I dont necessarily agree or disagree with his message, but that does seem like an awful lot of work when its really just someone unhappy with a forum. Its better to just talk shit and then forget about it.
seems like someone spent some time here...
also after the bullshit with ROLO and the NIvida focus group does anyone really seem shocked at the guys allegations?
This thread totally deserves its place in the annals!
And the linked opus should remain linked, because with all that work put into writing that, he should be rewarded.
...now to reading what he actually wrote
....wait...this is a tech forum?
Thats when I quit reading AT product reviews.
I can't believe people actually read forums dedicated to video cards or processors, that people get so worked up over brand biases, or that someone would take the amount of time that actually took to point it all out. Assuming it's all true, I'm not sure why I would give a shit.
I had to stop reading after I read the accusation on the first page that the mods here don't treat everyone equally and respectfully. Saw that, removed my monocle, and blurted out "I do say, good sir... I do say."
Sorry got bored on the 2nd or 3rd paragraph. Why am I supposed to care about this?
Sorry got bored on the 2nd or 3rd paragraph. Why am I supposed to care about this?
In an amusing twist of fate I’m actually writing this part of the article while serving a week-long ban served to me by Stahlhart
yeah shocking. with all the down time, time warps etc.
Though there are some good posters here. Doing my last computer build i asked for and received a ton of great advice. Though i did stay out of the V-card forum. I find it hard to take it serous after the Rollo bullshit.
lol same. Though i have to say there are some very knowledgeable posters here. I have gotten good advice on stuff from computers to advice on cars etc.
....wait...this is a tech forum?
"The Anandtech moderators are biased! It's a conspiracy! They're pro-AMD!" -nVidia Fanboys
"The Anandtech moderators are biased! It's a conspiracy! They're pro-nVidia!" -AMD Fanboys
Sour grapes.
And this thread may or may not be here later; we generally frown upon diverting traffic to other sites like this. -Admin DrPizza
DrPizza once said he'd give me an infraction unless I handled his apples.