Swedish Sperm Donor Must Pay Child Support

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Oct 9, 1999

<< Your point about his not having sex and therefore not having to take the responsibility for fathering a child was almost a valid point for me, until I read your next post. In that one you did have sex and your ex-girlfriend " got pregnant". How come it's always, she got pregnant, instead of, he got her pregnant? >>

You're argung semantics, which never leads anywhere.

<< Anyway, you did have sex and a pregnancy resulted. You've fathered a child and you don't want to take any responsibility for it. I can understand not wanting the financial burden, but how can you talk as if it's all her fault that you're going to have to take on this responsibility? How can you blame the court system for this? >>

Having sex and getting pregnant due to carelessness is equal blame on both parties. I'm 50% at fault as is my ex. The problem is that once that part is finished, a man has no rights. I wanted her to get an abortion, she didn't want to. I can't force her to get an abortion but she can force me to pay child support. That's where the system is to blame. The state will take money from my paycheck for the next twenty years and I can't do a thing about it.

<< I can understand your anger at the situation, but don't you wonder just a little bit about what this child might be like someday? >>


<< Don't you think that there's any possibility that this child could be someone you could be proud of someday? >>


<< Someone who would love you and bring happiness into your life? >>


Does that about cover it?

<< And I've got to ask about this one thing you said:

<< And some people still think men run the show? If that was the case, this wouldn't be happening. >>

What wouldn't be happening?

This guy in Sweden paying child support to a lesbian that he donated sperm to and me paying child support for a child I don't want.


Jun 1, 2001
<< I can understand your anger at the situation, but don't you wonder just a little bit about what this child might be like someday? >>

Maybe yes, maybe no...but it should still be his decision


Senior member
Nov 23, 1999
Just to clarify, this was a decision made by some nutty clerks at the social security authorities accompanied by a government court decision. As this is clearly just stupid it should be overthrown when it's tried before a real court later this year. Swedish law clearly states that fatherhood can't be established if the couple didn't have intercourse. Problem is this guy had contact with his child since he was a friend of the lesbian couple and he apparently also signed some sort of paper stating he was the father, but I guess he was pretty pissed off anyways to get slapped with this.

>>shantanu, PM me and I'll tell you where you can stick your ridiculous comments...


Feb 8, 2001
Did it ever say how the sperm got in the woman?

If it was through intercourse than I could see how the woman had a leg to stand on.

In all fairness if it were to happen over here I would not be too terribly surprised if the the man was slapped with child support as well.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Hey Bober, you should just do your unborn child a favor and punch your ex-girlfriend in the stomach next time you see her. [sarcasm]A little frontier justice should do that b1tch some good, eh?[/]

Personally I hope they put the screws to you good, really now, couldn't happen to a nicer guy.......

What I find really interesting from such an "anti-liberal" as yourself is your complete lack of a sense of personal responsibility. Evidently you talk a good game when chastizing liberals for their "everyone is a victim" liberal sensibilities, yet you cannot seem to walk the walk yourself.

This does not please me, however; I feel sorry for your unwanted child. Because of your lack of character your kid probably will not grow into someone who loves you or be someone to be proud of. It's people like you that have helped contribute to this screwed up society we live in now. You are the "poster boy" of the femminazi's doctrine to rationalize that men are worthless and unneeded, especially as fathers to their children.

Hopefully you grow up and act right before your kid realizes daddy is a scumbag.


Jan 23, 2001
I think Boberfetts point was: Sex is a 2 person act. Yet if you accidentally concieved a child the decision on whether to keep the child only becomes a 1 person decision. Now, most look at it thinking that the father would want to abort the baby. But what about this scenario, what if the mother wanted to abort and the father didn't? Now the father gets to watch as his significant other kills their child? Sounds a lot worse eh?

Personally, I'd rather have it so that if 2 people concieve a child, then it can't be aborted and they both have to raise it. The only exception to this rule would be date rape / rape. Women want a choice on whether they give birth? Your choice was whether or not to have sex. People need to learn to take some f'ng responsibility when it comes to sex.

This sperm bank case is retarded though, it bipasses the entire point of a sperm bank. Thats like donating blood to a hospital only to find that the person who recieved your blood donation died and their family is blaming your blood for it.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
I agree completely skace, especially with your 2nd paragraph.

If anything, Bober will soon learn a very expensive lesson about having irresponsible sex with someone that, most likely, he didn't really care about. Pity his parent's didn't teach him this lesson well enough (or he just didn't listen), but I find it poetic justice that he's got to pay for this glob of cells for rest of his young adult life. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause!!!

