Trump's US Supreme Court Nominee Thread

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May 15, 2000
When one side decides to govern in bad faith and throw out all norms, you can't expect the other side to not retaliate. Mitch has thrown out all norms with regards to judge appointments at all levels going all the way back to 2008, its time for democrats to correct the results of his bad faith governing by expanding the courts at all levels. And while they are at it, they need to double the size of the HOR.

There is a whole host of legislation the Democrats can pass and unlike the Republicans who couldn't get anything done except tax cuts, Democrats actually have policies and legislation ready to go. If Pelosi is the speaker again, she'll make first time speaker of the house Pelosi look like a freaken amature!
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Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
I asked a simple question. Democrats opposed freeing blacks. Democrats threw Japanese citizens into camps. Democrats have done alot of things that warrant the "yeah but Democrats arent like that anymore".

So when did this happen?

Well at least there is an implied admission here that being a racist piece of shit is bad.


Jun 23, 2005
And Democrats dont?

The GoP always picks the most partisan Judges they can get. Garlond in contrast was a moderate liked by moth parties. Mitch didn't give him a hearing though because he didn't want a moderate. He wanted a partisan hack that would rubber stand the GoP agenda. I hope the Dems get a clue and figure out they need to do the same but on their own end of the spectrum if they want to balance it out, but I doubt they will. Which is ironic because the common consensus amongst joe blow is the Dems are always bad in equal measure to Repubs.


Jan 6, 2005
When one side decides to govern in bad faith and throw out all norms, you can't expect the other side to not retaliate. Mitch has thrown out all norms with regards to judge appointments at all levels going all the way back to 2008, its time for democrats to correct the results of his bad faith governing by expanding the courts at all levels. And while they are at it, they need to double the size of the HOR.
Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid similarly engaged in partisan bad faith governing as it relates to judicial appointments, the timeline of escalations does not start in 2008.


Jan 6, 2005
And the people voted for Obama, Hillary, and a democratic senate. Unfortunately, the states over ruled them and we got a republican senate and Trump.
The people took away Obama’s control of the legislature and denied Hillary the White House despite what Mitch did to Garland. That narrative is simply a matter of perspective.


Nov 11, 1999
Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid similarly engaged in partisan bad faith governing as it relates to judicial appointments, the timeline of escalations does not start in 2008.

That's so vague as to be meaningless. Troll harder.


Oct 22, 1999
The people took away Obama’s control of the legislature and denied Hillary the White House despite what Mitch did to Garland. That narrative is simply a matter of perspective.
The PEOPLE did no such thing, the STATES did. For the full Senate cycle of 2010, 2012 and 2014, Democrats had 99.9M votes vs 96.4M votes for Republicans.

For the two cycles with Trump, 2016 and 2018, Democrats had 103.8M votes vs 75.1M votes for Republicans. That's 138% more votes.

The PEOPLE did not want a republican Senate with Obama or Trump. Just like the PEOPLE did not vote for Trump, the EC did.

You can argue the popular vote doesn't matter, but you can't then claim that the "people" selected this as their government either.

Dems also won the people's vote for the House in 2012, yet the republicans still had a large majority. So the "people" didn't pick that one either.


Feb 23, 2005
The GoP always picks the most partisan Judges they can get. Garlond in contrast was a moderate liked by moth parties. Mitch didn't give him a hearing though because he didn't want a moderate. He wanted a partisan hack that would rubber stand the GoP agenda. I hope the Dems get a clue and figure out they need to do the same but on their own end of the spectrum if they want to balance it out, but I doubt they will. Which is ironic because the common consensus amongst joe blow is the Dems are always bad in equal measure to Repubs.
Jul 9, 2009
Except that didn't happen because McConnell said otherwise, cuz principles & stuff. Because let the people decide, right? What he really said was "Fuck you, Libtards" & it's what he's saying today.
Well OK, we're all saying that, but what the Democrats said uncountable times in 2016 is exactly what Senate Majority Leader McConnell is doing now. Filling an open seat. What you are angry about is he didn't do it when you wanted him to do it and now he's doing it when you don't want him to do it.

Elections have consequences.
Jul 9, 2009
There is a whole host of legislation the Democrats can pass and unlike the Republicans who couldn't get anything done except tax cuts, Democrats actually have policies and legislation ready to go. If Pelosi is the speaker again, she'll make first time speaker of the house Pelosi look like a freaken amature!
Yes, shitty policies and unreasonable and extreme legislation that is unpassable with this Senate and this President, but by golly they have them.


May 15, 2000
Yes, shitty policies and unreasonable and extreme legislation that is unpassable with this Senate and this President, but by golly they have them.

Nothing is passable with this senate and president you dumb ass and that’s the point.
But do tell us how health care reform that makes health care more accessible and less costly is extreme. Tell us how money for infrastructure is extreme. Please explain how raising the minimum wage and increasing taxes on the rich is extreme. Because those are all policies or legislation democrats have passed.

