Voyager is at the edge :

May 11, 2008
It is not highly technical(perhaps as events unfold), but interesting nonetheless...

Seventeen and a half billion kilometres from Earth, mankind's most distant probe seems to be on the edge of interstellar space.

The Voyager 1 spacecraft is at the limit of the 'heliosheath', where particles streaming from the Sun clash with the gases of the galaxy. Contrary to scientists' expectation of a sharp, violent edge, the boundary seems to be a tepid place, where the solar wind mingles with extrasolar particles.

"We're in this mixed-up region where the Sun still has some influence," says Stamatios Krimigis, a physicist at the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University in Laurel, Maryland. "It's certainly not what we thought."
“We may have crossed into interstellar space and don't know it.”

The new findings, reported by Krimigis and his colleagues this week in Nature, are the latest of many during the spacecraft's long journey1. Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 photographed active volcanoes on the moon Io on its way past Jupiter in 1979. The following year, it confirmed the existence of three new moons orbiting Saturn. In one of its final photographs, transmitted in 1990, Earth appears as a grainy speck bathed in the rainbow rays of the Sun.
Crossing the unknown

Since then, NASA scientists have shut down six of its ten instruments, and it is so far away that transmissions now take more than 16 hours to reach Earth. But Voyager's work continues. It is now travelling out of the heliosphere, the bubble of space filled by the Sun's wind. In late 2004, Voyager 1 crossed the 'termination shock', the boundary beyond which the solar wind's influence begins to wane. And this year researchers were expecting it to meet another boundary — one at which the solar wind sharply reverses direction, signalling the beginning of interstellar space.

Instead, Krimigis says, measurements of low-energy charged particles show that the solar wind has gradually slowed to zero and is mingling with interstellar gases. Theories failed to predict this mixed-up environment, and Krimigis says it may even be possible that this is, in fact, what interstellar space looks like. "We may have crossed and don't know it, because nobody has a model that describes what we're seeing," he says.

The blowing of far-flung interstellar gases may seem inconsequential to those of us closer to the Sun, but the details do matter, says Voyager's chief scientist Ed Stone at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The Sun is currently flying through debris from several nearby supernovae. Streams of particles and the magnetic fields produced by our star are shielding us from the some of the interstellar radiation from the blasts, he says. "The size of this bubble is important."

Voyager should be able to provide more answers in the coming years. The spacecraft's plutonium power plant will allow it to operate smoothly until at least 2020, and "we will continue to be taking data", says Krimigis. Even after its signal fades, the spacecraft's journey will continue; it should pass the constellation Camelopardalis in around 40,000 years.

More information :

May 11, 2008
The heliosphere and the heliosphere surprise :


NASA's Voyager probes are truly going where no one has gone before. Gliding silently toward the stars, 9 billion miles from Earth, they are beaming back news from the most distant, unexplored reaches of the solar system.

Mission scientists say the probes have just sent back some very big news indeed.

It's bubbly out there.

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Magnetic bubbles at the edge of the solar system are aboout 100 million miles wide--similar to the distance between Earth and the Sun. Credit: NASA
According to computer models, the bubbles are large, about 100 million miles wide, so it would take the speedy probes weeks to cross just one of them. Voyager 1 entered the "foam-zone" around 2007, and Voyager 2 followed about a year later. At first researchers didn't understand what the Voyagers were sensing--but now they have a good idea.

"The sun's magnetic field extends all the way to the edge of the solar system," explains Opher. "Because the sun spins, its magnetic field becomes twisted and wrinkled, a bit like a ballerina's skirt. Far, far away from the sun, where the Voyagers are now, the folds of the skirt bunch up."

When a magnetic field gets severely folded like this, interesting things can happen. Lines of magnetic force criss-cross, and "reconnect". (Magnetic reconnection is the same energetic process underlying solar flares.) The crowded folds of the skirt reorganize themselves, sometimes explosively, into foamy magnetic bubbles.

"We never expected to find such a foam at the edge of the solar system, but there it is!" says Opher's colleague, University of Maryland physicist Jim Drake.

Theories dating back to the 1950s had predicted a very different scenario: The distant magnetic field of the sun was supposed to curve around in relatively graceful arcs, eventually folding back to rejoin the sun. The actual bubbles appear to be self-contained and substantially disconnected from the broader solar magnetic field.

