Biden, and frankly everyone should just ignore these high court rulings because they are obviously influenced by money peddling and wealthy donors. Biden needs to burn the court down to the ground by refusing to abide, and with also instructing the nation to simply ignore the rulings, and just pretend the high court never had the power in the first place.
I guess one might call that a civil war, well...... need I say more???
Its been a long time coming, and personally I don't want anything to so with these bigoted hypocritical religious fanatic destroyers of democracy. I don't want anything to do with them and never to be ruled by them.
The high court has caused its own illegitimacy by allowing corruption to find its way in and denying a black president his justice. Both entirely unconstitutional. So in short, we have no court. And as a republican would say, the high court rulings of late will open the pandoras box of what is to come. Hell, some maga could file a lawsuit insisting Biden be ousted simply because Biden goes against their religious beliefs, and Gorsuch would agree.