I honestly do hope that situation does make a positive impact on Bober's character when the initial anger he's experiencing dims somewhat......we'll see.....


Oct 9, 1999

I wish I didn't have to dash out the door right now, or I'd tear you a new arsehole right now. But don't worry, all in good time.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< I wish I didn't have to dash out the door right now, or I'd tear you a new arsehole right now. >>

LOL!!! You don't have the balls to take care of one of your offspring....how can you honestly expect me to do anything other than laugh at this "threat"?

What would you say exactly that would possibly "tear me a new arsehole"? That you really are a stand up guy? That you're not some kind of uncaring scumbag? That you *do* believe in personal responsibilty for your actions?

Fire away chump.



Jul 7, 2001
LOL!!! You don't have the balls to take care of one of your offspring....how can you honestly expect me to do anything other than laugh at this "threat"?

What would you say exactly that would possibly "tear me a new arsehole"? That you really are a stand up guy? That you're not some kind of uncaring scumbag? That you *do* believe in personal responsibilty for your actions?

Fire away chump.

if you actually cared about children, i think you're taking the entirely wrong side. you should be glad that boberfett is not going to raise a child. would you really want a child to be raised by someone who doesn't want it? boberfett may have a number of circumstances that would prevent him from being a good father, you can't just ignore them and say something as trite as "you don't have the balls to take care of one of your offspring."

the way you use this soon-to-be chlid as a way of "punishing" people is sickening. you should be concerned about the future child, NOT teaching people moral lessons.


Oct 9, 1999

<< Hey Bober, you should just do your unborn child a favor and punch your ex-girlfriend in the stomach next time you see her. [sarcasm]A little frontier justice should do that b1tch some good, eh? >>

If I had to go to prison for something, ridding this world of you would be a far more worthwhile endeavor.

<< What I find really interesting from such an "anti-liberal" as yourself is your complete lack of a sense of personal responsibility. Evidently you talk a good game when chastizing liberals for their "everyone is a victim" liberal sensibilities, yet you cannot seem to walk the walk yourself. >>

Anti-liberal? I'm anti-converative too, moron. I tried to do the responsible thing, which was to abort an unwated fetus. However the religious wackjobs in this country (of which you seem to be one) seem to have done a pretty good job of convincing some people that a unrecognizable blob of cells is in fact a baby.

<< This does not please me, however; I feel sorry for your unwanted child. >>

You? Feel sorry? I didn't think morality nazis such as yourself had respect for anything except for morality for morality's sake.

<< Because of your lack of character your kid probably will not grow into someone who loves you or be someone to be proud of. >>

I hope he grows up to become a criminal and steals your TV.

<< It's people like you that have helped contribute to this screwed up society we live in now. You are the "poster boy" of the femminazi's doctrine to rationalize that men are worthless and unneeded, especially as fathers to their children. >>

And it's people like you that make people like me look good. Take your sanctimonious bullsh1t elsewhere, nobody wants it here.


Oct 9, 1999

<< I think Boberfetts point was: Sex is a 2 person act. Yet if you accidentally concieved a child the decision on whether to keep the child only becomes a 1 person decision. Now, most look at it thinking that the father would want to abort the baby. But what about this scenario, what if the mother wanted to abort and the father didn't? Now the father gets to watch as his significant other kills their child? Sounds a lot worse eh? >>

It does work that way. If a woman wants an abortion, a father can't stop it. A woman doesn't even have to tell the father that she's going to get an abortion. Medical confidentiality.

<< Personally, I'd rather have it so that if 2 people concieve a child, then it can't be aborted and they both have to raise it. The only exception to this rule would be date rape / rape. Women want a choice on whether they give birth? Your choice was whether or not to have sex. >>

Like I said to Corn, take your sanctimonious bullsh1t elsewhere and quit forcing your version of morality onto everyone else. Just because you think that blob of cells is a baby doesn't mean I [or anybody with an ounce of intelligence] agrees with you. Why would you force a couple to have an unwanted baby? To prove a point?

<< People need to learn to take some f'ng responsibility when it comes to sex. >>

When were you appointed Moral Overseer to the Universe?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< if you actually cared about children, i think you're taking the entirely wrong side. you should be glad that boberfett is not going to raise a child. would you really want a child to be raised by someone who doesn't want it? >>

I don't disagree with that at all. But that really isn't the point. Of course I wouldn't want Bober to raise that child as he has demonstrated his complete lack of the maturity required to be a good parent.

<< boberfett may have a number of circumstances that would prevent him from being a good father, you can't just ignore them and say something as trite as "you don't have the balls to take care of one of your offspring." >>

Short of mental illness that would make him a danger to this child or living in a correctional facility, I can think of nothing that would hinder any man, regardless of "circumstance", from being a good father.