Energetic particle sensor readings suggest that the Voyagers are occasionally dipping in and out of the foam—so there might be regions where the old ideas still hold. But there is no question that old models alone cannot explain what the Voyagers have found.

Says Drake: "We are still trying to wrap our minds around the implications of these findings."

The structure of the sun's distant magnetic field—foam vs. no-foam—is of acute scientific importance because it defines how we interact with the rest of the galaxy. Researchers call the region where the Voyagers are now "the heliosheath." It is essentially the border crossing between the Solar System and the rest of the Milky Way. Lots of things try to get across—interstellar clouds, knots of galactic magnetism, cosmic rays and so on. Will these intruders encounter a riot of bubbly magnetism (the new view) or graceful lines of magnetic force leading back to the sun (the old view)?

The case of cosmic rays is illustrative. Galactic cosmic rays are subatomic particles accelerated to near-light speed by distant black holes and supernova explosions. When these microscopic cannonballs try to enter the solar system, they have to fight through the sun's magnetic field to reach the inner planets.

"The magnetic bubbles appear to be our first line of defense against cosmic rays," points out Opher. "We haven't figured out yet if this is a good thing or not."

On one hand, the bubbles would seem to be a very porous shield, allowing many cosmic rays through the gaps. On the other hand, cosmic rays could get trapped inside the bubbles, which would make the froth a very good shield indeed.

So far, much of the evidence for the bubbles comes from the Voyager energetic particle and flow measurements. Proof can also be obtained from the Voyager magnetic field observations and some of this data is also very suggestive. However, because the magnetic field is so weak, the data takes much longer to analyze with the appropriate care. Thus, unraveling the magnetic signatures of bubbles in the Voyager data is ongoing.

"We'll probably discover which is correct as the Voyagers proceed deeper into the froth and learn more about its organization," says Opher. "This is just the beginning, and I predict more surprises ahead."


Some more fun info :

The heliospheric current sheet:

The heliospheric current sheet separates regions of the solar wind where the magnetic field points toward or away from the Sun. The complex field structure in the photosphere simplifies with increasing height in the corona until a single line separates the two polarities at about 2.5 solar radii. That line is drawn out by the radially accelerating solar wind to form a surface similar to the one shown in this idealized picture. The surface is curved because the underlying magnetic pattern rotates every 27 days with the Sun.

It would take about 3 weeks for material near the current sheet traveling at 400 km/s in the solar wind to reach the orbit of Jupiter, as depicted here. In reality the surface becomes increasingly distorted because of variations in the solar wind speed along the surface and other dynamic effects operating in the interplanetary medium.

The shape of the current sheet usually evolves slowly - over months - as the large-scale pattern of the Sun's field changes in response to the emergence and decay of solar active regions. Coronal mass ejections often disrupt the background pattern temporarily, but sometimes the changes are permanent.

During most of the solar cycle the current sheet is basically a tilted dipole with varying degrees of quadrupole distortion. Near solar maximum the dipole decays leaving a much more complicated structure. This picture shows the heliospheric current sheet as it might appear during the rising phase of the cycle, when the dipole and quadrupole components are balanced; at this point the neutral line at the base of the sheet resembles the seam on a baseball.

Prof. John M. Wilcox was one of the discoverers of the heliospheric current sheet and did much to develop our understanding of it during the 1960s and 1970s. He worked with NASA artist Werner Heil to create this picture. The shape for this solar rotation was based on Ken Schatten's Current Sheet Magnetic Model for the Solar Corona (Cosmic Electrodynamics, 2, 232-245, 1971). An early 3D rendering of the HCS appeared in a 1976 paper by L. Svalgaard and J.M. Wilcox in Nature (Vol 262, page 766).

