Ways to clean up pollution and live in a good climate.

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No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
I can understand that the telephone is the most obvious choice to think about first.

But there is a lot of embedded material where every penny counts.
The CPU inside these microcontrollers are capable enough for the calculations, even the lower budget cortex-m ones.

Yeah, TwinVQ is proprietary but i am sure that a license is possible.
But do not forget country borders. I noticed if i look at what is technically feasible that Japan is very much ahead but we hardly see it here in the EU with respect to license.
I guess that is about trade agreements.
More like why pay for a licence for something not dominant in the market?

And you can play flac with a esp32, though you have to program it yourself.

May 11, 2008
More like why pay for a licence for something not dominant in the market?

And you can play flac with a esp32, though you have to program it yourself.

TwinVQ is way smaller. I understand that licensefree is cheaper. Especially when every penny counts.
And perhaps a negotiation can be started to make TwinVQ under an GPL license but no modifications or changes allowed with exception for optimizations for a given cpu architectures. And these modifications should then be checked and verified by NNT. Or a very low cost license but assisted by a big cpu manufacturer or other big semiconductor manufacturer. Like for example Atmel used to do, now microchip. Or ST. Or Texas Instruments. Nordic semiconductor.
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No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
TwinVQ is way smaller. I understand that licensefree is cheaper. Especially when every penny counts.
And perhaps a negotiation can be started to make TwinVQ under an GPL license but no modifications or changes allowed with exception for optimizations for a given cpu architectures. And these modifications should then be checked and verified by NNT. Or a very low cost license but assisted by a big cpu manufacturer or other big semiconductor manufacturer. Like for example Atmel used to do, now microchip. Or ST. Or Texas Instruments. Nordic semiconductor.
Libavcodec supports the format but you still don't see wide adoption of the format. The market has spoken.
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May 11, 2008
Libavdodec supports the format but you still don't see wide adoption of the format. The market has spoken.
Yes, but we all know that the choices of the market are not based on wisdom and proper knowledge. Just look around you. Otherwise i would not have had to make this thread. Everything that is written here and especially the articles presented would be common sense. Often it is forcing the market instead of by proper logical and scientific thinking. Market is based on greed and protecting ones own job or company. Look at politics, especially in countries with a free market principle but forced patents and the abuse of patent law.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
Yes, but we all know that the choices of the market are not based on wisdom and proper knowledge. Just look around you. Otherwise i would not have had to make this thread. Everything that is written here and especially the articles presented would be common sense. Often it is forcing the market instead of by proper logical and scientific thinking. Market is based on greed and protecting ones own job or company. Look at politics, especially in countries with a free market principle but forced patents and the abuse of patent law.
My point is, the format did not catch on. MP3 is still dominant, ALAC and FLAC are the two dominant lossless format. How are you going to fight that? And is it even worth fighting?

I mean where is ATRAC now?
May 11, 2008
My point is, the format did not catch on. MP3 is still dominant, ALAC and FLAC are the two dominant lossless format. How are you going to fight that? And is it even worth fighting?
I did not do any calculations, but there is one thing i know : Internet and content streaming does not go away.
Of course, everybody moans about global warming, which is extremely accelerated by man made pollution.
And not only man made pollution, also energy consumption.

If TwinVQ results in smaller filesize of media content. Then it is worth it. Because of power reduction.

It is not the only thing we can do to reduce power consumption.
Spam mails, phising mails. It all cost electricity to be send around the world. There is a win also.
To prevent viruses and worms that generate unnecessary traffic is also a big win in energy consumption reduction.

Also, think about overbloating ads and overbloating commercials. Those ads and commercials need to be 4k resolution for some obvious reason, to stand out.
But it costs a lot of energy because of all the data traffic, because so many people have to see unwanted forced upon media content.
And often the ads and commercial servers are the most popular victims for hackers.
I know the ads and commercials pay for the expenses. Of course, we have personal to the user tailored ads and commercials.
But still it is more than needed. Seen how much profit is made.
So the profit is made at the expensive of accelerated global warming.

If humanity wants to really reduce global warming, do not just look at the man made pollution, but also at unnecessary energy consumption.

As a sidenote, when talking about marketing budgets...
Those are huge expenses for every company in every country in the world.
And all that money, and we talk about billions and billions more...
A good part of that money, could have been spend on research and new development for a cleaner environment and to help other poor countries to develop themselves without having to process our "hidden" trash and waste first. Just look at what happens with the trash and waste and E-waste from developed countries. Send to poor countries.
Even while the engineers and researchers also presented ways to properly clean our waste from our factories and to proper process our E-waste.

Just look at dumping of C8, PFAS, PFOA. Dumping our sewers in rivers and sea. Idiotic. Because that material in the sewers could have been processed to be used to generate methane. Methane to be used as a clean powersource when also the CO2 is captured by known scrubber technology.

Dumping of oil in sea(Deep horizon leaks are still there yes ?)
Fracking to get natural gas out of porous rock. But the chemicals end up in the underground waterwells (drinking water).
Or the chemicals end even up in ditches and rivers and sea.

If humanity do not want make a closed loop system like all live on Earth almost is.
Closed loop system meaning : Clean up your mess. And recycle your mess. Do not send it to poor countries or bury it !
Then nobody should ever complain about global warming again.
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No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
I did not do any calculations, but there is one thing i know : Internet and content streaming does not go away.
Of course, everybody moans about global warming, which is extremely accelerated by man made pollution.
And not only man made pollution, also energy consumption.

If TwinVQ results in smaller filesize of media content. Then it is worth it. Because of power reduction.

It is not the only thing we can do to reduce power consumption.
Spam mails, phising mails. It all cost electricity to be send around the world. There is a win also.
To prevent viruses and worms that generate unnecessary traffic is also a big win in energy consumption reduction.