<< the way you use this soon-to-be chlid as a way of "punishing" people is sickening. you should be concerned about the future child, NOT teaching people moral lessons. >>

I am not punishing anyone. Teaching someone, and hopefully that person realizing the importance of that "moral lesson", is one of the few hopes this child possibly has at having a reasonably normal and healthy childhood. The sad fact is that Bober is probably the only possible father this child would ever know. Having a child will drastically reduce the mother's chances of taking a mate in the future.

The only one being punished here is the child, and it's not me that's dolling out the punishment.


Oct 9, 1999

<< LOL!!! You don't have the balls to take care of one of your offspring....how can you honestly expect me to do anything other than laugh at this "threat"? >>

It has nothing to do with balls. If you want to compare cajones, I'll put mine up against yours any day. I'd be very interested to hear the list of wonderful things you've done for the world.

<< What would you say exactly that would possibly "tear me a new arsehole"? That you really are a stand up guy? That you're not some kind of uncaring scumbag? That you *do* believe in personal responsibilty for your actions? >>

I do believe in personal responsibility. It's too bad your parents didn't also, or they would've aborted you before you had a chance to stink up this world with your self-righteous bullshit.


Oct 9, 1999

<< I don't disagree with that at all. But that really isn't the point. Of course I wouldn't want Bober to raise that child as he has demonstrated his complete lack of the maturity required to be a good parent. >>

I'm an excellent father, proven by the fact that my daughter is a well-mannered, well-behaved, delightful little girl.

<< Short of mental illness that would make him a danger to this child or living in a correctional facility, I can think of nothing that would hinder any man, regardless of "circumstance", from being a good father. >>

With your sickening attitude, I'd prefer that you don't reproduce. Please get a vasectomy as soon as possible.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< If I had to go to prison for something, ridding this world of you would be a far more worthwhile endeavor. >>

LOL, bring it on!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!

<< Anti-liberal? I'm anti-converative too, moron. I tried to do the responsible thing, which was to abort an unwated fetus. However the religious wackjobs in this country (of which you seem to be one) seem to have done a pretty good job of convincing some people that a unrecognizable blob of cells is in fact a baby. >>

You, indeed are truely a scumbag, and a clueless scumbag at that. The "responsible" thing would have not gotten someone pregnant in the first place you insolent child. And by your very own words you behave in a very similar way to the "religious wackjobs" you so revile. What's the difference between them attempting to shove their morality down your throat and you attempting to shove your morality down the throat of your ex-girlfriend? You're a hypocritical child.

<< You? Feel sorry? I didn't think morality nazis such as yourself had respect for anything except for morality for morality's sake. >>

Well, when you're wrong, you're wrong, what can I say?

<< I hope he grows up to become a criminal and steals your TV. >>

No why does that not suprise me? LOL, hopefully "he" won't be a chip off the 'ole block.

<< And it's people like you that make people like me look good. Take your sanctimonious bullsh1t elsewhere, nobody wants it here. >>

Oh yes, I'm sure this thread has done wonders for your reputation here at ATOT!!! Yeppers, you look "real good", I'm sure this thread will be a real hit with the ladies too. LOL



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< I'm an excellent father, proven by the fact that my daughter is a well-mannered, well-behaved, delightful little girl. >>

0-2 eh? Sorry to hear about that.

<< With your sickening attitude, I'd prefer that you don't reproduce. Please get a vasectomy as soon as possible. >>

Looks like you should be the one that needs a little snip there little fella, LOL!!!!! Evidently you didn't learn anything "the first time" (regardless of circumstance, I really don't care if you were, or were not married, of all people it's you that should know better) you really aren't all that bright are you?


Jul 7, 2001
Short of mental illness that would make him a danger to this child or living in a correctional facility, I can think of nothing that would hinder any man, regardless of "circumstance", from being a good father.

money? i'm sorry if this isn't pc, but i really think that people should be financially secure before undertaking the raising of a child. i'm sure that a lot of nice people came from poor backgrounds, but i don't know why you would want to raise your child without knowing you could support it first.

I am not punishing anyone.[/b]

of course not, you're not in a position to do so. but you seem to take joy in the fact that he is going to have to raise this child,

I find it poetic justice that he's got to pay for this glob of cells for rest of his young adult life. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause!!!
I honestly do hope that situation does make a positive impact on Bober's character when the initial anger he's experiencing dims somewhat......we'll see.....

The only one being punished here is the child, and it's not me that's dolling out the punishment.

right, so instead of attacking boberfett, shouldn't you be attacking the woman and society for stripping him of his choice in the matter?