More information :


Senior member
Apr 21, 2010
It's funny because I've always figured that once the spacecraft would enter interstellar space the boundry between Sol and any outside influences would fizzle. I always envisioned this supposed "Bow shock" being prominent in stars we see in nebulas where there's much more activity going on, not ours. Example:



Feb 22, 2007
Voyager 1 and 2 have always had a place in my heart for all the years they have been out there and continue to work. Daily recording information to their storage medium, steel wire on reels and using whatever power they have to continue surveying. I have the schematics to voyager 1 and it is just amazing how all the systems work off of what we would say now is antique hardware.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Not really surprised that they found such a mild transition between heliosphere and insterstellar space, to be honest. Intuitively it wouldn't be a sharp transition where one instant it's all solar influence and the next minute it's all galactic influence. There will be a transition. (Or there could be a sharp boundary, but Voyager is so slow it seems gradual)
May 11, 2008
I hope to find the answer to some questions i have :

Is the unusual low count of solar spots related to the measurements that the solar system is passing through the energetic debris of a supernova that happened in the past ?

The sun should now be in an active phase if i am not mistaken. Yet the amount of solar spots is very low. Or does this relate in a different matter ?

LATELY, the Sun has been behaving a bit strangely. In 2008 and 2009, it showed the least surface activity in nearly a century. Solar flare activity stopped cold and weeks and months went by without any sunspots, or areas of intense magnetism. Quiet spells are normal for the Sun, but researchers alive today had never seen anything like that two-year hibernation.
Now that the Sun is approaching the peak of its magnetic cycle, when solar storms — blasts of electrically charged magnetic clouds — are most likely to occur, no one can predict how it will behave. Will solar activity continue to be sluggish, or will solar storms rage with renewed vigor?
Luckily, policy makers are paying attention to space weather. Late last month, President Obama and the British prime minister David Cameron announced that the United States and Britain will work together to create “a fully operational global space weather warning system.” And just last week, the United Nations pledged to upgrade its space weather forecasts.
But most people have never heard of space weather, which is a problem, because both high and low solar activity have serious effects on life on Earth.

Modern society depends on a variety of technologies that are susceptible to the extremes of space weather. Spectacular explosions on the Sun’s surface produce solar storms of intense magnetism and radiation. These events can disrupt the operation of power grids, railway signaling, magnetic surveying and drilling for oil and gas. Magnetic storms also heat the upper atmosphere, changing its density and composition and disrupting radio communications and GPS units. The storms’ charged particles can be a hazard to the health of astronauts and passengers on high altitude flights.

Severe storms in 1989 and 2003 caused blackouts in Canada and Sweden. In 1859, a solar super storm sparked fires in telegraph offices. Such storms are predicted every century or so, and perhaps we’re overdue. According to a 2008 National Academies report, a once-in-a-century solar storm could cause the financial damage of 20 Hurricane Katrinas.

A quiet Sun causes its own problems. During the two-year quiet spell, our upper atmosphere, normally heated and inflated by the Sun’s extreme ultraviolet radiation, cooled off and shrank. This altered the propagation of GPS signals and slowed the rate of decay of space debris in low Earth orbit. In addition, the cosmic rays that are normally pushed out to the fringes of the solar system by solar explosions instead surged around Earth, threatening astronauts and satellites with unusually high levels of radiation.

The more we know about solar activity, the better we can protect ourselves. The Sun is surrounded by a fleet of spacecraft that can see sunspots forming, flares crackling and a solar storm about 30 minutes before it hits Earth. NASA and the National Science Foundation have also developed sophisticated models to predict where solar storms will go once they leave the Sun, akin to National Weather Service programs that track hurricanes and tornadoes on Earth. Thanks to these sentries, it is increasingly difficult for the Sun to take us by surprise.

If alerted, Internet server hubs, telecommunications centers and financial institutions can prepare for disruptions and power plant operators can disconnect transformers.

But what good are space weather alerts if people don’t understand them and won’t react to them? Consider the following: If anyone should be familiar with the risks of space weather, it’s a pilot. During solar storms, transpolar flights are routinely diverted because the storms can disrupt the planes’ communications equipment. And yet a space weather forecaster we know at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration often tells a story of a conversation he had with a pilot:

Pilot: “What do you do for a living?”

Forecaster: “I forecast space weather.”

Pilot: “Really? What’s that?”

The point of the story is to highlight how far the scientific community and the government have to go to raise awareness about space weather and its effects.
With the sun waking up, trans-Atlantic cooperation comes at just the right time. Let us hope it is only the beginning of a worldwide effort to forecast and understand space weather.
Madhulika Guhathakurta is a solar physicist at NASA. Daniel N. Baker is the director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado. These views are their own.

