
May 13, 2002
The Romanian soldiers found about 3,000 107mm rockets, 250,000 rounds of machine-gun ammunition and about one million rounds of small arms ammunition, US military spokesman Colonel Roger King said.

More than 20 truckloads of ammunition and weapons were destroyed in the biggest controlled explosion British forces have carried out since World War II.

British forces operating in Afghanistan say they have found four caves containing "substantial amounts" of weapons and ammunition, believed to belong to al-Qaeda fighters.

KHOWRI KHORAH, Afghanistan - After a grueling hike over craggy terrain, Sgt. 1st Class Craig Ogden crawls through a 3-foot-high opening to a goat pen tucked into a cliff, searching for a massive weapons cache. Behind a stack of stones at the rear of the pen, the company of soldiers finds hundreds of mortar and recoilless rifle rounds, rockets and more than 120 cases of ammunition - many labeled in Chinese

The cache was one of the largest found in Afghanistan, Ogden said Thursday.

The operation in the Kohe Safi mountains east of Kabul was one of the first to combine intelligence collected by the International Security Assistance Force, which maintains security in the capital of Kabul, and the U.S.-led multinational anti-terror coalition.

This was the last one found there in the past few days. How long have we been in Kabul and had control of the area? Anyone suprised it took so long to find this and the other huge weapons caches, beginning to understand the need for patience with Iraq? The Taliban had neither the resources or technology to hide their stuff as well as Saddam could have, and it still could be done very easily and still not be found for years obviously.



Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
This was the last one found there in the past few days. How long have we been in Kabul and had control of the area? Anyone surprised it took so long to find this and the other huge weapons caches, beginning to understand the need for patience with Iraq? The Taliban had neither the resources or technology to hide their stuff as well as Saddam could have, and it still could be done very easily and still not be found for years obviously.

1. The Taleban was building caves, got the ammo, weapon, and training with the help of the US in the 80's.
2. These people know exactly HOW to hide themselves and ammo and weapon because of the experience the got from fighting each other and Soviets for about 20 years now.
3. The terrain in Afghanistan IS VERY REMOTE AND DIFFICULT, it is easier for anyone to hide stuff because of no infrastructure, climate, terrain, and a complete remoteness..

To summarize.. you are very ignorant, therefore I would strongly suggest you to stop posting because you are making a complete fool out of yourself....
just my .02...

Edit: Why don't you just admit it...?
We, the Americans were played and punk'ed by the administration to support the war..?
We will find the WMD, we will find Osama, we will find Saddam, we will get the country out of the recession...
Geez, I am tired of all that bullsh*t...:|


May 13, 2002
UNSCOM discovered a document at Iraqi Air Force headquarters in July 1998 showing that Iraq overstated by at least 6,000 the number of chemical bombs it told the UN it had used during the Iran-Iraq War?bombs that remain are unaccounted for.

Iraq has not accounted for 15,000 artillery rockets that in the past were its preferred means for delivering nerve agents, nor has it accounted for about 550 artillery shells filled with mustard agent.

love to know where those are, so would UNSCOM, those are some of the "unaccounted" for WMD they very much still wanted to search for, anyone have any ideas where they might be? ;)


Senior member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Alistar7
UNSCOM discovered a document at Iraqi Air Force headquarters in July 1998 showing that Iraq overstated by at least 6,000 the number of chemical bombs it told the UN it had used during the Iran-Iraq War?bombs that remain are unaccounted for.

Iraq has not accounted for 15,000 artillery rockets that in the past were its preferred means for delivering nerve agents, nor has it accounted for about 550 artillery shells filled with mustard agent.

love to know where those are, so would UNSCOM, those are some of the "unaccounted" for WMD they very much still wanted to search for, anyone have any ideas where they might be? ;)



May 13, 2002
Originally posted by: adlep
This was the last one found there in the past few days. How long have we been in Kabul and had control of the area? Anyone surprised it took so long to find this and the other huge weapons caches, beginning to understand the need for patience with Iraq? The Taliban had neither the resources or technology to hide their stuff as well as Saddam could have, and it still could be done very easily and still not be found for years obviously.
1. The Taleban was building caves, got the ammo, weapon, and training with the help of the US in the 80's.
2. These people know exactly HOW to hide themselves and ammo and weapon because of the experience the got from fighting each other and Soviets for about 20 years now.
3. The terrain in Afghanistan IS VERY REMOTE AND DIFFICULT, it is easier for anyone to hide stuff because of no infrastructure, climate, terrain, and a complete remoteness..