Also, think about overbloating ads and overbloating commercials. Those ads and commercials need to be 4k resolution for some obvious reason, to stand out.
But it costs a lot of energy because of all the data traffic, because so many people have to see unwanted forced upon media content.
And often the ads and commercial servers are the most popular victims for hackers.
I know the ads and commercials pay for the expenses. Of course, we have personal to the user tailored ads and commercials.
But still it is more than needed. Seen how much profit is made.
So the profit is made at the expensive of accelerated global warming.

If humanity wants to really reduce global warming, do not just look at the man made pollution, but also at unnecessary energy consumption.

As a sidenote, when talking about marketing budgets...
Those are huge expenses for every company in every country in the world.
And all that money, and we talk about billions and billions more...
A good part of that money, could have been spend on research and new development for a cleaner environment and to help other poor countries to develop themselves without having to process our "hidden" trash and waste first. Just look at what happens with the trash and waste and E-waste from developed countries. Send to poor countries.
Even while the engineers and researchers also presented ways to properly clean our waste from our factories and to proper process our E-waste.

Just look at dumping of C8, PFAS, PFOA. Dumping our sewers in rivers and sea. Idiotic. Because that material in the sewers could have been processed to be used to generate methane. Methane to be used as a clean powersource when also the CO2 is captured by known scrubber technology.

Dumping of oil in sea(Deep horizon leaks are still there yes ?)
Fracking to get natural gas out of porous rock. But the chemicals end up in the underground waterwells (drinking water).
Or the chemicals end even up in ditches and rivers and sea.

If humanity do not want make a closed loop system like all live on Earth almost is.
Closed loop system meaning : Clean up your mess. And recycle your mess. Do not send it to poor countries or bury it !
Then nobody should ever complain about global warming again.
Jumbo Frame has been around for decades. It didn't take over because it is just not worth the trouble.
May 11, 2008
Jumbo Frame has been around for decades. It didn't take over because it is just not worth the trouble.
"Because it is just not worth the trouble".
I bet if you speak that out loudly in the vicinity of for example Elon Musk, he will promptly get a huge aggravation vein on his forehead.

i know what you are saying, but that is the circulair reasoning that caused all the problems in the first place...
we are constantly introducing better technology , why not solve the jumbo frames issue also.
And one could use variable frame sizes as well. Adjust the header to optimize the amount of headers to the load = filesize.
May 11, 2008
My point is, the format did not catch on. MP3 is still dominant, ALAC and FLAC are the two dominant lossless format. How are you going to fight that? And is it even worth fighting?

I mean where is ATRAC now?
I vaguely remember that the ATRAC sound quality was lousy. There was at the time a contender that did it much better when it came to soundquality but the physical format was less handy then those minidiscs. It was called DCC or Digital Compact cassette.

If only Sony and Philips worked together like they did before with that masterpiece called compact disc. Along working also with many other engineering companies related to the development of the compact disc and the compact disc player with all the LSI chips. Charged capacitor DAC's . At the time 14 bit at release time instead of the 16 bit... I believe to remember.

The end of atrac : I think that the USB stick with MP3, the personal computer with mediaplayers and usbstick / mp3 player took over.
For example : The creative usb player with 512MB or 1GB. That was huge at the time... Tiny player powered by one AAA baterry.
Mediaplayers from various programmers took over like for example the mp3 player for windows : Winamp.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
ATRAC was fine for what it was. And it lives on in Sony hardware lol I mean MP3 was superior but Sony has to do Sony.

breaking internet to save electricity is foolhardy.

<--- has MiniDisc Walkman and deck.

Maybe I should make wind chimes with my MiniDiscs.

Instead of trying to establish jumbo frame, you are much better off to invest in heat pumps in datacenter and use that as cogen to recover some of the electricity.

For example, a datacenter with a vertical farm attached to it. You heat the vertical farm from the waste heat of datacenter.
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May 11, 2008
ATRAC was fine for what it was. And it lives on in Sony hardware lol
Sure. If it works within desired specification in some niceproduct, why not.
But we should really stay with the subject of preventing man made pollution and preventing destruction of nature and therefore our habitat.
This deviation is fun and interesting but we should really get back to subject.

I once heard a story long ago, when Econcern, a company with as mission to make a clean planet , reduce waste and generate clean energy, recycle waste and more... Was still existing.
Unfortunately, just at the moment that Econcern was gaining momentum just like many really green companies determined to change the behavior the corporate part of humanity has regarding nature and the general misguided view of the public.
Something awful happened : The subprime mortgage crisis during 2007-2008. And a lot of banks had no longer any funding available for large scale "green" projects. And had to withdraw from the "green" market.
Leaving a lot of companies without any investors who would be willing to invest, which resulted in a lot of bankruptcy and companies taking over other companies for a very low price.
And so, the step to a clean future was delayed, my opinion about that is that it was a great misfortune for many and a great fortune for some because those companies gained time to prepare...

Back to the story that is the subject and is very real, even today.
From a very important person within Econcern that explained how much energy is wasted by doorbel transformers.
He received a research paper that explained doorbel transformer power use EU wide. He mentioned numbers in the GigaWatthour range just by standby power usage when no one is pressing any doorbel.
He explained that if all those doorbel transformers had a little bit of electronics in them that would only connect the transformer to the AC mains power supply of the grid when the doorbelswitch was actually pushed to make the doorbel ring...
It was possible to shut down several powerplants in the hundreds of Megawatts range. Just by reducing standby power usage.
And that is just the EU (European Union). Imagine if this is done over the whole world where this problem applies. Many powerplants can be shut down.

Nowadays, there are a lot of specially designed chips to be as energy efficient as possible. Some just to switch devices on and some as SMPS AC-DC converter.
For reliability and years of maintenance free service , to prevent for example drying out electrolytic capacitors a good old AC -transformer doorbel works best.
Also, the specification should be : No rechargeable batteries, no batteries at all. This increases longetivity and lowers bill for customers and the total BOM (Bill Of Material).
The mains power is already there.