News from nasa :
In an event reminiscent of some of the Discovery Channel Mythbusters' most spectacular explosions, the Sun on June 7, 2011, starting at about 06:41 UT unleashed one of the most spectacular prominence eruptions ever observed, in fact, one could call it a "prominence explosion". But this explosion was larger by far than any rigged by Mythbusters: the prominence material expanded to a volume some 75 times as big across as the earth!

SDO's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly recorded the amazing event in stunning detail, and SOHO's LASCO coronagraph and STEREO's SECCHI instrument suite observed the prominence and associated CME as they traveled out into the heliosphere. Using LASCO and SECCHI data, the speed of the leading edge of the CME was estimated to be in the range 1200 - 1600 km/s. Model calculations predict that Earth will receive a glancing blow of the CME on June 10, possibly sparking some nice aurorae at high latitudes.

The event originated from the almost spotless active region 11226 and was associated with a moderate M2-class X-ray flare. The CME and associated shock wave produced and S1-class radiation storm, which shows up as speckles in the LASCO movies.

This event is not only one of the most spectacular ever recorded, but also one of the best observed, with complementary data from several spacecraft and different vantage points (SDO, SOHO, STEREO).



Should there not be some form of aurora borealis present at the termination shock. I mean there should be a lot of EM radiation emanating from the termination shock. Perhaps even in the for us visible range of the EM spectrum. There can maybe even be some blue and red hue (hydrogen emission spectrum).
May 11, 2008
Voyager 1 and 2 have always had a place in my heart for all the years they have been out there and continue to work. Daily recording information to their storage medium, steel wire on reels and using whatever power they have to continue surveying. I have the schematics to voyager 1 and it is just amazing how all the systems work off of what we would say now is antique hardware.

Really ?

Do you have links ?
To *.pdf ( that would be wonderful) ?

I always was amazed how these drones of discovery(sort of reconnaissance) are still functioning. It is also the sole reason why i still think the first startrek movie is the best one ever made. Because of Voyager (1 & 2).


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2010

Should there not be some form of aurora borealis present at the termination shock. I mean there should be a lot of EM radiation emanating from the termination shock. Perhaps even in the for us visible range of the EM spectrum. There can maybe even be some blue and red hue (hydrogen emission spectrum).

The aurora comes from elements such as Nitrogen and Oxygen with excited electrons returning to ground state, yes? And they get in this excited state by particles from the sun being trapped by Earth's magnetic field (hence the appearance at high latitudes pointing nearly downwards, the dip angle is close to 90 degrees there) and colliding at high speed.

At the termination shock, there are simply solar wind particles slowing down, but not really any matter there for it to collide with and excite electrons. Accelerating (decelerating) charged particles should create EM radiation, but surely nothing like large amounts of atoms returning to ground state? Also with such low pressures at the edge of our solar system, there should not be any neutral atoms, I believe matter would be primarily in plasma form (and therefore having no emission spectra).
May 11, 2008
The aurora comes from elements such as Nitrogen and Oxygen with excited electrons returning to ground state, yes? And they get in this excited state by particles from the sun being trapped by Earth's magnetic field (hence the appearance at high latitudes pointing nearly downwards, the dip angle is close to 90 degrees there) and colliding at high speed.

At the termination shock, there are simply solar wind particles slowing down, but not really any matter there for it to collide with and excite electrons. Accelerating (decelerating) charged particles should create EM radiation, but surely nothing like large amounts of atoms returning to ground state? Also with such low pressures at the edge of our solar system, there should not be any neutral atoms, I believe matter would be primarily in plasma form (and therefore having no emission spectra).

It makes sense that there is primarily plasma in space. But that does not rule out em radiation. When electrons accelerate and decelerate in strong magnetic fields, these electrons produce synchotron radiation. IIRC Hannes Alfen has proposed that strong electrical currents can exist in space as well. Strong magnetic fields as well. When these meets all kinds of fun interesting phenomena can happen. The most known currents are called Birkeland currents. These are the cause of the nothern lights : aurora borealis.
Synchrotron radiation is electromagnetic radiation generated by a synchrotron. It is similar to cyclotron radiation, but generated by the acceleration of ultrarelativistic (i.e., moving near the speed of light) charged particles through magnetic fields. This may be achieved artificially in synchrotrons or storage rings, or naturally by fast electrons moving through magnetic fields in space. The radiation produced may range over the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. It is distinguished by its characteristic polarization and spectrum.

