here thieves don't break in houses at night when there are people inside. Few people own a ready-to-use weapon, urbanization is dense, locks are resistant.
Here they do this:
- eastern european criminals living in italy
- cross the border
- they know who is on holiday because they plan it and watch the targets for days to know your habits (typical theft: all the street is on holiday, no neighbours to hear the noise)
- waste the house, take everything, and go back to italy
- disguise themselves as a removal film and steal antiquities (only commissioned theft done by professionals)
in the summer they can go through multiple flats.
other stuff:
- break in a jewerly shop by crashing a car
- break in boutiques without alarms and steal clothes (this is a new trend)
- if you go away and leave a window open, roms might get in.
an interesting thing they do is:
>milan, italy
>traffic light stop
>guy in a scooter with a knife attached to his shoe sole kicks your tire
>don't hear anything
>you understand that the tire is flat 1 km later
>have to stop
>there's a random guy walking by who sees you
>he's very friendly and helps you with the tire
>you go away
>yfw everything valuable you left on the car is gone
In italy they steal buses too. Tourists or people from the airport take them, they get out, the driver does something stupid, the bus is gone.