ALL politicians, who commit crimes need to be indicted, charged and prosecuted. Notice I didn't say Republicans or Democrats...yet?
That said, there will come a day, when someone makes the wrong move and a special prosecutor will start looking under the hoods of democrats and making those same referrals. Then you will have the Manaforts and Cohens of the left. I believe there are plenty of them, but for some reason, they seem to fly above the law. After what has happened with the Mueller indictments, it is guaranteed there will be a hornet's nest gunning for the other side, probably sooner, than later. Trump is a POS, but it is also becoming evident that there was a "plan", or conspiracy, if you will, to bring this man down, as a contingency plan, if Clinton lost. The unlawful way the FISA warrant was obtained is coming to a head and I do believe there will be prosecutions. Bruce Ohr is prison bound and possibly his wife and Steele too. You can't go making shit up to destroy people and accept funding to do it, from a campaign, without consequences. I don't care who the actors are. Nobody, no matter what political party, should be able to get away with that shit. And then there is fucking Harry Reid. He knew what he was playing into and he knew it was wrong. Good time to retire. Anyway, all things come to light over time.
As for Sessions, he is a spineless coward and probably a democratic plant. The one good thing that might have happened, is pulling the wool over Trump's eyes with recommending Sessions. Nothing says fetal alcohol syndrome baby like Sessions' face.