It is accepted that in space on the electric level, everything is balanced out. This view is very wrong IMHO. Gravity is indeed important but at the moment, magnetic and electrical fields in especially plasma do not get the recognition in space physics these forces of nature deserve. All play their part in the universe.

Professor Emeritus of the Alfvén Laboratory in Sweden, Carl-Gunne Fälthammar wrote (1986): "A reason why Birkeland currents are particularly interesting is that, in the plasma forced to carry them, they cause a number of plasma physical processes to occur (waves, instabilities, fine structure formation). These in turn lead to consequences such as acceleration of charged particles, both positive and negative, and element separation (such as preferential ejection of oxygen ions). Both of these classes of phenomena should have a general astrophysical interest far beyond that of understanding the space environment of our own Earth."
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May 11, 2008
For those interested, this is a thread about Hannes Alfven.

This thread is about a question i had about the sun.
It also mentions about the emission spectrum when a proton and electron combine.
emission nebula: A type of nebula that shines by emitting light when electrons recombine with protons to form hydrogen atoms. The electron frequently approaches the proton in steps emitting energy as light as it gets pulled in. In one of the most common "steps," the recombining electron emits a photon of red light. Since many atoms in the nebula do this all at once, the nebula appears red in color. This type of nebula is created when energetic ultraviolet light from a hot star shines on a cloud of hydrogen gas, stripping away electrons from the atoms (ionization). The free electrons can then begin the process of recombination. Plural of nebula: nebulae.
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May 11, 2008
It's funny because I've always figured that once the spacecraft would enter interstellar space the boundry between Sol and any outside influences would fizzle. I always envisioned this supposed "Bow shock" being prominent in stars we see in nebulas where there's much more activity going on, not ours. Example:


For some reason the picture does not scale. I have a huge picture now and understand what you mean. It is beautiful.
May 11, 2008
Ok, i have this question.

Let us say that hypothetically speaking, these magnetic bubbles accelerate and decelerate electrons. This would produce em radiation.

We also have the 21 cm wavelength radiation or microwave radiation.
Is it possible that this radiation is produced at the termination shock ?
Hypothetical situation if this is the case :
If i would look around from the earth, would i then see all around me not microwave radiation of similar signal strength ? And would it not look as a volumetric sphere if i would measure everywhere ? As if we where in an evenly distributed volume of hydrogen gas or plasma ?

And would this signal not change depending on the activity of the sun ?
I mean if the sun would be more active, the solar wind would be stronger thus the termination shock would be further yes ?
If the sun would be less active there would be less solar wind and thus the termination shock would be closer yes ?

Would it not also have an effect on cosmic rays ?
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Senior member
Aug 15, 2006
Ok, i have this question.

Let us say that hypothetically speaking, these magnetic bubbles accelerate and decelerate electrons. This would produce em radiation.

We also have the 21 cm wavelength radiation or microwave radiation.
Is it possible that this radiation is produced at the termination shock ?
Hypothetical situation if this is the case :
If i would look around from the earth, would i then see all around me not microwave radiation of similar signal strength ? And would it not look as a volumetric sphere if i would measure everywhere ? As if we where in an evenly distributed volume of hydrogen gas or plasma ?

And would this signal not change depending on the activity of the sun ?
I mean if the sun would be more active, the solar wind would be stronger thus the termination shock would be further yes ?
If the sun would be less active there would be less solar wind and thus the termination shock would be closer yes ?

Would it not also have an effect on cosmic rays ?

By microwave radiation do you mean the 2.73K CMB?

21 cm emission is a hyperfine line from neutral hydrogen, very different from the CMB. The doppler shift is a good way to separate out discrete clouds of neutral hydrogen.
May 11, 2008
By microwave radiation do you mean the 2.73K CMB?

21 cm emission is a hyperfine line from neutral hydrogen, very different from the CMB. The doppler shift is a good way to separate out discrete clouds of neutral hydrogen.

Not really, it is my understanding that what you mention is something around the 160GHz range and what i am talking about is around 1.45 GHz if i am not mistaking... I do not know how to relate on and other.

But if it is related i am surely interested. I just want to create an understanding of the matter. I am just wondering if it is possible to generate synchrotron radiation at the termination shock...