A phototriac (A kind of solid state AC switch) where the led is powered by a pressed doorbel with for example a small piezo crystal to generate the desired voltage to trigger the phototriac to momentary connect the transformer to the mainsupply by making use of a small internal timing unit and make an (AC) doorbel ring for a second.
The time delay like for example a second of course can be set by an external capacitor or resistor or both. One can make the resistor a potentiometer or just a few resistors and solderbridges or a jumper. As an idea.
The led is powered for a short moment, activating a phototransistor that triggers a monostable multivibrator that activates a triac for a short moment.
A simple RC time circuit called a monostable multivibrator, which generates a momentary pulse with a long pulsewidth. Of course when triggered by a pulse with very short pulsewidth.

A triac-gate needs to be triggered constantly when there is not enough hold current flowing between A1 and A2.
This gate triggering can be done with a constant current or a constant pulsed current.
A solution to keep the power consumption low is to let the monostable multivibrator activate an astable multivibrator AKA an oscillator to generate constant narrow triac-gate pulses for the duration of the momentary pulse from the monostable multivibrator.
The added advantage of constant gate triggering with short pulses :
Is that the inductive load which has a typical theoretical phase angle of 90 degrees between peak voltage and peak current, no longer can make the triac turn off.
The triac wants to turn off but the circuit keeps triggering the gate of the triac.

It is also possible to use photovoltaic switches preferably the ones with integrated mosfets.
Photovoltaic switches are semiconductor devices where the led shines upon devices that are a bit like photodiodes and like solar cells and this result in current flow and an output voltage , enough to drive a mosfets or a pair of mosfets. If one puts two mosfest in antiseries with added bleeder resistors on the gates, these mosfets can pass through AC current.
Remember that the photovoltaic device in such an integrated circuit is tiny.
Then an electronic designer or even a chip designer only needs a oneshot monostable multivibrator.

Afterwards, the solid state AC-switch disconnects again. One can make a simple internal timing circuit by using the circuitry design of a good old 555 or the improved version : The 7555. The 555 was designed by the late Hans Camenzind.
There are plastic capacitors available for many years now that retain the capacity for at least 100 years. No problem there...

One could even design Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) version in electronic circuit and even as part of an Integrated Circuit (IC) design. An IC that just needs a trigger voltage , to momentary power the led to activate. The IC derives power from the mains voltage. But when designed properly is just microwatts or nanowatts. Or even fully off, = 0 watts.
Think of how depleted versions and enhanced versions of mosfets work, and how photovoltaic mosfet drivers function. And this startup part of the circuit provides startup power for a real smps part inside the IC. Just how conventional AC-DC smps converters work. Only there it is a large value series resistor, if that may be integrated or external.
Perhaps it is possible to startup a conventional for sale smps with a photvoltaic mosfet driver. But that is something to think about and go traverse the internet and traverse many datasheets from many manufacturers. Panasonic for example has photovoltaic mosfet drivers, just as IXYS.
But then generated EMI and EMC compliance becomes more of a concern. Sometimes a 50Hz sinewave transformer is just easier and almost impossible to destroy.
But do keep the electrical isolation in mind...
Use this for a more sophisticated circuit as described below as an example.

Another option is to use good old induction by electromagnetism instead of a piezo crystal for the doorbel button to momentary power the led. An D-RC filter behind it.
Just move some core through a coil when pressing the doorbel button to momentary power the led. This will activate the circuit. An D-RC filter behind it.

Best options :
So a piezocrystal in a doorbel would be a good option to generate a voltage by use of the piezoelectric effect to power momentarily the led .
So a movable small iron core through a coil in a doorbel would be a good option to generate a voltage by use of induction to power momentarily the led .

The advanced audio version :
Of course, some want a more sophisticated circuit that plays for example an audiofragment. That is also possible of course, just power the audiofragment doorbel circuit, of course with added rectifier and bulk capacitor on the secondary side of the transformer...
And place the circuit that is capable of storing and playing audiosamples behind it.
I have shown examples in this section of the forum : A small microcontroller with an SPI interface to an SD card and flash storage and some firmware.
Use the sd card to store the audiosample in flash storage. When compression is used, it may be possible to use internal flash for storage, saving on the BOM (Bill Of Material), lowering the total cost.
Would be great if we could use a twinVQ codec under a GPL license, like a 100kB sample would sound similar to MP3 at 320kbitrate but fit into internal flash storage.

And use a led to blink a few times to show different status messages. Nothing more than RTFM.
And an I2S interface to connect a D-class amplifier like for example the MAX98357A or MAX98357B. Which is 3 watts of power into a 4 Ohm speaker, And a good cabinet with a proper baffle, or an open baffle mounted somewhere, a horn model. Just to mention some ideas.
Add glue logic and glue analog electronics to finish it all.
Keep EMI and EMC in mind for proper certification...

The effect on world power usage :
Imagine if that would be done world wide...
How much energy reduction would be gained. Way less standby power usage.
It is crazy these days how much standby ac-dc adaptors and powersupplies are present in every households..
Wasting energy, and are possible firehazards. Many people complain about gas leaks, but the most often cause of fire is still ac-dc powersupplies, especially when people push powersupplies between the cushions of the couch, sofa or bed.

Go pequeños, show some love for the Earth and life around you...

As a notice : I do not comply to that KiB nonsense, it has always been powers of 2 until some manager from some HDD manufacturer lied so much, that the devil wanted that manager to teach him how to lie even better... . Should have been kB^10 for decimal notations, powers of 10. And plain good old kB (and MB, GB) for powers of 2.
Almost every logical device works with powers of 2. With the exception of some trinary devices (But this is mostly used as input : To set up multiple strap options through the use of limited amount of IC pins : Like for example High level, Floating or Low level , allowing for 3 settings for each pin. For example 3^2 settings (9 settings) for just 2 pins.

