2008
Well.... They're really going to do it.
Nominate Donald J. Trump as their official republican presidential nominee.
The republican nominee for the president of the United States of America.
The land of Lincoln. The land of Washington. The land that survived civil war, slavery, the great depression, and both world war one and world war two.

I mean, this is really going to happen.
One short week from now, the republican nominee Donald J Trump will walk out of the convention as their actual chosen presidential nominee.
Lets give this a moment to sink in.

If you are a republican standing on the sideline, you can no longer do anything to stop this.
And if you are a democrat, or independent, you stare in shock and disbelief that any major political party could be capable of actually doing this.
Republican presidential nominee Donald J Trump.
This is no dream. This is really happening.

I could toss out and label Donald with a whole host of insulting names.
In the past, that has been quite fun and amusing for so many to do.
But now it's full blown serious time.
The fun is about to end, and I mean really screech to a halt.
The fun part, the funny part, is all over.

I could compare this to the rise of Adolf Hitler, but I won't.
I could compare this to the rise of Richard Nixon, but I won't. And frankly, that would not be the same.
I could compare this to the rise of Caligula the Emperor of Rome, but I won't.
I could say some awful things about Donald J Trump, but frankly Donald is not the one to blame here.
The blame belongs solely on those that have and will continue to support Trump, and eventualy vote for him.

The rise of Donald Trump is not the fault of Donald Trump, oh no, it is the people that have failed.
Failed their country, failed their morals, failed their history, I'll say that again FAILED THEIR HISTORY, and failed themselves.
I can not imagine why civilized people believing in freedom and equality for all would do this?
What evil has possessed them?
And what direction will our country then follow once the era of Donald Trump has come to an end?

The Tea Party arose out of distrust of government, distrust of politicians, distrust of the two party system. The Tea Party came into being from despair of the people.
So if the Tea Party was the beginning of the end for the political system as we know it, what should we call the rise of Donald Trump? Labeled that as? Fit that into our American history?
Completely social and moral meltdown?
Mass insanity?
Mass political suicide?
Simply giving up as if all were lost?
Am I missing something here?
Have things actually become so bad for the majority of Americans they are simply giving up? Their last and only resort is moral suicide?

Fun time is about to end.
This Donald J Trump thing is a done deal, or very soon will be.
So, what is next?
Where does it go from here?
And does anyone really care?
Have people given up on believing in their future?
Given up concern for the future of their very own kids?
The very future of American civilization itself?

I don't know the answer, Im just asking. Considering what is about to happen next week.
There is no turning back now.
And for those standing on the sidelines, looking on in shock and disbelief both republican democrat and independent, I don't know what to tell you.
I doubt you would even know what to tell yourself.
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Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2000
My dad couldn't stand trump thought he would never be nominated, of course now the die hard republican is back peddling. Trumps a good guy... Between him and hillary were all fucked.


Mar 9, 2005
Although I'm a republican after seeing what he's done to his casino employees I might just vote for Hillary.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
Although I'm a republican after seeing what he's done to his casino employees I might just vote for Hillary.

For some real shits and giggles, see what Hillary's approval of sales of cluster bombs to the Saudis did to Yemeni Shia


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
My dad couldn't stand trump thought he would never be nominated, of course now the die hard republican is back peddling. Trumps a good guy... Between him and hillary were all fucked.

As to the bolded, I agree - like a $5 whore during shore leave.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
First, you're being a bit histrionic - he hasn't actually been elected, and he almost certainly won't be either, so don't jump off that bridge just yet.

[Of course, 9 months ago I was quite certain he'd never win the nomination, and I was obviously very wrong about that, so what do I know?]

