The ULTIMATE poll on software piracy!

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Dec 11, 2000
Piracy is WRONG under any circumstances whatsoever. It is illegal. Period. Have I committed acts of software piracy in the past? Yep. Just because I did it doesn't mean I feel it's "ok." I've also gone over the speed limit when driving, which is wrong, but still done. Although I must say generally if I had pirated something (music/game/software) I would much more often than not then go out and buy it. What's the point in DLing something if you don't actually want it? :p Now if you're asking whether it's morally acceptable or not, I'd still so no, as it is against the law, and I don't wanna hear the "damn the man" arguments either :p


Jun 30, 2003
i find it odd that "piracy of software is fine by me!" leads its category, while "downloading music is fine by me!" is only 2nd place.

there's little software i want/need right now. until hellgate: london and ETQW come out, i don't see any software (game wise anyway) worth my time/money to buy/download/play. as far as music, most of the stuff sucks too. again, not worth downloading


Jun 8, 2005
You forgot other. My opinions.
1) Too much hassle to downaload pirated software/ look for cd keys. Just not worth the huge amount of time spent.
2) I rip music off of my friend's Cds/library cds. Don't wanna get caught by RIAA and fined thousands of dollars.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
i rarely download music illegally anymore, its so much easier just to ask for itunes gift cards for holidays if not go out and buy one myself

as for software, the only time i think its ethically ok to pirate is when i think it is grossly overpriced and cant afford it


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Where is the "Ok, if you NEVER had any intention of purchasing in the first place" option?

If you never planned on buying it, why do you want to use it? It's not good enough for your money but it's good enough for you to take the time to download and crack it?

Personally, nearly all of my software is released under a Free license so I don't have to worry about piracy.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
I think it's retarded that some people will waste tons of money on really ugly, flashy cases with windows, fancy lights, and fan grills shaped like skulls or radiation warnings, but they won't spend the $50 it takes to get a copy of Windows XP Home.


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
I'm not voting because I don't like the options, mostly because they don't address any of the real issues with the respective industries.

Wrt music, saying it's wrong under any circumstances is like saying that the current state of the products is acceptable. As far as I've thought about it, the product was fine before the internet became a major player in the ability to pirate. Piracy happened but not on a scale that anyone really cared about because it wasn't practical. Similarly, now that it is practical, it would be nice if everyone just felt wrong about it and didn't do it. Then the industry could continue to sell straight-up, standardized products in an open market. Of course, that's not the case and there's no sense in pretending it is (like the riaa does when they try to litigate their way through it).

Obviously something needs to change. The media industries seem to think that something is drm. Opinions on that are pretty clear: it does more harm to the honest customer than the pirate by putting up easy-to-bypass security hassles, harming cross-compatiblity of technologies and even passing the cost of development of such stupid technologies on to the paying customer. That's only going to drive piracy up. Obviously a new model for the industry is needed although I can't say I know what that is. Online music stores are an interesting concept but they offer reduced quality products with artificial limitations (songs that can only be played by a limited number of programs/devices) so I can't see that really helping anything. Personally, I almost wish that the entire media industry would collapse tomorrow. Music and theatre certainly benefit from money but they aren't motivated or inspired by it so the music industry's claims that we'd lose all that music we love so much is pure crap. There'd be a period where sharing music would certainly be less convenient but humans will never stop producing it.

My personal take on music is that I try not to pirate, just because I'd prefer not to resort to something that is technically illegal. I do copy cds from friends here and there, but mostly with the intention of buying them myself eventually if I really like them. I buy cds, generally without too much concern for drm as it hasn't given me much trouble, but I think I would avoid Sony on principle and write the artist to tell them why I didn't buy their music. I generally only deal with the cd long enough to rip it once anyways.

My take on the software industry is largely the same. Selling off-the-shelf proprietary software has just become too icky with respect to stopping pirates while giving paying customers minimal hassle. Luckily there is a business model I think is better, namely open source software. So I try to avoid the whole piracy vs. paying thing by simply using an alternative. It doesn't have all the answers yet, but I'm happy enough so far. I also use os x on my powerbook which would seem like a bit of a contradiction but I haven't noticed too many piracy issues surrounding os x yet and I don't use any non-open 3rd party software. I'm not overly attached to it so if apple does something to annoy me enough (which I'm sure they will eventually do) I'll just not buy another one.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
Originally posted by: igowerf
I think it's retarded that some people will waste tons of money on really ugly, flashy cases with windows, fancy lights, and fan grills shaped like skulls or radiation warnings, but they won't spend the $50 it takes to get a copy of Windows XP Home.

