As I speak, MSNBC is doing something unusual for a Sunday. They're running "All the President's Men" with Hoffman, Redford, Holbrook, Balsam, Robards.
Cable news over the years has demonstrated a pattern. If there aren't significant other stories, they tend to drag out the fool-pool discussions on the same story, as minor developments and facts trickle in. Sometimes, a hurricane coverage or wildfire story becomes wearisome.
I voted "No," but in some aspects I mean "Yes." "Yes" because the daily appearance of President Disgusting Filth ruins my day -- every day. Someone could say "Go to the mountains! Throw away the TV and the papers!" But that's not an option for me.
The "Lame-Stream Liberal Media" is not involved in a "conspiracy" to destroy the presidency. The so-called President and his circle are begging to be destroyed, and the more they attack the media, the bigger frenzy they'll likely stir. Even the State Media of FOX continues the constant narrative.
But this is no less of a story than Watergate, and it is probably more so. There are profound issues of national security and the cost to the public of damage done to cabinet agencies and the career service. So I cannot object to the media coverage.
It just makes me sick, that's all.