Second, in an attempt to defend the indefensible, I'm going to say a Trump candidacy isn't a completely bad thing. I can even see the appeal of supporting Trump, even if you agree that he'd make a terrible president. Despite all his many, many flaws, he's definitely NOT an 'establishment' candidate (which Hillary supporters really can't say). He's a big ol' middle finger to the political elites, the status quo, the two major parties, and host of other institutions which a significant number of people have realized have failed them. People are just angry, and they've been hearing the same old BS from politicians for decades, and finally someone comes along who's not afraid of not sounding 'safe' and PC and such. There's a lot of pessimism running through the populace that a lot of people (including myself) vastly underestimated it, and Trump seems to be the only one speaking to that.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
First, you're being a bit histrionic - he hasn't actually been elected, and he almost certainly won't be either, so don't jump off that bridge just yet.

[Of course, 9 months ago I was quite certain he'd never win the nomination, and I was obviously very wrong about that, so what do I know?]

Second, in an attempt to defend the indefensible, I'm going to say a Trump candidacy isn't a completely bad thing. I can even see the appeal of supporting Trump, even if you agree that he'd make a terrible president. Despite all his many, many flaws, he's definitely NOT an 'establishment' candidate (which Hillary supporters really can't say). He's a big ol' middle finger to the political elites, the status quo, the two major parties, and host of other institutions which a significant number of people have realized have failed them. People are just angry, and they've been hearing the same old BS from politicians for decades, and finally someone comes along who's not afraid of not sounding 'safe' and PC and such. There's a lot of pessimism running through the populace that a lot of people (including myself) vastly underestimated it, and Trump seems to be the only one speaking to that.

To be clear he is speaking to the 'pessimism' of white people. His message is basically that foreigners are the cause of our problems whether it is from bad trade deals to fifth columnist Muslims to mexican rapists.
Feb 4, 2009
First, you're being a bit histrionic - he hasn't actually been elected, and he almost certainly won't be either, so don't jump off that bridge just yet.

[Of course, 9 months ago I was quite certain he'd never win the nomination, and I was obviously very wrong about that, so what do I know?]

Second, in an attempt to defend the indefensible, I'm going to say a Trump candidacy isn't a completely bad thing. I can even see the appeal of supporting Trump, even if you agree that he'd make a terrible president. Despite all his many, many flaws, he's definitely NOT an 'establishment' candidate (which Hillary supporters really can't say). He's a big ol' middle finger to the political elites, the status quo, the two major parties, and host of other institutions which a significant number of people have realized have failed them. People are just angry, and they've been hearing the same old BS from politicians for decades, and finally someone comes along who's not afraid of not sounding 'safe' and PC and such. There's a lot of pessimism running through the populace that a lot of people (including myself) vastly underestimated it, and Trump seems to be the only one speaking to that.

I agree look at the good points. Trump has kept big money on the sidelines, disavowed citizens united, talks about what needs do we have for bad trade deals. Trump is pandering and unprepared but I still give him credit for addressing these issues.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I agree look at the good points. Trump has kept big money on the sidelines, disavowed citizens united, talks about what needs do we have for bad trade deals. Trump is pandering and unprepared but I still give him credit for addressing these issues.

Trump has explicitly embraced big money. He originally said he wasn't going to take money from big donors but it turns out he was lying about that.


Aug 21, 2007
Well.... They're really going to do it.
Nominate Donald J. Trump as their official republican presidential nominee.
The republican nominee for the president of the United States of America.
The land of Lincoln. The land of Washington. The land that survived civil war, slavery, the great depression, and both world war one and world war two.

I mean, this is really going to happen.
One short week from now, the republican nominee Donald J Trump will walk out of the convention as their actual chosen presidential nominee.
Lets give this a moment to sink in.

If you are a republican standing on the sideline, you can no longer do anything to stop this.
And if you are a democrat, or independent, you stare in shock and disbelief that any major political party could be capable of actually doing this.
Republican presidential nominee Donald J Trump.
This is no dream. This is really happening.

I could toss out and label Donald with a whole host of insulting names.
In the past, that has been quite fun and amusing for so many to do.
But now it's full blown serious time.
The fun is about to end, and I mean really screech to a halt.
The fun part, the funny part, is all over.

