Alright folks, fired up the game and have made it to Velen, have completed the initial parts of the Witch and Bloody Barron questlines among other side quests.
Holy **** what a great game, it honestly feels like the game Dragon Age Inquisition should have been. Feels very similar in layout (not one huge open world like Skyrim which is what I initially thought, but multiple independent but still huge zones) but with actual stuff to do in each one with real towns and questlines and loot and more. Feels like CDProject Red has made a more Bioware-esq action RPG than even Bioware does nowadays (Witcher 2 was great like this as well).
I normally hate riding horses in open world games because they tend to hitch on every little rock or ledge or what-have-you but Roach is actually hugely useful in navigating the world which is a first for me in these kinds of games.
Combat is combat, much like Witcher 2 its serviceable but not going to win any blue ribbons. Unlike most I don't hate the combat, but certain elements of it (like locking on to an enemy) are functionally useless since you rarely ever encounter one single opponent at a time and locking on becomes a huge liability with the cramped, zoomed in camera. Most encounters seem to go slash, slash, dodge out of range, dodge back into range, slash, slash, dodge out of range... over and over and over.
Looks like I better buckle myself in cause this is likely the only thing I'm going to be playing for the next 6 months at the rate I go through games.
Edit: Should mention I'm playing the DX11 version with Ultra+ settings, no Hairworks, no TAAU. Game runs like butter on my sig rig, bouncing off the 144FPS cap of my monitor.