Originally posted by: Common Courtesy
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: Common Courtesy
One can thank the drug/hippie culture of your parents for making the lawmakers so paraniod.
And as long as MJ is being pushed, hemp will be dragged along in its wake
No. Hemp was banned a generation before the Hipies came around.
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: Common Courtesy
One can thank the drug/hippie culture of your parents for making the lawmakers so paraniod.
And as long as MJ is being pushed, hemp will be dragged along in its wake
That's really not correct at all. Marijuana was effectively banned back in the 30's in large part because of anti-Hispanic racism.
Lawmakers aren't paranoid about reducing restrictions on hemp because those kids of the 60's and 70's were
just soooo craaaaazzzzaayyyy, they are afraid that changing the restrictions will make it easy for their opponents to paint them as drug sympathizers and appeasers. This is one of those cases where everyone knows the right thing to do but nobody is willing to do it.
It is not hemp that is the issue and when it was banned. Nor is it when MJ was banned.
It is the paranioa relating to the drug culture in general and the current memories of the 60's due to your parents.
Until people are able to forget about the effects of the drug culture from those times, legalization of hemp will be tied to the MJ push.
And then you have people that claim that cocaine shold be classified as a recreational drug.
The recreational drug culture reaching for the brass ring is preventing common sense baby steps.