Super Greens


Feb 23, 2005
Well, this all started about a year ago. I decided to change my diet. It was slow at first, gradual changes. As of now, 60% of my diet is organic. I dont buy ANYTHING where processed sugar is in the first 5 ingredients. I reward myself with no sugar added ice cream, or something like that every couple of weeks so I dont binge. As a result, without changing my lazy lifestyle, I've lost about 8-10 pounds. But, its not enough. Im not really THAT overweight...5'7" 170-172, but would like to get to 160.

About 6 months ago I started using super greens. It took a few trys to find one that was somewhat palattable, but I found one, and usually drink one serving/day. Everything I've read says this is a good replacement for people who dont eat alot of veggies. I eat alot of fresh fruit, but veggies not so much. I also started taking 4000mg flaxseed oil/day as well (Im allergic to fish, so cant use fish oil).

Now, Im really motivated to get to the next level. Ive started working out 3x/week (every other day) doing 15 mins HIIT, followed by 3 sets of 5 reps weight training for major muscle groups. I know, its not alot, but mind you, Im not so much fat as I am out of shape. Its a start, right?

So, back to the greens. Any opinions? Seems like the health benefits are pretty good to add to daily supplements as far as nutrients go, and its natural.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
I take Greens+ every single day. My eating is not always perfect (I try, but my work schedule can be erratic, which messes up my eating schedule) so I use this to help fill the gaps on days where I am less than perfect with my meals. I actually feel it has helped my overall energy level as well.



Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2002
I notice a huge change almost instantly from what I eat. Most people do but don't really pay it much mind. Eating healthy often makes me feel good with energy. Eating a bunch of greasy pizza washed down with 32oz soda is not going to make anyone feel to great.

As far as super greens. I used to take wheatgrass once in a while. I go to Jamba Juice a lot and they make fresh wheat grass juice. I can't really judge if it has a great impact on me yet. The juices and shakes I get there do make a noticeable difference to me though. I work a lot and often stay in till 8-9pm. When everyone else is going for 4-5pm coffee and instead I go for a Jamba Juice smoothie with a vitamin shot. I always feel a lot better. By 6-7 I feel good, energetic, awake on fruit smoothy. Coffee I feel burnt out, tired, and mentally slow.

As for your exercise, keep up the good work. All this effort to be healthier will be very noticeable outside of and more important then what you see in the mirror. Don't try to dismiss or play down your efforts. Exercise 3x a week + dietary changes are a lot of effort for most people, sometimes more then most can handle.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: dakels
I notice a huge change almost instantly from what I eat. Most people do but don't really pay it much mind. Eating healthy often makes me feel good with energy. Eating a bunch of greasy pizza washed down with 32oz soda is not going to make anyone feel to great.

As far as super greens. I used to take wheatgrass once in a while. I go to Jamba Juice a lot and they make fresh wheat grass juice. I can't really judge if it has a great impact on me yet. The juices and shakes I get there do make a noticeable difference to me though. I work a lot and often stay in till 8-9pm. When everyone else is going for 4-5pm coffee and instead I go for a Jamba Juice smoothie with a vitamin shot. I always feel a lot better. By 6-7 I feel good, energetic, awake on fruit smoothy. Coffee I feel burnt out, tired, and mentally slow.

As for your exercise, keep up the good work. All this effort to be healthier will be very noticeable outside of and more important then what you see in the mirror. Don't try to dismiss or play down your efforts. Exercise 3x a week + dietary changes are a lot of effort for most people, sometimes more then most can handle.

Thanks for the encouragement. As I said, the diet thing is pretty much OK since I started the changes a year ago. Now its habit. The reason I did the diet change, not just for nutrition, but Im a type 1 diebetic. Ive had diabetes since I was 10 months old, so 41 years. Luckily I havent had ANY complications, and my A1C's are within normal. I just dont want to fall apart later. Dieabetes complications really arent fun.

If there are any other diabetics reading this (insulin dependant) you should know I've cut my daily insulin by about 25-30%. That in itself is worth it.

Im still trying to figure out what weight scheme I should go with. My God theres hundreds of advices out there. I think my core plan is solid though. Since Im just beginning, major muscle groups for now (chest, abs, arms, quads, shoulders). I alternate workout days for different groups, so I split those up into every other workout. But, I do a 12 minute HITT routine every workout on a stationary recumbant bike. My apartment complex has an elliptical, but its brokem now. Or I cant figure out how to get it started ROFL. All the equipment they have is Lifecycle stuff so pretty good.