(11-04-2024 edit : Added some text.)
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No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
There's already a new web-document fetching protocol in the works, basically, binarily-encoded rather than text, and able to eliminate one RTT, which is also huge.
May 11, 2008
My point is, the format did not catch on. MP3 is still dominant, ALAC and FLAC are the two dominant lossless format. How are you going to fight that? And is it even worth fighting?

I mean where is ATRAC now?
Although i wrote about returning the subject... :flushed:
I do want to partially agree with you but founded with arguments why i partially agree.

I did some reading and according to the media websites ATRAC is used also on consoles, but it is more a nice to have and not the core function of the device like for example the PS4 and PS5 are gameconsoles.
ATRAC did fall out of grace in North America and Europe according to the wired article from 2007 about Sony dropping ATRAC.
The main reason was that ATRAC was also propietary and only Sony equipment supported it, meager market support at the time.
But it is still available as nice to have feature. The hardware is there, the software is there, so why not. ATRAC is a Sony development after all.
And there are at least some very happy Sony engineers listening to their old ATRAC recordings on file with their Playstation devices.
May 11, 2008
This post is about the awful solution called Fracking:

Fracking, it is always bad. Knowing how blind money grabbing (always angry and full of hatred) vampires working for large enterprises can be...
I imagine that sooner or later this will also happen in space. Nonsense. Fracking is nonsense.
It is not needed. A large part of the USA is polluted.
And Fracking is also used in the Netherlands.
There are a lot of debates if fracking is a technique that should or should not be used.
Just do it not.
Fracking is in essence a solution to break up gas pockets in porous rock. And to capture that gas by forcing the gas from way below the surface upwards to the surface.
Unfortunately, fracking is a solution that has a very negative and destructive impact on nature, the environment. The amount of pollution happening is devastating and detrimental for life on Earth.
Destroying microbial life in nature by man made pollution and upsetting the balance even more towards global warming, speeding up global warming and what will result in a new ice-age for a very long time.
We have plentiful alternatives to produce methane. Methanogens all around us, happy to consume our waste and produce methane as metabolic product. Which is handy for other methane consuming bacteria but also handy for us humans.

And methane is a carbon atom with 4 hydrogen atoms, tightly pact together.
If you can remove the carbon atom, you have 4 hydrogen atoms for each methane molecule.
Many researchers and scientists and engineers work hard to release the hydrogen from methane in a nature friendly efficient manner.
We want hydrogen, but we do not want it through methane steam reformation, that is a very energy inefficient proces that also uses a catalyst which often is very poisonous to us humans and all other life.
We also do not want it by using electricity to split a watermolecule(H2O) A water molecule has 2 hydrogen atoms.
Better take methane(CH4) to retrieve the hydrogen.
Double the amount of hydrogen in favor of methane when comparing a methanemolecule with a water molecule.
Perhaps there is a way to use concentrated focused sunlight directly to break up the methanemolecule in separate carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms. I am sure there is...
We know that focused sunlight which is just a bunch of concentrated photons can heat objects to temperatures of many thousands of degrees celcius.
Perhaps we should think of spectroscopy, what wavelength makes a methane molecule absorb energy ?
Enough to break molecular bonds ?
we can think of scintillation, if we have a material that can convert focused sunlight into the proper needed wavelengths to break up the molecular bonds from a methane molecule...
That should work. Then we would have hydrogen and are able to use hydrogen on a massive scale in an environmentally friendly way at a low financial cost. :blush:

Nature produces methane for us plentiful. We only have to capture and gather the methane.
If only humanity would listen to the many appeals from researchers, scientists and engineers.

Besides the pollution that fracking causes, there is also the problem that fracking uses a tremendous amount of much needed (drinking) water.
Fracking is used in many countries and it is definitely not needed.

A great article from the New York Times.
It is weird to hear that Americans are not allowed to shower because there is a water shortage...
Some capture rainwater and boil it to have at least some water...
Kind of embarrassing when you read the article from the New York Times :

Small excerpt from the text :
Nationwide, fracking has used up nearly 1.5 trillion gallons of water since 2011. That’s how much tap water the entire state of Texas uses in a year.
Along a parched stretch of La Salle County, Texas, workers last year dug some 700 feet deep into the ground, seeking freshwater. Millions of gallons of it.
The water wouldn’t supply homes or irrigate farms. It was being used by the petroleum giant BP to frack for fossil fuels. The water would be mixed with sand and toxic chemicals and pumped right back underground — forcing oil and gas from the bedrock.
It was a reminder that to strike oil in America, you need water. Plenty of it.
But fracking has long been controversial. The process of cracking the bedrock by injecting chemical-laced water into the ground can lead to spills and leaks and can affect the local geology, sometimes contributing to earthquakes.
Critics of fracking say it is an irony that so much water is being diverted to produce fossil fuels, given that the burning of fossil fuels is causing climate change, further straining freshwater resources.
But cleaning up that wastewater, which contains hazardous chemicals, is costly and energy-intensive. Even if frackers were able to re-use their treated wastewater for all their production, the industry estimates it would still generate hundreds of millions of gallons of excess every day.
And the diversion of fracking wastewater to other uses, whether for agriculture or to mist roadways in order to keep down the dust, remains contentious because of safety concerns.
So, in states like Texas, it remains cheaper to use groundwater.
Mr. Atencio, a leader in the local Navajo Nation Chapter, is now part of the coalition of tribes and environmental organizations that in May sued New Mexico alleging that the state had failed to protect its residents from the harms of fracking.

The website from the NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij) about Fracking in the Netherlands.