I can’t wait to hear what someone who can’t deal with reality has to say about what “extreme” is.


Jan 6, 2005
The PEOPLE did no such thing, the STATES did. For the full Senate cycle of 2010, 2012 and 2014, Democrats had 99.9M votes vs 96.4M votes for Republicans.

For the two cycles with Trump, 2016 and 2018, Democrats had 103.8M votes vs 75.1M votes for Republicans. That's 138% more votes.

The PEOPLE did not want a republican Senate with Obama or Trump. Just like the PEOPLE did not vote for Trump, the EC did.

You can argue the popular vote doesn't matter, but you can't then claim that the "people" selected this as their government either.

Dems also won the people's vote for the House in 2012, yet the republicans still had a large majority. So the "people" didn't pick that one either.
I send soccer bails sailing over the crossbar every weekend and lament every time that no one awards me 3 points. Both parties know how the gane works. The Democrats solidified their coalitions in population centers, the GOP played the whole field. Those coalitions are shifting once again.


Jan 6, 2005
So dishonest. What did they do, specifically, that was acting in bad faith?
Since we’re talking about norms and not laws, Ted Kennedy broke from Senate norms to further his own political ambitions and sink a SCOTUS nominee. Since you tend to be so focused on Reagan at times, you can thank Teddy for that as well.

Reid flip flopped on the filibuster and minority party obstructionism depending on what was politically convenient at the time, and he chose to exercise the nuclear option. Mitch and Reid were birds of a feather.


Oct 22, 1999
I send soccer bails sailing over the crossbar every weekend and lament every time that no one awards me 3 points. Both parties know how the gane works. The Democrats solidified their coalitions in population centers, the GOP played the whole field. Those coalitions are shifting once again.
So you admit that the people did not select republicans? Per your own words please start saying "the game selected a republican senate."


Oct 22, 1999
Since we’re talking about norms and not laws, Ted Kennedy broke from Senate norms to further his own political ambitions and sink a SCOTUS nominee. Since you tend to be so focused on Reagan at times, you can thank Teddy for that as well.

Reid flip flopped on the filibuster and minority party obstructionism depending on what was politically convenient at the time, and he chose to exercise the nuclear option. Mitch and Reid were birds of a feather.
Reid pulled the nuclear option because Mitch was abusing the filibuster to extreme lengths.


Feb 6, 2002
Of course it would. If things don't go the way that Progressheviks want, it's time to burn everything down. Nancy Pelosi threatening impeachment for Trump trying to exercise his Constitutionally granted power and it is another backdoor attempt at controlling the Senate. Plus, the Democrats are the party of the rich and elitists and only have contempt for the average American regardless of race and fancy themselves as superior all the while Nancy is getting duped by a hair stylist.
Mitch decided to burn everything down when he stole Obama's pick in 2016. That's when the war was started.


Feb 6, 2002
Yes, shitty policies and unreasonable and extreme legislation that is unpassable with this Senate and this President, but by golly they have them.
Any legislation is unpassable in the Senate because Mitch in in charge.

By unreasonable do you mean voting rights legislation to fix Republicans gutting the 65 Act with the Shelby case?

God forbid minorities have equal access to the polls.


Feb 1, 2008
Just another hypocritical side note.
I remember when Antonin Scalia died and before we knew McConnell would pull a fast one, that republicans were saying to Obama that any Scalia replacement must follow the same ideology as did Antonin Scalia. Remember republicans saying that? They were threatening Obama to pick a Scalia conservative to honor the legacy of Antonin Scalia and to maintain the then existing left-right balance of the high court. But we know what happened next, that Mitch McConnell tossed a wrench into the works thus denying Obama, PEROID. Frankly, I'm convinced that McConnell had this planned all along assuming a justice may need replacing before that upcoming election AND with McConnell realizing he could get away with it. Which.... he did.
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Jul 9, 2009
Since we’re talking about norms and not laws, Ted Kennedy broke from Senate norms to further his own political ambitions and sink a SCOTUS nominee. Since you tend to be so focused on Reagan at times, you can thank Teddy for that as well.

Reid flip flopped on the filibuster and minority party obstructionism depending on what was politically convenient at the time, and he chose to exercise the nuclear option. Mitch and Reid were birds of a feather.
Gosh i'm sorry Starbuck, you don't seem to understand that Republicans are always evil and wicked and Democrats are always pure and sweet and perfect. That even though Ted Kennedy /Joe Biden and other Democrats went far beyond the established norms to attack nominee Judge Bork that somehow and someway it's the Republicans fault for it. And when Reid exercised the nuke option for judicial nominees it was also the evil and wicked Republicans fault because Democrats are always honest and truthful and only want what's good for everyone and as "we" all know the Republicans are nasty and evil.

The same for the "high-tech lynching" of Judge Thomas by the Democrats and the smears and lies about Judge Kavanaugh by the Democrats. The Democrats have been swimming in the judicial cesspool of their own making for decades, but they want to blame it on Republicans.