Well I think that's because a lot of people don't like the idea that they buy a $1500 PC but it's completely useless without Windows XP or some other OS, they feel forced to buy it and therefore don't.. Whereas all the flashy case stuff is optional and always was.

Does not make sense but just a thought. I have purchased over 95% of all my PC games. But I'm leaning towards console gaming now because I have the rental option and that saves mucho $$$.


Senior member
Sep 11, 2005
On second thought...this thread is good here since a lot of people have voted and I thank them for participating. I think it's important to keep in mind that something that's legal is not necessarily the right thing to do. I think piracy is wrong because it is theft ... which is wrong. As simple as that. Yes, one can argue about things like the prices of some software being ridiculously high or how it is not theft since the owner doesn't really lose anything ... meaning the object stolen is still in his/her possession etc.


Apr 29, 2003
We are so lucky that there is so much FREE software out there these days that there are very few things you really NEED commercial software for. It wasn't like that 10 years ago.

Your second poll is flawed, the second option implies that the artist has the authority to give you permission to download their music. They usually don't. Why WOULD it be wrong if they had that authority and gave you permission? :confused:


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: TheUnk

Well I think that's because a lot of people don't like the idea that they buy a $1500 PC but it's completely useless without Windows XP or some other OS, they feel forced to buy it and therefore don't.. Whereas all the flashy case stuff is optional and always was.

I don't think so. Case stuff is physical, tangible. Taking it without paying for it would be inarguably stealing. Software is just 1s and 0s that can be infinitely duplicated at no cost to the author, so people feel less qualms about pirating.


Senior member
Sep 11, 2005
Originally posted by: kamper
Piracy happened but not on a scale that anyone really cared about because it wasn't practical. Similarly, now that it is practical, it would be nice if everyone just felt wrong about it and didn't do it.

So...if it happens on a smaller scale in some corner of the world, it's OK? I know you didn't say that but you never said what you think about it any way.


Moderator<br>A/V & Home Theater<br>Elite member
Aug 6, 2001
Originally posted by: IdioticBuffoon
Hmm..I've decided to move this thread to Off-topic for obvious purposes.

Thank you everyone for voting.

:confused: it was already in OT


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by: IdioticBuffoon
Originally posted by: kamper
Piracy happened but not on a scale that anyone really cared about because it wasn't practical. Similarly, now that it is practical, it would be nice if everyone just felt wrong about it and didn't do it.

So...if it happens on a smaller scale in some corner of the world, it's OK? I know you didn't say that but you never said what you think about it any way.
If you're looking at the big picture, yes, it is ok. There is always going to be little bits of crime in all areas of society and eradicating the tiny little bit of piracy that went on before the internet was obviously not worth the effort. Hell, eradicating it now isn't worth the cost if you define 'eradicating' as 'litigating and imposing drm.' When it comes to music, at least, I have a hard time condemning people that grab most of their music from filesharing networks, even if I try not to do it myself.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2003
I'm all game for music, tv episodes, movies, and xbox games. As far as PC software goes, I am beginning to prefer open source over piracy. As soon as I can afford to spend cash for all my things, i.e. when I start my career, I plan on purchasing everything. I really only do it because I can't afford everything. Because I justify what I do because I can't afford it, however I still believe it is wrong. I just accept it.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Yes, one can argue about things like the prices of some software being ridiculously high

The same can be said about anything, hell look at the price of gas right now. But I would be willing to bet that the people complaining about the price of software have never written any themselves.


Senior member
Oct 18, 2004
clamum, this poll isn't about legality but your own morality concerning the issue.

In my view, software piracy is okay if you can't afford it or you plan on purchasing it later. It would be better for the software developer for someone to use their software illegally than to use a free alternative. That said, it's nearly unacceptable to pirate software for a business or to make money using the software without purchasing it later.

Music piracy is more confusing. The recording industry's antics have increased my support for music piracy. However, I encourage the purchasing of music by independent artists. But to be clear, as a musician with two different family members having multiple albums, I believe music is something to be shared by everyone and not just those who can pay for it. Obviously reimbursement is important at some level, but music will continue to live in any fashion it can. Music does not need to be a multi-million dollar industry to survive. Artists do not need hundred of thousands of album sales to live sufficiently. And most importantly, the businesses that leech from the artist's creativity do not need my money nor do I want to give it to them. So, what were seeing with music piracy is that hugely popular artists are losing sales while the smaller artists are gaining. So, not only is music piracy okay with my moral stance, but it's statistically having a positive impact on the industry.
Sep 29, 2004
As far as I'm cocnerned, if you listen to "eal bands" that make money via concerts, most let you DL old shows for free via etree and

That's if you are interested in music, and not "entertainers".

PS: Pirate anythign by Tom Cruise. He's a dingbat.