Small excerpt from the text :
Original text in Dutch:
Fracken is een techniek om vloeistof onder hoge druk via de boorput in een gasveld te pompen. De vloeistof bestaat voor 98% uit water. Aan het water zijn chemicaliën en keramiekkorrels toegevoegd. Door de hoge druk ontstaan plaatselijk scheuren (fracks) in het gashoudende gesteente. Daardoor komt het gas makkelijker naar boven.

Translated to English text:
Fracking is a technique for pumping liquid under high pressure through a well into a gas field. The liquid consists of 98% water. Chemicals and ceramic granules have been added to the water. The high pressure causes local cracks (fracks) to develop in the gas-bearing rock. This makes the gas come up more easily.
Original text in Dutch:
De door de NAM gebruikte vloeistof bestaat uit water (98%) en chemicaliën (2%) zoals antiroest om de put tegen het water te beschermen. Daarnaast worden er kleine keramiekkorrels toegevoegd. Deze korrels blijven als opvulmiddel op grote diepte in het gashoudende gesteente achter. Zij houden de scheur open. Zo kan het gas beter en sneller naar de boorput stromen. Zo’n tweederde van de vloeistof komt weer naar boven. De rest blijft achter in het gashoudende gesteente.
De chemicaliën (2%) in de vloeistof zijn noodzakelijk bij hydraulisch stimuleren. Ze voorkomen dat de put gaat roesten, verminderen de wrijving, en voorkomen bacteriegroei. De exacte samenstelling van de vloeistof verschilt per put.

Translated to English text:
The fluid used by NAM consists of water (98%) and chemicals (2%) such as anti-rust to protect the well against water. In addition, small ceramic granules are added. These grains remain behind as filler at great depths in the gas-bearing rock. They keep the crack open. This allows the gas to flow better and faster to the well. About two-thirds of the liquid comes back to the top. The rest remains behind in the gas-bearing rock.
The chemicals (2%) in the fluid are necessary for hydraulic stimulation. They prevent the well from rusting, reduce friction, and prevent bacterial growth. The exact composition of the fluid varies per well.

An old but still true and real youtube video from the year 2011 about methane gas ending up in the groundwater because of gas and oil companies blindlessly drilling for oil and gas...
And therefore in the drinking water that comes out of the tap.
Also , remind yourself that methane can be dissolved in (ground)water and that man made tremors can release the methane or makes the methane move around in the underground water wells .
Natural tremors from landslides and earthquakes are also often responsible for the massive release of CO2(carbondioxide) or CH4(Methane).
Think how the carbondioxide in a coca cola bottle responds to shaking or how the carbondioxide in a glas of coca cola comes to the surface when you stir a spoon around in it.
See post #17 about how methane and also carbon dioxide can be dissolved in water.

The video :

Some good ideas to use concentrated sunlight for every day use In Dutch :


Some good ideas to use concentrated sunlight for every day use In English :

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May 11, 2008
How to make easy money by creating solutions to solve the ever increasing energy demand while at the same time reducing man made pollution which causes the by humanity induced part of global warming ?

Easy money to be earned and also reduce the CO2 and CH4 footprint to reduce accelerated global warming by man made global pollution.
All this at the same time by making sure the naturally released methane which always happens and have happened for millions of years is captured to create a positive offset in favor of global warming reduction.
In the meantime we can clean up our waste and man made pollution, reduce flaring by oil and gas companies that seems to account for 33% of the global CO2 emitters and CH4 emitters, if i remember correctly.
Recycle our sewer material and turn that into methane by use of methanogens.

As an example to solve the livestock pollution issue :
Build better stables to filter the methane produced by ruminants from our livestock. The result is free but captured methane to use for energy production or heating.
While at the same time monitor the air quality and monitor the air for microbes and pathogens like virea and bacteria, fungi.
This is a whole new market ready to be exploited because frankly, this market is at the moment not existing because nobody has ever thought about it.
We all see the news from time to time about flu outbreaks, Q-fever outbreaks... And so on...

Billions can be made while at the same time reducing the harm livestock and humans experience because of preventing or significantly reducing disease outbreaks :
Money can be made because of new technology development and sales and because the costs of preventive culls of livestock and/or poultry are significantly reduced. Reducing the strain on the market and especially the strain on farmers.
The preventive cullings because of disease outbreaks can run into large numbers of culled livestock, think millions of animals on a yearly basis.
Which is really awful to do to life and when looking clinically the situation, at it, a huge waste and loss of valuable resources.
It would be good if we can significantly reduce the preventive cullings. Good for humanity and good for farmers. And good for the wallet.
At the moment, there is no means to create artificial meat at a grand scale.
A thing to think about for the near future perhaps...

Prevent disease outbreak by predicting disease outbreaks by monitoring the air in stables for pathogens :
Because then we can predict in advance disease outbreaks before they happen.
And we can track that information globally and keep that information in databases to find correlations that are meaningful.
And to even see mutations and predict mutations that can be a serious health hazard for animals and humans.
All this to work together to prevent pandemics.

We all know about for example Q-fever.
Q fever is a disease caused by the bacteria Coxiella burnetii.
See CDC website below for more information.

We all know about for example influenza.
Flu is a respiratory illness in various animals.
Influenza viruses affect several different animals, such as; horses, cats, dogs, birds, swine, and people. It is contagious and spreads rapidly among susceptible animals. Many influenza A viruses infect poultry
See See CDC website below for more information.

And there are many more pathogens to worry about when it comes to livestock and to our livestock consumption : protozoa fungi, virea and bacteria.
One example is Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoa parasite that can causes serious physical health and psychological health problems.
This happens mostly when the meat is served raw or undercooked and also the immunological strength of the consumer is taken into account.
Immunological strength of the consumer, which since SARS-CoV2 is present is something to think about and to take into account as a real life issue.