To summarize.. you are very ignorant, therefore I would strongly suggest you to stop posting because you are making a complete fool out of yourself....
just my .02...

yeah, we gave them truckloads of chineese ammo to go into their soviet AK's, maybe beofre you level claims of ignorance you should read the articles first.
you think the deserts of Iraq are not vast or remote?
Iraq bought German engineering firms to build top notch bunkers, think Saddam had a little more cash and technology at his disposal.
Saddam's methods of decpetion, dual use facilities, etc... is unmatched, especially by the Taliban. Did the Taliban have international inspectors hovering over them?

Did you miss my thread earlier this week where Blix admitted most intel agencies thought Iraq had WMD? The only person being hoodwinked is you, by the same democrats who agreed with the intel assessment and voted to allow Bush to take action, it's just election time now.

Why cant you just admit your problem is Bush, ignoring the fact the UN and the rest of the world agree he still had WMD is rather sad......

and please tell me what happened to those 6,000 bombs and CW the UN was so sure was unaccounted for that they still wanted inspections to continue, don't attack my intelligence, show me yours......



Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
Iraq has not accounted for 15,000 artillery rockets that in the past were its preferred means for delivering nerve agents, nor has it accounted for about 550 artillery shells filled with mustard agent
Even if so, this kind of Gas weapon is as technologically advanced as it was first used....
In WWI....
Yes, they could destroy the US with these 550 artillery shells filled with mustard agent....
Do you really believe that?
Also, Iraq got a lot of technological assistance in the 80's to develop these weapons.
Here, enjoy the picture
Do you recognize this guy?

Edit: Democrats? Are you crazy, I am foreign guy. American politics has NO influence over me. I use common sense and perspective. You my friend have no clue about the world.
All you can do is to find these stupid links....


May 13, 2002
Why not rely on Saddams reports tothe UN detailing his WMD programs including suppliers.

21 firms total contributed, 2 in the US, 17 in the EU, most of those in Germany....

The soviet union and china are number 1 and 2 for conventional weapons sales to Iraq.

That was the same weapon he used against the kurds.

"enjoy" the pics

No he could not destroy the US, but he could have very easily given these out to anyone of the many terrorist groups he supported, that was his danger. They have demostrated a strong desire to acquire them, and they were traning in their use in Iraq....

You are ignorant, my "stupid" links are official UN inspections reports to the security council. Your bias is obvious, what craphole is your country?


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
you think the deserts of Iraq are not vast or remote?
No, Afghanistan is bigger, and has all kinds of ugly stuff. Weird weather, mountains, and a desert.
Iraq is a picnic when compared to Afghanistan.
Edit: Do your homework.
And I am Polish. My country is NOT a craphole.

That was the same weapon he used against the kurds.
Brought to you by the friendly technological assistance from Uncle Sam...


May 13, 2002
and what does the size of Afghanistan have to do with the remoteness of IRaq's deserts?

where are the unaccounted for WMD? You like those pics? Those were nothing, we have found mass graves of children only.....

FYI Saddam submitted a report to the UN outlining his WMD programs including suppliers, out of 21 total, 2 in the US, 17 in the EU, 14 of those in Germany, that's where they came from, alot of your assumptions are dead wrong.


May 13, 2002
you have been completely affected by US politics BTW. The dems have you hook line and sinker. You do realize they all agreed with the risk Iraq posed in oct of 2002 when the CIA released it's report? This is the main one used by Bush as proof and is not different that what you will find in UN reports or anyone else's intel files internationally. The only reason they are asking for inquiries is for politcal reasons, the same in the UK.

Do you see Russia, Germany, france, or China demanding investigations or repsrisals?
Ask yourself why the only ones are the opposing politcal parties. You don't have to tell me, you don't support the GOP or Bush.....


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
and what does the size of Afghanistan have to do with the remoteness of IRaq's deserts?
I am running in circles.
Afganistan is bigger, and it has much more remote and difficult terrain that Iraq...
The US army is able to travers the "remote Iraqi desert" in few hours.
It is not that easy with Afganistan.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Alistar7
you have been completely affected by US politics BTW. The dems have you hook line and sinker. You do realize they all agreed with the risk Iraq posed in oct of 2002 when the CIA released it's report? This is the main one used by Bush as proof and is not different that what you will find in UN reports or anyone else's intel files internationally. The only reason they are asking for inquiries is for politcal reasons, the same in the UK.

Do you see Russia, Germany, france, or China demanding investigations or repsrisals?
Ask yourself why the only ones are the opposing politcal parties. You don't have to tell me, you don't support the GOP or Bush.....

Well, not wanting to step between you two - but in the UK the call for an investigation into the WMD evidence is not primarily from opposition parties. A good majority of labour voters want to know how much of a threat Iraq was as compared to how much of a threat we were told it was by the government.