Senior member
Aug 15, 2006
Synchrotron emission has a very distinct non-thermal profile, we would be able to tell if a source we were seeing was that kind of thing.
May 11, 2008
Yeah, but these probes were launched back in the 70's, back when America still built electronic stuff.

You sure do your name honor.
It is all about radiation hardening and shielding. But you are right because the USA was the pioneer at the time and ahead of the USSR(at the time). Something that is with a few exceptions(robotics to enter muclear facilities) not necessary on the earth. The earth is protected by the combination of the solarwind, the magnetic fields of the sun, the magnetic field of the earth and the atmosphere of the earth.

The Voyagers win because of shielding and the sheer size of the electric components. Making radiation noise just noise. I do wonder if BAE processors can handle the radiation where voyager is now.
May 11, 2008
i was reading about the BAE6000 radiation hardened CPU.
I found this pdf from BAE. Interesting stuff for interested folks who have never seen the insides of modern man made space explorers.

There is also a lockheed martin pdf.

But now i am curious, which company developed the RAD6000 (Especially the radiation hardening in Virginia Manassas)? Because both claim to have done this.
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Feb 22, 2007
Really ?

Do you have links ?
To *.pdf ( that would be wonderful) ?

I always was amazed how these drones of discovery(sort of reconnaissance) are still functioning. It is also the sole reason why i still think the first startrek movie is the best one ever made. Because of Voyager (1 & 2).

I don't have them in pdf. They are large, 3ft x 4ft drawings. I picked them up on ebay of all places. There is a lot of the old nasa stuff on there. Search for terms like nasa, jpl, voyager. There is another set of voyager2 blueprints on there when I searched today.

This is where I got my copies, there is 4 pages of them , everything from mechanical to electrical. They don't have the ones I got anymore except for the mechanical one.
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May 11, 2008
I posted this in the P&N section but i think it deserves to be here as well :

August 18, 2011: For the first time, a spacecraft far from Earth has turned and watched a solar storm engulf our planet. The movie, released today during a NASA press conference, has galvanized solar physicists, who say it could lead to important advances in space weather forecasting.

“The movie sent chills down my spine,” says Craig DeForest of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. "It shows a CME swelling into an enormous wall of plasma and then washing over the tiny blue speck of Earth where we live. I felt very small.”
A wide-angle movie recorded by NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft shows a solar storm traveling all the way from the sun to Earth and engulfing our planet. A 17 MB Quicktime zoom adds perspective to the main 40 MB Quicktime movie.

CMEs are billion-ton clouds of solar plasma launched by the same explosions that spark solar flares. When they sweep past our planet, they can cause auroras, radiation storms, and in extreme cases power outages. Tracking these clouds and predicting their arrival is an important part of space weather forecasting.

“We have seen CMEs before, but never quite like this,” says Lika Guhathakurta, program scientist for the STEREO mission at NASA headquarters. “STEREO-A has given us a new view of solar storms.”

STEREO-A is one of two spacecraft launched in 2006 to observe solar activity from widely-spaced locations. At the time of the storm, STEREO-A was more than 65 million miles from Earth, giving it the “big picture” view other spacecraft in Earth orbit have been missing.

When CMEs first leave the sun, they are bright and easy to see. Visibility is quickly reduced, however, as the clouds expand into the void. By the time a typical CME crosses the orbit of Venus, it is a billion times fainter than the surface of the full Moon, and more than a thousand times fainter than the Milky Way. CMEs that reach Earth are almost as gossamer as vacuum itself and correspondingly transparent.

“Pulling these faint clouds out of the confusion of starlight and interplanetary dust has been an enormous challenge,” says DeForest.

Indeed, it took almost three years for his team to learn how to do it. Footage of the storm released today was recorded back in December 2008, and they have been working on it ever since. Now that the technique has been perfected, it can be applied on a regular basis without such a long delay.

Alysha Reinard of NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center explains the benefits for space weather forecasting:

“Until quite recently, spacecraft could see CMEs only when they were still quite close to the sun. By calculating a CME's speed during this brief period, we were able to estimate when it would reach Earth. After the first few hours, however, the CME would leave this field of view and after that we were 'in the dark' about its progress.”

