Miami might as well be in Cuba, but isnt bow. The Iraqi Daily News reports the Iraqi intel agency funneled money and arms to that camp up north. Their weapons, ammo, and chemical protection gear were identical to those issued to the Iraqi regualr army (crap). Saddam really did not mind having a group helping t ofight the Kurds for him, even if they recieved most of their support from Iran.
Independent foreign media found documents in Bahdad that proved AQ was invited to Baghdad for meetings with the Govt. Forget about those?
I was wrong about that particular terrorist, it was his good buddy they caught. interesing reads, notice all the chemical and bio weapons training. So tell me how anyone got top notch medical treatment in Baghdad without Saddam knowing? How could he call his family from the hospital which was used to treat military forces in Baghdad without Saddam knowing?
Abu Musab Zarqawi has been named as the link between Iraq and al Qaeda. He has been involved with terrorist activites for many years and is thought to be one of Osama bin Laden's chief supporters.
1966 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was born as a Palestinian-Jordanian.
1990 Zarqawi went to Afghanistan
1991 Zarqawi helped fight against Russia in Khosht
1999 Zarqawi planned a terrorist attack for the millennial celebration Jordan. The Radison SAS hotel in Aman an other American, Israeli, and Christian sites were targeted. The plot was discovered before it was carried out. Zarqawi escaped before he could be indicted.
2000 Zarqawi went to Afghanistan, where he oversaw a terrorist training camp. He also specialized in chemical and biological weapons.
2001 Zarqauwi was sentenced to 15 years for his terrorist plots in Jordan. However, since he escaped, before he was arrested, he has not served any of his term.
October 2001 After the Taliban lost control in Afghanistan Zarqawi fled to Iran with a wounded leg. While he was there Zarqawi dispatched two Palestinians and a Jordanian who entered Turkey and then they were supposed to go to Israel to conduct bombing attacks.
15 February 2002 The three terrorists who were sent by Zarqawi were caught in Turkey.
May 2002 Zarqawi traveled to Iraq. He had his leg amputated and had a prosthetic limb to replace it.
May-July 2002 Zarqawi spent time recovering in Baghdad. At the same time several extremists also came to Baghdad and established a base of operations.
Late Summer 2002 Zarqawi traveled to Lebanon to meet with leaders from Hezbollah, another terrorist group.
October 2002 Lawrence Foley, an United States official with the Agency for International Development, was assassinated. After some arrests were made of the actual shooters in December 2002, and Zarqwai was linked to the plot by providing the murder weapons.
Early 2003 Zarqawi returned to the Ansar al-Islam camp in northern Iraq. Other terrorist who have trained at this particular camp have plotted chemical attacks with various toxins in Britain, France, Georgia, and Chechnya.
January 2003 Several terrorists were arrested in Britain for planning to put the toxin ricin in the military food supply. These terrorist were linked to Zarqawi.
Sources said the individual is a member of a group operating in western Baghdad under the leadership of Abu Musab al Zarqawi, a Jordanian believed by the United States to have been the mastermind behind the assassination of American diplomat Lawrence Foley in Amman last October.
I have no problem admitting my mistake, a simple error easily fixed, much easier than living in your world of denial......
care to asnwer why Saddam was still placing orders for precursor chemicals and equipment and supplies to make WMD worldwide during sanctions? The former head of South Africa's WMD program said they were contacted, and they intercepted orders going out worldwide. He also stated few if any were ever legitimately filled, but nice to know the effort never stopped....