There are so many other options and all of them are so much cheaper if you just wait a couple of months. The sound is mixed awfully in almost every theater I've ever been to. I've had to complain on multiple occasions, but have come to just accept it recently. It's not worth the hassle of missing the entire opening of the movie and causing a disturbance by leaving the theater.
There's just so many people who have no respect for anyone around them. Just one bad apple in a theater ruins it for me. Laughing at a funny part is fine, and is the only time a noise should be uttered by anyone.
It seems to be the worst in PG-13 movies that really could have been R rated, but the studio decided to cut it down to make it PG-13, cause then you get unsupervised 16 year olds in there with all their friends they're trying to impress.
I'm pretty sure someone snuck beer into the theater I saw Infinity War in, cause that's all I could smell the entire time, but now I hear some theaters are selling it? Really?
All the theatres near me have recently converted all of their seats into recliners. It cuts down completely on my seat getting kicked or pressed into, and me having to confront them (which was like a running gag for my wife that it happened every single damn time that she just thought I liked yelling at kids), but most of the seats make a farting noise when you recline them, so late arrivers, and people getting up to go to the bathroom, and dicks in the theater make a racket. They are also incredibly uncomfortable UNLESS you recline them. So it's not an option.
Theaters used to send ushers in to check the theater twice every movie. They would carry a flashlight and walk all the way up the stairs in each side of the theater then leave. I've never seem them actually do anything, though, not even to any of the people causing disruptions, so I'm not sure what the purpose was. Luckily something happened up the chain of command and they've recently stopped interrupting the movie with that shit, but now it's only ONE free refill of the $10 bucket of popcorn and $8 beverage. Not that I ever buy those things, but I did the other day for the first time ever when we saw two movies in one day and thought we could take advantage of it for once. They foiled our plan.