You can both get back to it now! ;)




Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2001
I refuse....
Although I completely disagree with Alistar7 I still believe that he has good intentions.
But, I am positive that overt time he will have to come back and edit all of his politics posts....:p


May 13, 2002
alot more partisan here, but notice outside of our two countries there is no huge cry for proof or investigations. At least here we had many politicians (dems) agree with Iraq's risk up to oct. 2002, yet now they are criticizing the same info that convinced them.....

Good to see ya again, how's things on the "bad side of the pond"? ;)


May 13, 2002
Originally posted by: adlep
I refuse....
Although I completely disagree with Alistar7 I still believe that he has good intentions.
But, I am positive that overt time he will have to come back and edit all of his politics posts....:p

Time is the question, look at this thread, it's real topic. Look how long it took to find those weapons. There is no threat the Taliban will come back either, without Saddam in jail or dead many will never get over the grip he had on them, the fear will be there until they have proof it no longer exists. It took information gathered from cooperation with the new Govt. in Afghanistan, we were not even directly informed. Who would they approach in Iraq right now if they were afraid to notify coalition forces?

I will agree Afghanistan is 1/3 larger than Iraq, and it's mountain areas are far more brutal and inhospitable, but one of the largest caches was just found days ago by Kabul, not far off in some cave in a mountain range, and we have been right there for YEARS. How much time should Bush get? A needle in a haystack sounds tame by comparision....

you can disagree with anything that is my opinion, but not the numbers of unaccounted WMD, that's right from UN sources and should give you an idea why they felt inspections should continue, still WMD to find and destroy....

those are the figures submitted by Saddam BTW in many cases, how honest do you think he was? We know he overtstated using 6,000 more CW bombs against Iran than he originally claimed, and they have never been produced. Maybe it was 10,000, 15,000, I wouldn't trust him....


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Alistar7
alot more partisan here, but notice outside of our two countries there is no huge cry for proof or investigations. At least here we had many politicians (dems) agree with Iraq's risk up to oct. 2002, yet now they are criticizing the same info that convinced them.....

Good to see ya again, how's things on the "bad side of the pond"? ;)


Things are good at the moment. I'm getting on with my work and I've just secured some more cash - so these are (for now) good times! I agree that outside of the US there are not huge amount of people lobbying for investigations into the evidence put forward as to why Iraq must be attacked. But then (I find lists easier than blocks of text!):

1. The countries that went with us into Iraq probably (I'm guessing but I've not seen any other country's evidence) relied principally on our (US/UK) evidence for their reasoning, just as we did.

2. The US/UK are primarily responsible for attacking Iraq, and so most of the reasoning/lingering doubts would, I think, logically be concentrated in our countries.

3. Other countries whose citizens/government overwhelmingly did not wish to attack Iraq don't have any questions to ask themselves. They continue to believe that not attacking Iraq was the best solution at the time.

I've been contributing a lot less to this forum (well only a few times a week in the PaN anyway) of recent because I see a lot of recycled old arguments, with the occasional remodelled histroy thrown in. Given this, I've no wish to constantly post my views in "n different" threads so I mainly watch and wait for something new to come up. I guess that's only going to happen regularly when the whole Iraq situation stabilises/becomes clearer. (I'll come back in 5 years then ;) ) If the right thread comes up (no more rice please! :D ) I'll post.

What happened to you a while back. You mentioned about going away for the weekend and then disappeared for ~ 1 month! The post rate like halved overnight ;)




May 13, 2002
got sucked back into real life, but all better now...
I am going to try and stay out of the Iraq WMD threads until they have a legitmate find, then I will be back at full force.....;) Politics and news interest me though, and I get sucked right back in.

Blix just stated yesterday almost every western intel agency besides the US admitted they believed Saddam still had WMD.

I think they don't care now becuase that money is gone, they are working on trying to repair the damage and recoup some of their losses. It's nice to see them working together in respect to the Israel/Pal crisis, and the nuke ambitions of NK and Iran, and not only for the obvious reason it makes the bashers look foolish.... ;)

I honestly believe the real war being waged internationally is monetary and political, its about money, markets, and power. Each side is hedging to protect their interests, same as usual, this was just a flashpoint for the many issues at hand. Growing pains for humanity. Some day we will all live free under a similar rule of law.....


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Britain is certainly raising the "Where are the WMD?" issue. Here in the Great White North, we have been keeping track of the issue, but have not called for any investigations. Primarily because our Prime Minister was wise enough to wait for some real "Proof".


