The government will give u a fat promotion for getting your master's there, so it's a valid degree.
The ads are reading your posts...the bottom ad is for university of phoenix.
I get tons of junk mail from Strayer University, which is similar. I always laugh when I drive past the commercial centers with a Wal-Mart, a Staples, a Home Depot, and a Strayer University.
Never heard of Strayer. Cant be as good as phoenix
50,000 students in 80 campuses, and when you're done with class you can walk next door to the Best Buy/TGIFridays/Dick's Sporting Goods, it's one stop shopping.
Ugh. Why dont these people take courses online through their local community colleges and/or state schools? At least they would end up with a degree people wont laugh at.
It really is stupid. A lot of reputable universities (such as Indiana University) are starting to offer online courses and it is far cheaper than University of Flunkix. I don't understand why anyone would pay to go there. I knew this jackass who barely graduated with a 2.0 (or slightly under) cumulative GPA and magically got his "Master's" from UoP with a 4.0 GPA. Imagine that!
Sounds like a really smart guy to me. :thumbsup:
It really is stupid. A lot of reputable universities (such as Indiana University) are starting to offer online courses and it is far cheaper than University of Flunkix. I don't understand why anyone would pay to go there. I knew this jackass who barely graduated with a 2.0 (or slightly under) cumulative GPA and magically got his "Master's" from UoP with a 4.0 GPA. Imagine that!
I would assume employers would laugh all the way to the trashcan with that on your resume.
Ugh. Why dont these people take courses online through their local community colleges and/or state schools? At least they would end up with a degree people wont laugh at.
I assume it's because you need to take the SATs and apply to get in whereas these "Universities" just take your money and sign you up.
You're not the brightest bulb are you? If you're already in the government and don't have a master's, it's a dam good investment to get an automatic fat raise vs the person who paid double money + probably double time (driving to campus/walking to different classrooms) to get the same promotion.
You're not the brightest bulb are you? If you're already in the government and don't have a master's, it's a dam good investment to get an automatic fat raise vs the person who paid double money + probably double time (driving to campus/walking to different classrooms) to get the same promotion.
Well hell, if my employer came to me and said "Go to UoP, we'll pay for it, AND give you a fat raise!", I'd do it too. Doesn't change the fact that it isn't on the same level as a normal school.