Site about q-fever :

Site about influenza :

Sites about Toxoplasma Gondii :

Small excerpt from the text :
Toxoplasma gondii infection may pose a severe medical problem especially in a congenital form and as an acquired infection in immunocompromised persons.
Raw and undercooked meat of slaughtered animals is regarded as an important source of parasite infection; however, data concerning this issue in Poland are still insufficient.
The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of T. gondii infection in pigs and cattle slaughtered for human consumption in Poland using serological and molecular methods.

Small excerpt from the text :
The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic parasite that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Felids, including domestic cats, are definitive hosts that can shed oocysts with their feces.
In addition to infections that occur by accidental oral uptake of food or water contaminated with oocysts, it is assumed that a large proportion of affected humans may have become infected by consuming meat or other animal products that contained infective parasitic stages of T. gondii.
Since farm animals represent a direct source of infection for humans, but also a possible reservoir for the parasite, it is important to control T. gondii infections in livestock. Moreover, T. gondii may also be pathogenic to livestock where it could be responsible for considerable economic losses in some regions and particular farming systems, e.g. in areas where the small ruminant industry is relevant.

The numbers about flaring and solutions to prevent flaring :
small excerpt form the text :
What is gas flaring?
Non-emergency flaring and venting occur when oil field operators opt to burn the "associated" gas that accompanies oil production, or simply release it to the atmosphere, rather than to build the equipment and pipelines to capture it.
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May 11, 2008
Deepmind AI controlling the magnetic fields inside a tokamak fusion reactor to influence the hot fusion plasma :

There are many ways to produce clean energy.
For example always cleaning up your waste and not dumping it, like capturing fumes and flue gasses with scrubber technology which is known and readily available for many years now.

Another way is going nuclear.
The first post is about a accelerator driven subcritical fission reactor that also can be used to use spend fuel rods as part of the MOX (Mixed Oxide Fuel) mix.

There is a post #16 about fusion and the polywell fusion reactor design.

But the fusion reactor design that has undergone research with the greatest interest and with the largest budgets is the Tokamak design.
About 2 years a ago, experiments were done to solve one of the biggest problems of the tokamak design :To keep the plasma under control while the plasma is under the influence of toroidal magnetic fields.

This is not my field of expertise, but i remember vaguely from when reading about cyclotrons, that whenever at least an electron particle moves not in a straight line but in a circular path, there is a constant acceleration or deceleration.
This is a general rule for any particle with an electrical charge. Absorbing energy or releasing energy in the proces depending if you add energy or let energy of the particle be converted to radiation.
This radiation is produced whenever a directional change occurs.
One of the most common release of radiation is called Bremsstrahlung : Braking radiation.
Which is also happening when a circular motion is applied to a particle.
My guess would be that is one of the reasons why plasma is so hard to control with tokamak designs.
Another reason of course is the repulsive nature between particles with the same electrical polarity.

To solve all this, researchers came with a novel idea that as it turned out has a lot of promise :
AI that controls the magnetic field coils.
Modulating the magnetic field in such a way to correct in realtime the tendency of the plasma to not follow the path inside the tokamak reactor.
The path that is the desired path that the researchers want the plasma to follow.
The path that makes sure the very hot plasma will never touch the walls of the internal fusion reactor.
Because when that happens, the fusion reaction is no longer under control and becomes unpredictable and the reactors walls get damaged...

Small excerpt from the text from tis article from 2022 :
Researchers at the TCV previously used 19 magnetic coils, each controlled by a separate algorithm that monitored the interior of the reactor thousands of times a second with a host of sensors. DeepMind instead created a single neural network to control all the coils at once, automatically learning which voltages needed to be supplied to them to best contain the plasma.
The team trained the AI on a precise digital simulation of the reactor before conducting experiments on the real machine. Ultimately, it was able to successfully contain the plasma for around 2 seconds, which is approaching the limits of the reactor – TCV can only sustain the plasma in a single experiment for up to 3 seconds, after which it needs 15 minutes to cool down.
The record for fusion reactors is only 5 seconds, set recently by the Joint European Torus in the UK.
As well as controlling the plasma, the AI was able to shape it and move it around within the reactor. New plasma shapes may bring efficiency or stability improvements in new fusion reactors such as ITER, which is currently being built in France and will be the world’s largest tokamak when complete in 2025. The AI even demonstrated the ability to control two separate beams of plasma at once.

“This AI algorithm, the reinforcement learning, chose to use the TCV coils in a completely different way, which still more or less generates the same magnetic field,” says Felici. “So it was still creating the same plasma as we had expected, but it just used the magnetic cores in a completely different way because it had complete freedom to explore the whole operational space. So people were looking at these experimental results about how the coil currents evolve and they were pretty surprised.”
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May 11, 2008
In addition to post#43 about using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to control the plasma in the tokamak fusion reactor.
Here are some more links form google and nature about using DeepMind AI.

Learning when data is hard to acquire

Research into nuclear fusion is currently limited by researchers’ ability to run experiments. While there are dozens of active tokamaks around the world, they’re expensive machines and in high demand. For example, TCV can only sustain the plasma in a single experiment for up to three seconds, after which it needs 15 minutes to cool down and reset before the next attempt. Not only that, multiple research groups often share use of the tokamak, further limiting the time available for experiments.

Given the current obstacles to access a tokamak, researchers have turned to simulators to help advance research. For example, our partners at EPFL have built a powerful set of simulation tools that model the dynamics of tokamaks. We were able to use these to allow our RL system to learn to control TCV in simulation and then validate our results on the real TCV, showing we could successfully sculpt the plasma into the desired shapes. Whilst this is a cheaper and more convenient way to train our controllers; we still had to overcome many barriers. For example, plasma simulators are slow and require many hours of computer time to simulate one second of real time. In addition, the condition of TCV can change from day to day, requiring us to develop algorithmic improvements, both physical and simulated, and to adapt to the realities of the hardware.

Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning

Nuclear fusion using magnetic confinement, in particular in the tokamak configuration, is a promising path towards sustainable energy. A core challenge is to shape and maintain a high-temperature plasma within the tokamak vessel. This requires high-dimensional, high-frequency, closed-loop control using magnetic actuator coils, further complicated by the diverse requirements across a wide range of plasma configurations. In this work, we introduce a previously undescribed architecture for tokamak magnetic controller design that autonomously learns to command the full set of control coils. This architecture meets control objectives specified at a high level, at the same time satisfying physical and operational constraints. This approach has unprecedented flexibility and generality in problem specification and yields a notable reduction in design effort to produce new plasma configurations. We successfully produce and control a diverse set of plasma configurations on the Tokamak à Configuration Variable1,2, including elongated, conventional shapes, as well as advanced configurations, such as negative triangularity and ‘snowflake’ configurations. Our approach achieves accurate tracking of the location, current and shape for these configurations. We also demonstrate sustained ‘droplets’ on TCV, in which two separate plasmas are maintained simultaneously within the vessel. This represents a notable advance for tokamak feedback control, showing the potential of reinforcement learning to accelerate research in the fusion domain, and is one of the most challenging real-world systems to which reinforcement learning has been applied.

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No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Youse guys are smoking some pretty strong stupid weed if you really think corporations are going to do anything to improve the environment if that thing will negatively affect their bottom line.
May 11, 2008
Youse guys are smoking some pretty strong stupid weed if you really think corporations are going to do anything to improve the environment if that thing will negatively affect their bottom line.
The message you are conveying is clear but far away from the truth...
I sort of agree but of course never entirely.

However, corporations are not evil monolithic entities with a single mind.
Always there will be some people, mostly managers and some engineers or researchers qualified for the task they are hired for...
With a dubious two faced nature.

See it as hard working bees and ants whos hard work is stolen from : Botflies, green flies. Commonly known as GADFLIES !
And of course those evil wannabe predators like who only consume and destroy : Hornets.

And do not forget the biblical versions who when there are too many turn into a single minded entity, consuming all in their path : Locusts in all their forms.
Probably because of some gene that was originally meant to be used only for small tiny organisms... Think about the Sheldon spectrum rule...
Think quorum sensing, self-organization. But turned to evil...

Ahem, metaphorical aside.
Unfortunately these people can be found in every company.
But that shall not mean that we should not try to change the general opinion in such corporations or society.
Most unfortunate lost souls in humanity these days prefer to listen to influencers who only live for desire, for to have attention.
They find themselves important and not the true message that must be spread altruistically...
And that is a vile state of current situations next to all the needless wars...

Think of for example the voyagers in space seeking similar positive minded...
To have some example of positivity.

Of course, money is important.
And therefore we must continue to let people know that there are also positive intelligent harmonic ways to earn money.

As a side note :
One of the great things that is beautiful about the USA is that the journalism and news presented is manipulated but not as censored as here
in the Netherlands.
One would think that is...

The reality is , that there is too much influence from very negative people who as you correctly mentioned constantly need to sedate themselves.
Even though they received : Changes, education and love on many occasions over time. They take it for granted too often. Everybody has hard times over time.
And makes mistakes, especially when attacked by vile brainless gossipers..
Creating confusion, therefore havoc and destruction in the process.
But the repetitive nature is there in those evil people.
That can no longer be called a bad choice because of all bad that happened to them...
They make the decision deliberately, even while knowing they are going to hurt others...

I know you feel the same.
But others who unknow,
Should read this message and look, as they will see what to look out for...
Innocence and naive in a good way makes strong, unbeatable.
But also vulnerable. That is so very true Heisenberg principle alike.

And so , too often we want to see the good in people.
Yet, those who gossip about us, their two faced, and added split tongue nature deceives us.

Yet, the only way to become a fearless adversary for those evil, is to learn to recognize, take countermeasures and keep delivering the positive message !
Just like for example the voyagers do...
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May 11, 2008
I mentioned this in my previous post :

And do not forget the biblical versions who when there are too many turn into a single minded entity, consuming all in their path : Locusts in all their forms.
Probably because of some gene that was originally meant to be used only for small tiny organisms... Think about the Sheldon spectrum rule...
Think quorum sensing, self-organization. But turned to evil...

There is quite a lot of research that shows that what is now for a few centuries the Sahara desert, was in fact :
  • Not a sea.
  • Not a lake.
  • The Sahara desert has not always been a desert.
No, there comes more and more proof that once, there was a very large luscious green forest.

To come back to those biblical locusts swarms :

And with that green forest there was an ecosystem of birds, insects and other forms of life.
Insects that always have been a food source for at least birds.
Now perhaps, because of greed, gluttony, hunger and warmongering...
The forest was cut down !

And what was left to remain, was a frenzy of starving forms of life like for example insects...
And those who survived, we find as grashoppers and these grasshoppers change into locusts.
As has happened for many years...

And while being swarming locusts, a feast for birds and other life, of course to feed upon.
When everything works out a bit, to keep the amount of grasshoppers or locusts on a tolerable level ...
At least at the time long ago...

But since a long time, no more natural enemies (AKA predators) of sufficient numbers...
Self-organization. Sort of a feedback loop when everything is for a moment in time in balance...
Ignoring the natural disaster events for a moment that often upset these delicate balances.
And besides all that we have at times too much unneeded human destructive interference.

And we all know what happens then, when no more natural enemies (AKA predators) of sufficient numbers exist...
You dig ?

I will try to find the newsarticle about the researchpaper that describes the geological, physical and historical research...
I had it once and read it with great interest, but it was taken from me...

Now, the rainforest in South America also is attacked in ways not needed...

