Terrorists Strike Mumbai!

Feb 19, 2001
MUMBAI, India - Terrorists armed with automatic weapons, bombs and grenades attacked at least seven sites in Mumbai on Wednesday and were holding Western hostages at two luxury hotels, authorities said. Police and Indian media reported at least 80 people were killed and 250 wounded..


Damn, just as I finished watching 24 this morning too.

Guhh, the death toll is rising =[

For a while, this thread managed to stay mostly on topic & have a non-partisan, non-idiot, non-insulting update of news events as they happened. Now that Israel, assclowns, and EMP's :laugh: have been brought into the discussion, plus the fact that I finally skimmed through it and see that people are pushing the limits of personal insults (which are slightly more tolerated in P&N), I'm locking this thing up. There's another "discussion" in P&N on the same topic. Granted, that one has also devolved into some other idiotic discussion, and has barely mentioned anything happening in India, but that's the nature of the beast. -Anandtech Moderator DrPizza


Jul 7, 2003
Shit.. I've been to all of those places. Leopold's is packed with foreigners and has no wall on the street side, it is usually pretty full.


Mar 31, 2001
Not to go all P&N on ya'll but recently I've been wondering... what if terrorists are plotting major strikes against the US in general just to spite Bush because he's on his way out and can't do much about it come January?


Mar 31, 2001
Originally posted by: ViviTheMage

I am surprised they only have this as a minor event....breaking news is :

Missouri mom found guilty of lesser misdemeanor charges in MySpace cyber-bullying trial.


Yea I immediately wen to cnn.com after clicking into this thread and was expecting a block of red on the front page with white letters saying "breaking news: ...".
Feb 24, 2001
Uh, if the feeds are right there are boats loaded with bombs at the gateway, shoot outs on the streets with police, hospital shootings, etc. Very mass organized.

Not sure why there isn't a thread in P&N and why this one isn't very long.


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
No no no no! :( :| :| :|

Gunmen opened fire on two of the city's best-known Luxury hotels, the Taj Mahal and the Oberoi, and some reports said they took hostages.

The attackers were holding an unknown number of Western hostages at the Taj, television reports said.
Aug 25, 2004
Local news feed says more than 200 injured. They're mentioning something about a hostage crisis:

7 foreigners are among 15 taken hostage by 2 gunmen in Taj Hotel in Mumbai.

Two terrorists carrying guns tonight took 15 people, half of them foreigners, hostage on the roof of the luxury Taj Hotel here, one of the hostages who

managed to escape said.

Two youths in their 20s came to the restaurant of the hotel and took 15 people to the roof of the hotel, Rakesh Patel, a businessman from London who lives in Hong Kong, told NDTV giving the first eyewitness account of what happened in the five-star hotel in South Mumbai.

"The two young boys came to the restaurant and took us upstairs. We were taken to the 18th floor from where we escaped", he said.

Replying to a question, Patel said the terrorists wanted to know if any one of the hostages was carrying American and British passports.

They clearly wanted foreigners, he added.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Originally posted by: SagaLore
Change your topic summary - its now at least 80 killed, 250 injured. :(

Yeah, at first I was wondering how 7 gunmen only killed 15 people. My grandmom is a better shot than that and she has no arms or eyes.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
"They told everybody to stop and put their hands up and asked if there were any British or Americans," said Alex Chamberlain, a British businessman. "My friend said to me, don't be a hero, don't say you are British.

"I am sure that is what this is all about. They were talking about British and Americans specifically."

There was also an attack on the Café Leopold, one of the most famous venues for tourists in the city, as well as at hospitals and railway stations.

"I guess they were after foreigners, because they were asking for British or American passports," said Rakesh Patel, a British witness who lives in Hong Kong and was staying at the Taj hotel on business. "They had bombs."

"They came from the restaurant and took us up the stairs," he told the NDTV news channel, smoke stains all over his face. "Young boys, maybe 20 years old, 25 years old. They had two guns."

Gunfire was reported at the Cama Hospital, suggesting that the terrorists were deliberately seeking to prevent the wounded from receiving medical care.
Aug 25, 2004
* Few terrorists have taken over a floor at a hospital for women and children, and are shooting at cops outside.
* Army brought in to flush out a hotel where hostages have been taken.
* Terrorists are rumored to have taken over a marked police vehicle. they are driving around shooting at people.
* A group named Deccan Mujahideen ha sclaimed responsibility.