Thanks for being so nice...


Junior Member
Mar 4, 2017
Seriously, I do thank the members here who have taken their time to field my questions and give their very useful advice. I'm new to the home rig crowd only a few years now (aside from minor upgrades, this will be my first major upgrade to the system) and I still feel the need to seek advice as a result.

@JackMDS - On the other hand, I'm not particularly enthused by your own response. Unfortunately I see it way too often, that a moderator will be rude/short/just-plain-mean to forum users who make an honest mistake, or are new to boards in general and don't have the etiquette down yet, etc. I never like it when I see it done to others, and I certainly don't appreciate your being that way with me.

In my case, I had actually given thought to whether I should make a new thread or not, and I take your point. You might have understood that had you read through all of my posts and noticed that I voiced that concern myself. The mistake is mine, no matter how big or small, and I own it.

However, "There is No point to start" being disrespectful over a minor offense like that "every time something comes in mind around" how you feel like being rude. I've never quite understood that, I don't treat others like that. You could have just said "Hey, i know you're new to the forums, welcome, and I read what you said about redundant threads, but you're doing it with this thread. Next time just post it under the original thread to avoid that. I'm going to lock the thread and let you take care of that."

I don't know why I see as many mods as I do treat people that way. Sometimes I wonder if people who act like like do so because they had their heads flushed down the toilet in school, and now they have some authority to be mean to others, maybe it's because they are behind the safety of a monitor (I can't picture them being like that to people in real life, or at least to the ones they know won't "correct" them), or it's just a perpetual menstruation cycle they can't control. In any event, it is uncalled for.

As far as I'm concerned, you can lock this thread too, delete my account, whatever it is that makes you feel good. As awesome as I have found the members here to be, I doubt I'll be returning to such thoughtful moderation on your part. I just hope that the next time you make a small mistake, others will treat you with more understanding/decency.


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2014
While I sympathise with your reaction - it's never nice to feel like an honest mistake gets stomped on like that - as you said, you were at fault here, and while the mod's wording might have been on the harsh side, all in all it really wasn't that bad. One thing is the constant game of spambot whack-a-mole the mods have to play, another is spam in the form of triplicate discussions with the same people, turning discussions chaotic (who answered what where? When? Did I reply to the right post? Did I read the right post?). You were told to keep additional questions to your existing threads. If you'd read around the forum a bit, you might have seen that overlapping discussions like that is generally not the way to go (the exception is the 50+ page discussions in the CPU and GPU subforums where highly specific offshoots of the discussions are put in separate threads to keep track of discussions that spiral out of control). That's all. You got a (slightly too?) stern talking-to for making a mistake. The thread was locked, as is standard procedure in cases like that - you were even asked to post the question in one of your existing threads - where you would no doubt get an answer - while preventing the discussions from becoming more confusing than they already were.

I don't know why I see as many mods as I do treat people that way.
I would say it's because mods, just like the rest of us, are human. The main difference is that they have to handle a lot more sh*t than the rest of us. While they do it voluntarily (i.e. don't get paid to hang around here), it's still an obligation, and they enforce the rules because adherence to the forum rules makes for a tidy and usable forum for all involved. And as with all people doing tiresome and thankless jobs, after a while they might lose patience and tact. It happens.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
JackMDS is not mean or rude. Just a little terse at times. That's just his style.

This newbie whaaambulance thread should be locked...


Senior member
Oct 23, 2014
Wow, talk about thin skin. That response was nowhere close to being rude. He is correct, it was unnecessary to start a new thread so it was locked. If you took that personally, you are not going to survive long on forums. You will not be missed.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
If you took that personally, you are not going to survive long on forums.
Millenials these days? Needing their "safe spaces", where no-one can criticize you or tell you that you're wrong?

Oly, you're right, of course.

Oh, if OP could only have experienced some of the epic flame-wars of the early days of the internet. (That global message-board that Shall Not Be Named.)

Everybody needs some flame-retardant underwear. :p