Remember "the box of Pandora" tale ?
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May 11, 2008
Lucky for all of us who love life :
I retreived the newsarticle some time ago once again and forgot about it, so as answer to post# 47 :

There are many knowledgeable newsarticles to be found here :
Small excerpt from text :
New Research
What Really Turned the Sahara Desert From a Green Oasis Into a Wasteland?

10,000 years ago, this iconic desert was unrecognizable. A new hypothesis suggests that humans may have tipped the balance
Lorraine Boissoneault

Lorraine Boissoneault
March 24, 2017

When most people imagine an archetypal desert landscape—with its relentless sun, rippling sand and hidden oases—they often picture the Sahara. But 11,000 years ago, what we know today as the world’s largest hot desert would’ve been unrecognizable. The now-dessicated northern strip of Africa was once green and alive, pocked with lakes, rivers, grasslands and even forests. So where did all that water go?
Archaeologist David Wright has an idea: Maybe humans and their goats tipped the balance, kick-starting this dramatic ecological transformation. In a new study in the journal Frontiers in Earth Science, Wright set out to argue that humans could be the answer to a question that has plagued archaeologists and paleoecologists for years.

The Sahara has long been subject to periodic bouts of humidity and aridity. These fluctuations are caused by slight wobbles in the tilt of the Earth’s orbital axis, which in turn changes the angle at which solar radiation penetrates the atmosphere. At repeated intervals throughout Earth’s history, there’s been more energy pouring in from the sun during the West African monsoon season, and during those times—known as African Humid Periods—much more rain comes down over north Africa.

With more rain, the region gets more greenery and rivers and lakes. All this has been known for decades. But between 8,000 and 4,500 years ago, something strange happened: The transition from humid to dry happened far more rapidly in some areas than could be explained by the orbital precession alone, resulting in the Sahara Desert as we know it today. “Scientists usually call it ‘poor parameterization’ of the data,” Wright said by email. “Which is to say that we have no idea what we’re missing here—but something’s wrong.”

As Wright pored the archaeological and environmental data (mostly sediment cores and pollen records, all dated to the same time period), he noticed what seemed like a pattern. Wherever the archaeological record showed the presence of “pastoralists”—humans with their domesticated animals—there was a corresponding change in the types and variety of plants. It was as if, every time humans and their goats and cattle hopscotched across the grasslands, they had turned everything to scrub and desert in their wake.

Wright thinks this is exactly what happened. “By overgrazing the grasses, they were reducing the amount of atmospheric moisture—plants give off moisture, which produces clouds—and enhancing albedo,” Wright said. He suggests this may have triggered the end of the humid period more abruptly than can be explained by the orbital changes. These nomadic humans also may have used fire as a land management tool, which would have exacerbated the speed at which the desert took hold.

It’s important to note that the green Sahara always would’ve turned back into a desert even without humans doing anything—that’s just how Earth’s orbit works, says geologist Jessica Tierney, an associate professor of geoscience at the University of Arizona. Moreover, according to Tierney, we don’t necessarily need humans to explain the abruptness of the transition from green to desert.
Instead, the culprits might be regular old vegetation feedbacks and changes in the amount of dust. “At first you have this slow change in the Earth’s orbit,” Tierney explains. “As that’s happening, the West African monsoon is going to get a little bit weaker. Slowly you’ll degrade the landscape, switching from desert to vegetation. And then at some point you pass the tipping point where change accelerates.”

May 11, 2008
From the website :

Eco-Runner XIV will set a world record by driving 2056 km with a self-designed, street-legal hydrogen-powered car covering the route of the Elfstedentocht on 1.45 kilograms of hydrogen without refuelling by the end of June 2024.​


This is a hydrogen to electrical motor powered vehicle from the Delft University of Technology : ECO-RUNNER TEAM DELFT

Eco-Runner Team Delft is a multidisciplinary student team from the Delft University of Technology. The team, consisting of 24 students, dedicates itself for an entire year to design, build, test and race the world’s most efficient, hydrogen-powered city car. Our ultimate goal is to inspire and activate the public to play a more significant part in the energy transition and we promote hydrogen along the way. Our message is twofold;
We plead for making the transport sector more efficient. Mobility produces 25% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions. This number can only go down if we start using less fuel, for example by making our transport smaller and lighter.


This is how technology progresses, a concept car and then the newly acquired (learned) technology is used for many kinds of vehicles.
For many a nice type of vehicle.
But even in the case that you may not see yourself driving this vehicle, remember that all knowledge gained here shall be used for many kinds of vehicles.
In the end we are all happy , to name a few positive advantage examples happening from these gained insights , from the point of view of an occasionally grumpy old dude :
  • Clean lungs and no more irritated respiratory tracts: No more smelly combustion engine based scooters, motorcycles and automobiles. That makes you puke out the coffee and fruit and baked chickenleg you just consumed...
  • Clean lungs and no more irritated respiratory tracts: As a woman i once met mentioned : "No more popping and exploding lung alveoli and crying little lung cells".
  • No more idiots driving with an extremely modified exhaust without a muffler, especially at night ! Idiots ! That think that a loud vehicle exhaust pipe without a muffler, hides the fact that their vehicles accelerates slower than an old granny with a walker. Idiots that on their loud muffler less vehicle move just as fast as a turtle or a snail, high from smoking a weed bong !
  • No more idiots that on their mufflerless vehicles accelerate like a fighter jet , that is in their reality ! While in real life, everybody else experience those idiots, like watching an object fade away just on the event horizon of a blackhole.

So , only advantages happening on and on.
Go see and support this wonderful team.

Great insights :
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No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
How can 1.5kg of hydrogen drive a car over 2000km? Liquid hydrogen energy density is only 8MJ/L. It weights about 72KG/M³. So each litre is 0.072KG. so about 21L of the stuff and about 168MJ.

In contrast 87 octane gas is 32 MJ/L.
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