<< yes... why not? so what if the chromosomes are the same... i don't consider him the parent. if some kid is a adopted, do you then say that the biological parents should pay child support? whoever raised the kid is the kid's parents. otherwise you have to revamp the way all child services work. parents that give a child up for adoption would have to pay child support, men who donate to sperm banks would have to pay child support, women who donate their eggs would have to pay child support, do you see where this is leading? to the child, it makes no difference whose chromosomes they have. what is most important to them is who raises them, those are the peopel they feel closest too. and shouldn't this be about the children? >>
You're so hung up on the money thing. For the nth time, I do not think he should have to pay child support. I was asking if you think he bears any responsibility for bringing this child into the world. Should he care about it? Should he try to protect it if he found out that it was being abused? Should he try to help out financially if it fell into poverty? Should he have any feelings for this child who might look like him or his mother etc. I'm asking if it's okay to be half responsible for bringing a child into the world and then just forget about it. To repeat what you said in the last line above: and shouldn't this be about the children?[/
<< well, i think that given the circumstances, you're easily bothered. these two women requested his sperm so that they could raise the child. it's not like the guy was careless and slept around, he was doing these two women a favor so that they could have a child together. the reason why people should accept responsibility for such actions is so that the child has parents. in this case the child does, those two women. >>
You're correct, but now the child doesn't have two parents. How could he not have forseen problems given the circumstances? It may not be the politically correct view, but I've got to think that this is a very unusual situation and that you'd have to be foolish to think that this was all going to work out just perfectly family-wise.
<< if some crazy broad raped you, would it be acceptable for me to say to you "you shouldn't be able to wash your hands of it"? no... because i'd be treating you like you had done something wrong, whereas you're clearly the victim. and morally, you should be no more obligated to take care of teh child than the rest of society. >>
I have no idea what your point is here. If a guy raped a woman and she had the child, I would think he should be held responsible for it not only criminally, but in a civil court as well.
<< i believe that moral responsiblity comes from actions you willingly partake in. not actions that through trickery, deform themselves into something else. for example, if you sold a gun to someone who guaranteed that they would not use it to bring harm on others, that they only wanted it for target practice, and it turned out that they killed somebody with it, would you be morally responsible? no. >>
You've stated my point precisely in your first sentence. He willlingly took part in creating a child and therefore should feel some responsibility for it. (Not necessarily monetary though) I think there's a big difference between your feelilngs toward a gun and those that you should be expected to feel for a human being that you created. Try to keep in mind that I'm asking about feelings of responsibility here.