I could compare this to the rise of Adolf Hitler, but I won't.
I could compare this to the rise of Richard Nixon, but I won't. And frankly, that would not be the same.
I could compare this to the rise of Caligula the Emperor of Rome, but I won't.
I could say some awful things about Donald J Trump, but frankly Donald is not the one to blame here.
The blame belongs solely on those that have and will continue to support Trump, and eventualy vote for him.

The rise of Donald Trump is not the fault of Donald Trump, oh no, it is the people that have failed.
Failed their country, failed their morals, failed their history, I'll say that again FAILED THEIR HISTORY, and failed themselves.
I can not imagine why civilized people believing in freedom and equality for all would do this?
What evil has possessed them?
And what direction will our country then follow once the era of Donald Trump has come to an end?

The Tea Party arose out of distrust of government, distrust of politicians, distrust of the two party system. The Tea Party came into being from despair of the people.
So if the Tea Party was the beginning of the end for the political system as we know it, what should we call the rise of Donald Trump? Labeled that as? Fit that into our American history?
Completely social and moral meltdown?
Mass insanity?
Mass political suicide?
Simply giving up as if all were lost?
Am I missing something here?
Have things actually become so bad for the majority of Americans they are simply giving up? Their last and only resort is moral suicide?

Fun time is about to end.
This Donald J Trump thing is a done deal, or very soon will be.
So, what is next?
Where does it go from here?
And does anyone really care?
Have people given up on believing in their future?
Given up concern for the future of their very own kids?
The very future of American civilization itself?

I don't know the answer, Im just asking. Considering what is about to happen next week.
There is no turning back now.
And for those standing on the sidelines, looking on in shock and disbelief both republican democrat and independent, I don't know what to tell you.
I doubt you would even know what to tell yourself.


Choose between a criminal and a madman.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Trump has explicitly embraced big money. He originally said he wasn't going to take money from big donors but it turns out he was lying about that.

He's lying about everything. The man can hardly speak without contradicting himself. It's really amazing, his campaign. It's almost like he wasn't even trying to win, but just wanted to say outlandish things on the national stage, and it actually worked with voters!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
He's lying about everything. The man can hardly speak without contradicting himself. It's really amazing, his campaign. It's almost like he wasn't even trying to win, but just wanted to say outlandish things on the national stage, and it actually worked with voters!

The sheer quantity of lies he has produced is kind of awe inspiring. I mean every presidential candidate lies to a certain extent but his lies have been so huge and so frequent they seem to be on the verge of breaking the system.

In a way I think this is good though as it is laying bare the fundamentally tribal nature of US politics. Many voters don't actually care that he is a pathological liar so long as he is on the right sports team.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
The sheer quantity of lies he has produced is kind of awe inspiring. I mean every presidential candidate lies to a certain extent but his lies have been so huge and so frequent they seem to be on the verge of breaking the system.

In a way I think this is good though as it is laying bare the fundamentally tribal nature of US politics. Many voters don't actually care that he is a pathological liar so long as he is on the right sports team.

I think you and a lot of the Left are missing the deeper meaning of the success of Trump. There's a lot of truth to the narrative that a lot of his supporters are just more of the same closet-racist, low information crowd that have been the GOP base for years, but discontent is hardly limited to those people. Sanders nearly rode the same discontent wave (albeit among a far different demographic) to the Dem nomination, and a large portion of Hilary's support is likely just going to come from reasonable people afraid of a Trump presidency. She really is a poor candidate, and when she wins in November, the post-Trump GOP is going to recover a lot quicker with her help.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
The sheer quantity of lies he has produced is kind of awe inspiring. I mean every presidential candidate lies to a certain extent but his lies have been so huge and so frequent they seem to be on the verge of breaking the system.

In a way I think this is good though as it is laying bare the fundamentally tribal nature of US politics. Many voters don't actually care that he is a pathological liar so long as he is on the right sports team.

Replace he, with she. And the result is the same.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
The funniest thing is Hillary isn't kicking his ass by 10 points or better in the polls.