Oct 9, 1999

<< You, indeed are truely a scumbag, and a clueless scumbag at that. The "responsible" thing would have not gotten someone pregnant in the first place you insolent child. And by your very own words you behave in a very similar way to the "religious wackjobs" you so revile. What's the difference between them attempting to shove their morality down your throat and you attempting to shove your morality down the throat of your ex-girlfriend? You're a hypocritical child. >>

Who said I tried to force anything down her throat, Fool? I'm going to be paying the price for the next twenty years supporting a child I don't want. Sounds to me like I'm being the one who's having something forced on them. But I'm sure at this point the logic involved to understand is beyond you, Fool.

<< Oh yes, I'm sure this thread has done wonders for your reputation here at ATOT!!! Yeppers, you look "real good", I'm sure this thread will be a real hit with the ladies too. LOL >>

I'm a real person, I don't get hung up about my "status" on an interent chat board. Don't project your insecurity on me.


Oct 9, 1999

<< 0-2 eh? Sorry to hear about that. >>

How am I 0-2? It seems so far I'm 1 for 1. Logic eludes you, so it only makes sense that math does as well.

<< regardless of circumstance, I really don't care if you were, or were not married >>

That sums it up right there. You don't care about circumstances. You're only interested in namecalling, labeling and other activities you right-wingers find entertaining.

Speaking of right-wing passtimes, how is the abortion doctor assassination gig going? Bag any big ones this year?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< money? i'm sorry if this isn't pc, but i really think that people should be financially secure before undertaking the raising of a child. i'm sure that a lot of nice people came from poor backgrounds, but i don't know why you would want to raise your child without knowing you could support it first. >>

Money has nothing to do with one's ability to raise a normal, healthy child. While I wouldn't disagree that having plenty of cash isn't going to hurt, I've known many "rich" children who were raised by uncaring and self-indulgent parent's than those that were raised by people of more humble means.

<< ....but you seem to take joy in the fact that he is going to have to raise this child >>

Sending money into the state certainly does not equate to raising any children. Any imbecile can cut a check. The only joy I take is the fact that it's going to cost him, but I would be far "happier" if he just acted like a man and actually helped raise this child.

<< right, so instead of attacking boberfett, shouldn't you be attacking the woman and society for stripping him of his choice in the matter? >>

Now why would I attack the woman for being responsible in the face of difficult circumstances ahead? As far as society, well he had plenty of "choices", he just chose badly. Do you blame "society" for a couple bad hands of 21 at the casino?


Oct 9, 1999

<< Now why would I attack the woman for being responsible in the face of difficult circumstances ahead? >>

She's done nothing responsible. She was partly at fault for the conception, and now she has made the conscious decision to bring an unwanted child into the world. Sounds pretty irresponsible to me. The responsible thing would have been to terminate it before it became a baby.


Jul 7, 2001
Money has nothing to do with one's ability to raise a normal, healthy child. While I wouldn't disagree that having plenty of cash isn't going to hurt, I've known many "rich" children who were raised by uncaring and self-indulgent parent's than those that were raised by people of more humble means.

nothing? try raising a kid without any money, we'll see how far you get.

and i'm not just talking about personality, i'm talking about affording your child opportunities. if i had a child, i'd want to give it every possible opportunity in life, so that it could succeed. it's easier to raise a child with a strong emphasis on education when you have some money.

of course it's posisble to raise children without being well off, anything's possible, but i'm talking about what is desirable. boberfett knows best whether or not he can take care of this child. he should have a say in the matter. the mothers have a choice, shouldn't the fathers?

Now why would I attack the woman for being responsible in the face of difficult circumstances ahead? As far as society, well he had plenty of "choices", he just chose badly. Do you blame "society" for a couple bad hands of 21 at the casino?

since when is giving birth to a child that is going to have a father that doesn't really want it, considered responsible? if anything, that is selfish and irresponsible. and no, he clearly has NO choices. all the choices are left to the soon-to-be mother, and he, the soon-to-be father has NONE.

to continue on your analogy, i would blame it on society if society kept *forcing* me to bid, even when i didn't want to.


Oct 9, 1999

Thank you, you're explaining things very eloquently. I'm a little emotional about this particular topic and sometimes it's hard to see it clearly.


Jul 7, 2001

<< gopunk

Thank you, you're explaining things very eloquently. I'm a little emotional about this particular topic and sometimes it's hard to see it clearly.

np :)

it just pisses me off when people try to force their own conceptions of morality onto others and try to pass it off as concern for the as of yet non-existent child.