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Alistar7
Blix just stated yesterday almost every western intel agency besides the US admitted they believed Saddam still had WMD.
Hiding again, Ali? I challenged this in your thread yesterday. Like so many times before, it looks like you reacted by abandoning the old thread and moving your misinformation to a new one. How about, instead, we pick up where that one left off:


You are an amazing fellow. The article focuses on our poor intelligence, our distorted claims about Iraq, and our unjustified rush to invade, yet you mange to flip it 180 degrees by finding one quote that appears to incidentally support your entrenched point of view. Did you train Baghdad Bob?

Have you noticed the only ones crying out for investigations into the intelligence are in the UK and America?
Oh, gee, I don't know, might it have something to do with these being the two countries that led the invasion??? Might it have something to do with the fact that most of the news coverage we see comes from these two countires? By the way, I posted an article a few days ago that discussed how some Australian officials are questioning the intelligence too. Coincidentally, I'm sure, Australia is the country with the third-most troops on the ground.

What about the fact they are only being sought by opposition party members?
I agree that this is puzzling. Most politicians are eager to come forward and say that they or other members of their party did something stupid, unethical, or even illegal like lying to the public to invade another country. After all, their priority is always the public good, even if it means sacrificing their own interests. I can't imagine why they're leaving this to "the opposition".




Nov 17, 2002
Hey Ali, here's another:


Originally posted by: Alistar7
Powell's evidence consisted of tenuous ties between Baghdad and an Al Qaeda leader, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, who had allegedly received medical treatment in Baghdad and who, according to Powell, operated a training camp in Iraq specializing in poisons. Unfortunately for Powell's thesis, the camp was located in northern Iraq, an area controlled by the Kurds rather than Saddam and policed by U.S. and British warplanes. One Hill staffer familiar with the classified documents on Al Qaeda tells TNR, "So why would that be proof of some Iraqi government connection to Al Qaeda? [It] might as well be in Iran."

You do realize he was captured, in Baghdad?????
I've gotten bored with trying to track all of your misinformation, but if I remember right, this is another case of you "misunderstanding" the stories you read. As I pointed out to you before, the article said they captured a person with ties to Zarqawi, not Zarqawi himself. If you have a different link, please present it; I'll apologize if you're correct. My guess is you'll ignore this correction, just as you have every other time I've pointed out your misstatements.

The camp was also there, complete with recipes for WMD and dispersion manuals and dead Al-Queda. They also found chemical protection suits identical to ones issued to regular Iraqi forces, same with the weapons and ammo. Coincidence?
Yes, this is explicitly addressed in the material I quoted - Kurdish-controlled territory in our no-fly zone. "It might as well be in Iran."

and from the Iraqi Daily News

Ansar al-Islam is a radical Kurdish Islamic group that is supportive of Saddam Hussein's regime. This group is located in the pseudo-autonomous Northern Iraq. This group has ties with Taliban and al-Qaeda. It is the most radical group operating in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

"According to some reports, the group has received $600,000 from al-Qaeda, and a delivery of weapons and Toyota Land Cruisers. There are also reports stating that Ansar al-Islam received $35,000 from the Mukhabarat branch of Iraqi Intelligence Service, in addition to a considerable quantity of arms."

We also know for a fact Al-Queda was invited to Baghdad for meetings and did attend, although not much is known further on that.
We know that bin Laden and other Al Quaeda operatives have consistently and vehemently stated they wanted nothing to do with Hussein and his secular regime.


Jul 12, 2000
Pay no mind to Alistar, he is just miffed because he was had by the likes of, to borrow from yesterday's Dilbert, those innebriated simian miscreants in our current political administration. ;)
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: BatmanNate
Pay no mind to Alistar, he is just miffed because he was had by the likes of, to borrow from yesterday's Dilbert, those innebriated simian miscreants in our current political administration. ;)

Switch 'political administration' with 'message board' and you've got it.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2003



Seriously, though, it's encouraging that we're finding the weapons and keeping them away from the terrorists and saddam supporters.


Oct 9, 1999
maybe its like those found last time and then were blown up, few days later a local warlord complained that his weapons were gone :p


Sep 7, 2001
Yes, they could destroy the US with these 550 artillery shells filled with mustard agent....
Do you really believe that?
Also, Iraq got a lot of technological assistance in the 80's to develop these weapons.
Here, enjoy the picture
Do you recognize this guy?
Oh wow, the age-old Rumsey-Hussein pic. I thought you might at least have been original and linked to a picture taken during the two or three times Chirac personally met with Hussein and called him "a good friend", since that is where Iraq actually received so much of its military technological assistance, not from the US.

But I guess I was overestimating your level of informedness on this Iraq thing. Sorry about that, won't happen again.