Enjoy your corrupt, POS candidate. First time I haven't voted for my party's nominee in decades.


Sep 6, 2000
Well.... They're really going to do it.
Nominate Donald J. Trump as their official republican presidential nominee.
The republican nominee for the president of the United States of America.
The land of Lincoln. The land of Washington. The land that survived civil war, slavery, the great depression, and both world war one and world war two.

I mean, this is really going to happen.
One short week from now, the republican nominee Donald J Trump will walk out of the convention as their actual chosen presidential nominee.
Lets give this a moment to sink in.

If you are a republican standing on the sideline, you can no longer do anything to stop this.
And if you are a democrat, or independent, you stare in shock and disbelief that any major political party could be capable of actually doing this.
Republican presidential nominee Donald J Trump.
This is no dream. This is really happening.

I could toss out and label Donald with a whole host of insulting names.
In the past, that has been quite fun and amusing for so many to do.
But now it's full blown serious time.
The fun is about to end, and I mean really screech to a halt.
The fun part, the funny part, is all over.

I could compare this to the rise of Adolf Hitler, but I won't.
I could compare this to the rise of Richard Nixon, but I won't. And frankly, that would not be the same.
I could compare this to the rise of Caligula the Emperor of Rome, but I won't.
I could say some awful things about Donald J Trump, but frankly Donald is not the one to blame here.
The blame belongs solely on those that have and will continue to support Trump, and eventualy vote for him.

The rise of Donald Trump is not the fault of Donald Trump, oh no, it is the people that have failed.
Failed their country, failed their morals, failed their history, I'll say that again FAILED THEIR HISTORY, and failed themselves.
I can not imagine why civilized people believing in freedom and equality for all would do this?
What evil has possessed them?
And what direction will our country then follow once the era of Donald Trump has come to an end?

The Tea Party arose out of distrust of government, distrust of politicians, distrust of the two party system. The Tea Party came into being from despair of the people.
So if the Tea Party was the beginning of the end for the political system as we know it, what should we call the rise of Donald Trump? Labeled that as? Fit that into our American history?
Completely social and moral meltdown?
Mass insanity?
Mass political suicide?
Simply giving up as if all were lost?
Am I missing something here?
Have things actually become so bad for the majority of Americans they are simply giving up? Their last and only resort is moral suicide?

Fun time is about to end.
This Donald J Trump thing is a done deal, or very soon will be.
So, what is next?
Where does it go from here?
And does anyone really care?
Have people given up on believing in their future?
Given up concern for the future of their very own kids?
The very future of American civilization itself?

I don't know the answer, Im just asking. Considering what is about to happen next week.
There is no turning back now.
And for those standing on the sidelines, looking on in shock and disbelief both republican democrat and independent, I don't know what to tell you.
I doubt you would even know what to tell yourself.

The nation survived a major party nominating McGovern even when the opposite party choice was just as terrible (Nixon). The end of the republic isn't near now either even though this election features two of the worst candidates in our election history. We'd even do fine if Trump was elected - I know you think he's biblical prophecy kinda stuff but really it's not.



Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
The voters only have two options: abstain or trump. The world needs a reset anyway.


Apr 10, 2000
True, but an underachieving serial liar is still a serial liar.

Hey, I'm not saying she's Honest Abe ... or even normal Abe, Trump is just remarkable in his frequency of lies. He lies about inane things for no reason other than to just tell another lie. It's like he thinks he'll suffocate if he doesn't tell a dozen likes publicly a day or something.
Feb 4, 2009
The nation survived a major party nominating McGovern even when the opposite party choice was just as terrible (Nixon). The end of the republic isn't near now either even though this election features two of the worst candidates in our election history. We'd even do fine if Trump was elected - I know you think he's biblical prophecy kinda stuff but really it's not.


I need to add OP you're taking this a little too seriously. Relax a bit.
I recommend you keep one of these at home on election night just in case Trump wins.