“The ability to track a cloud continuously from the Sun to Earth is a big improvement,” she continues. “In the past, our very best predictions of CME arrival times had uncertainties of plus or minus 4 hours,” she continues. “The kind of movies we’ve seen today could significantly reduce the error bars.”
This 17 MB Quicktime zoom adds perspective to the main 40 MB Quicktime movie of the CME engulfing Earth.

The movies pinpoint not only the arrival time of the CME, but also its mass. From the brightness of the cloud, researchers can calculate the gas density with impressive precision. Their results for the Dec. 2008 event agreed with actual in situ measurements at the few percent level. When this technique is applied to future storms, forecasters will be able to estimate its impact with greater confidence.

At the press conference, DeForest pointed out some of the movie’s highlights: When the CME first left the sun, it was cavernous, with walls of magnetism encircling a cloud of low-density gas. As the CME crossed the Sun-Earth divide, however, its shape changed. The CME “snow-plowed” through the solar wind, scooping up material to form a towering wall of plasma. By the time the CME reached Earth, its forward wall was sagging inward under the weight of accumulated gas.

The kind of magnetic transformations revealed by the movie deeply impressed Guhathakurta: “I have always thought that in heliophysics understanding the magnetic field is equivalent to the ‘dark energy’ problem of astrophysics. Often, we cannot see the magnetic field, yet it orchestrates almost everything. These images from STEREO give us a real sense of what the underlying magnetic field is doing.”

All of the speakers at today’s press event stressed that the images go beyond the understanding of a single event. The inner physics of CMEs have been laid bare for the first time—a development that will profoundly shape theoretical models and computer-generated forecasts of CMEs for many years to come.

“This is what the STEREO mission was launched to do,” concludes Guhathakurta, “and it is terrific to see it live up to that promise."


I had to think about past times.
How long before we once again loose our libraries ?
I fear for that moment.
May 11, 2008
This is about magnetic reconnection.

penetrating the Earth’s environment revealed

3 October 2006
Co-ordinated efforts by China/ESA’s Double Star and ESA’s Cluster spacecraft have allowed scientists to zero in on an area where energetic particles from the Sun are blasting their way through the Earth’s magnetic shield. Solar material penetrating the Earth's magnetic shield can represent a hazard to both astronauts and satellites.

On 8 May 2004, one of the two Double Star satellites (TC-1) and all four Cluster spacecraft found themselves in the firing line. For about 6 hours, the Cluster spacecraft were buffeted every 8 minutes by intense flows of electrically charged particles released by the Sun. The Double Star TC-1 spacecraft had it even rougher, being blasted every four minutes for eight hours.

During such events, magnetic channels created by the merging of the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic fields allow solar particles to break through the Earth’s magnetic shield and penetrate the Earth’s environment. Physicists call the occurrence of these magnetic channels Flux Transfer Events. Each magnetic channel appears like a curve shaped tube that can be anything from 5000 to 25000 kilometres in diameter. One end of the magnetic flux tube is connected to Earth while the other end is connected to the solar wind.

The basic physical mechanism responsible for the occurrence of flux transfer events is called magnetic reconnection. In the 1950s, space physicists believed that magnetic reconnection let solar particles break through at a steady rate. That view changed in the late 1970s, when several studies showed that the magnetic reconnection could also be intermittent and take place in pulses, lasting a few minutes. Each pulse produces a magnetic flux tube (a Flux Transfer Event).

Simulation of a portion of Earth’s magnetic field on 8 May 2004

On 8 May 2004, these magnetic flux tubes swept over Cluster and Double Star again and again. As the Cluster and Double Star data clearly showed, the same location underwent magnetic reconnection several times, creating new successive magnetic flux tubes to channel more charged particles towards the Earth. The observations stopped probably because the spacecraft moved out of range and not because the reconnection region weakened in any way.

The data from the five spacecraft allowed scientists led by Aurélie Marchaudon of the Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Université d’Orléans, Orléans, France to triangulate the location of the magnetic reconnection region, and to deduce its size. They found that the reconnection site was located on the daylight west side of the Earth’s magnetic shield and was around 25000 kilometres across. A computer simulation of the event, conducted by Jean Berchem of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and his team, confirmed the possibility of magnetic reconnection occurring at that location.

Although intermittent reconnection has been observed in the past, this was one of the longest series of continuous observations ever taken of a magnetic reconnection region in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Perhaps most surprising is that 8 May 2004 was just relatively a normal day for the Earth’s magnetic field. There were no large magnetic storms on Earth, or spectacular aurorae to fill the night sky. However, Cluster and Double Star revealed that energetic particles from the Sun were blasting their way through the Earth’s magnetic shield and penetrating the Earth’s environment.

Each day, Cluster and Double Star return more observations that allow scientist to understand the invisible magnetic turbulence high above our heads.
During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in. A magnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the sun 93 million miles away. Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page.

"It's called a flux transfer event or 'FTE,'" says space physicist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "Ten years ago I was pretty sure they didn't exist, but now the evidence is incontrovertible."

Indeed, today Sibeck is telling an international assembly of space physicists at the 2008 Plasma Workshop in Huntsville, Alabama, that FTEs are not just common, but possibly twice as common as anyone had ever imagined.

Researchers have long known that the Earth and sun must be connected. Earth's magnetosphere (the magnetic bubble that surrounds our planet) is filled with particles from the sun that arrive via the solar wind and penetrate the planet's magnetic defenses. They enter by following magnetic field lines that can be traced from terra firma all the way back to the sun's atmosphere.

"We used to think the connection was permanent and that solar wind could trickle into the near-Earth environment anytime the wind was active," says Sibeck. "We were wrong. The connections are not steady at all. They are often brief, bursty and very dynamic."

Several speakers at the Workshop have outlined how FTEs form: On the dayside of Earth (the side closest to the sun), Earth's magnetic field presses against the sun's magnetic field. Approximately every eight minutes, the two fields briefly merge or "reconnect," forming a portal through which particles can flow. The portal takes the form of a magnetic cylinder about as wide as Earth. The European Space Agency's fleet of four Cluster spacecraft and NASA's five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these cylinders, measuring their dimensions and sensing the particles that shoot through. "They're real," says Sibeck.

Now that Cluster and THEMIS have directly sampled FTEs, theorists can use those measurements to simulate FTEs in their computers and predict how they might behave. Space physicist Jimmy Raeder of the University of New Hampshire presented one such simulation at the Workshop. He told his colleagues that the cylindrical portals tend to form above Earth's equator and then roll over Earth's winter pole. In December, FTEs roll over the north pole; in July they roll over the south pole.

Sibeck believes this is happening twice as often as previously thought. "I think there are two varieties of FTEs: active and passive." Active FTEs are magnetic cylinders that allow particles to flow through rather easily; they are important conduits of energy for Earth's magnetosphere. Passive FTEs are magnetic cylinders that offer more resistance; their internal structure does not admit such an easy flow of particles and fields. (For experts: Active FTEs form at equatorial latitudes when the IMF tips south; passive FTEs form at higher latitudes when the IMF tips north.) Sibeck has calculated the properties of passive FTEs and he is encouraging his colleagues to hunt for signs of them in data from THEMIS and Cluster. "Passive FTEs may not be very important, but until we know more about them we can't be sure."

There are many unanswered questions: Why do the portals form every 8 minutes? How do magnetic fields inside the cylinder twist and coil? "We're doing some heavy thinking about this at the Workshop," says Sibeck.

Meanwhile, high above your head, a new portal is opening, connecting your planet to the sun.

Everything is interesting when time is irrelevant.
Aug 26, 2004
I don't have them in pdf. They are large, 3ft x 4ft drawings. I picked them up on ebay of all places. There is a lot of the old nasa stuff on there. Search for terms like nasa, jpl, voyager. There is another set of voyager2 blueprints on there when I searched today.

This is where I got my copies, there is 4 pages of them , everything from mechanical to electrical. They don't have the ones I got anymore except for the mechanical one.

This is too cool, thanks for the link!
May 11, 2008
Just a beautiful picture of the sun i found on :

GIANT SINE WAVE: Imagine a sine wave 400,000 km long. Today, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring just such a structure. It's an enormous filament of magnetism slithering over the sun's northeastern limb:


One of the wave troughs appears to be passing through the core of sunspot 1282. If so, an eruption of the sunspot could have an interesting ripple effect on the greater filament, perhaps even causing it to collapse. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor this region so full of possibilities.