some of my political positions


Senior member
Sep 16, 2007
The Role of Government
The government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. That means government should benefit everyone, and that everyone should participate.

Government gives society a way to collectively make decisions. It allows us to collectively solve problems, provide opportunities, improve the quality of life for everyone, and ultimately shape our Country -- all without resorting to war, violence, or general upheaval.

Health Care
I believe that every US Citizen should have a basic level of healthcare. By that, I mean people who don't have insurance should have a good option other than the emergency room.

Every American should have the privilege of health-care when they have a life-threatening disease/injury, or are unable to work because of disease/injury, or if their health would significantly improve through treatment.

Every American should also have access to preventative medical care. Regular checkups not only pay for themselves through preventing future costs, but they also increase the quality of life for everyone.

This healthcare should not be forced on us through the inefficient health insurance system that is currently pre-eminent. A single-payer system similar to Medicare would be ideal.

Government Regulation of Business
I believe that a well functioning capitalist system requires regulation by the government. This is not only to protect the integrity of the economic system from dangers such as monopoly, monopsony, and price cartels, but also to guide the system away from harming our society and our environment.

The libertarian ideal that every person should be able to do as they please, so long as they harm no one, is a good rule of thumb -- but too often, people who believe in such an ideal miss the importance of the role of government in mediating interactions, especially potentially harmful interactions.

Environmental protection is very important to me, as well as protecting individual liberty against the often dehumanizing effects of a capitalist economy.

Foreign Policy
I believe in the power of economic diplomacy. The world will respect us largely based on the strength of our economy, and the benefits it provides to the world. American music, movies, and video games have a deep effect on bringing the rest of the world closer to us, as do the many american businesses that provide valuable services to other countries.

Economic leverage is the best kind of diplomatic leverage possible. That is why its so important to build our economic connections with more and better trade.

I am a pacifist -- and I believe that war is never a solution. Our country should stop selling weapons abroad. We should actively communicate with our enemies. And, when situations such as Darfur occur, we should act swiftly to prevent continued genocide.

Investing in Our Future
I believe that the Government is an important vehicle for our society to come together and make investments in everyone for the future. Such investments include:
  • Education. Our country thrives on its university system. We should focus on investing MORE in higher education, to ensure that our country continues to have by far the best university system in the world.

    We should also open our universities to foreign students from around the world, and allow graduating students to easily become citizens.
  • Scientific Investment. Government investment in scientific research provides massive economic benefits, ensures our continued economic success as a country, and improves the quality of life for everybody through the innovations that result. Many of these innovations would simply not be worth the investment from a purely capitalist perspective, but ultimately provide incredible value.
  • Infrastructure. One of the great successes of the 20th century was the creation of the National Highway system. Such investments can often cost seemingly extreme amounts of money -- but the benefits they provide are incalculable. As the cost of oil continues to rise, I believe our country is going to have to make another significant investment in our transportation infrastructure, in addition to our energy infrastructure.



Oct 24, 2005
The Role of Government - federal gov't should provide defense and infrastructure. Detailed laws should be state/local level

Health Care - people should be free to buy their own healthcare

Government Regulation of Business - economic theory says when the markets fail and government intervenes, it always makes the situation worse. Government's role in business should be to enforce laws and promote laws that encourage investment and innovation and prevent harm to individuals

Foreign Policy - used to be speak softly and carry a big stick. Modern day should be spin suavely (good PR) and carry and use the boom stick. Pwn whomever tries to disrupt world peace. Sadly today the world does need a world police. What good is freedom if you get your ass blown up.

Investing in Our Future - education should be local issue. Scientific Investment should be private, possibly tax incentives to promote it. Infrastructure - yes, should be part of federal plan.


Golden Member
Apr 18, 2008
Sounds good to me. Now figure out how to dumb it down for the fly-over states. Some tips: Include a lot of phrases like "get r dun" and "god bless"
Oct 25, 2006
Role of Government- Defense, infrastructure, governs issues such as interstate commerce and regulates interstate affairs, and if need be, delves more specifically if it is a controversy that should be solved in all states at once (Slavery is an example). Should not be scared to use hard power, yet, knows when hard power isn't necessary

Health Care- Universal health care for all, funded by taxes. It doesn't cover anything unnecessary like beauty cosmetic surgery, fat reduction surgery (Unless genetically disposed), and things like that, partial coverage for things that would have been preventable if the person wasn't stupid ( Liver cancer from a guy who drank his entire life, lung cnacer from smoking) or things that are not exactly life threatening (Braces, glasses), Full Coverage for unforeseeable things (Cancer, broken bones) or Pregnancy

Government Regulation- I like government regulation. History shows that without regulation, we see the VERY quick rise of monopolies, trusts, and in times of depression, no help coming from the government. No more subsidies for big agriculture. They don't need it. But keep subsidies for small farmers, who depend on them to survive.

Foreign Policy- Active role in world issues to a point. No more bullshit like giving 10 billion dollars to Africa with no tangible benefit. Lower Foreign Aid. Carry a big stick. The best deterrence against war is hegemony. Yet, put some smart people in charge of the military, so we don't spend thousands of lives invading some small country no one has ever heard of

Our Future- Massive spending on education. Sex Ed, Phys Ed, Science Ed. Overhaul of infrastucture. Plan out a policy to try and eliminate slums by establishing govt programs to give people jobs, and rebuild the slums of cities.

Also, for things like unemployment and other benefits, only give them if the person has proved that without a doubt, he/she has attempted to get a job for at least 6 months and has failed AND has no family member capable of supporting them



Platinum Member
Aug 18, 2000
Originally posted by: JS80
The Role of Government - federal gov't should provide defense and infrastructure. Detailed laws should be state/local level

Health Care - people should be free to buy their own healthcare

Government Regulation of Business - economic theory says when the markets fail and government intervenes, it always makes the situation worse. Government's role in business should be to enforce laws and promote laws that encourage investment and innovation and prevent harm to individuals

Foreign Policy - used to be speak softly and carry a big stick. Modern day should be spin suavely (good PR) and carry and use the boom stick. Pwn whomever tries to disrupt world peace. Sadly today the world does need a world police. What good is freedom if you get your ass blown up.

Investing in Our Future - education should be local issue. Scientific Investment should be private, possibly tax incentives to promote it. Infrastructure - yes, should be part of federal plan.

Pretty much this.

In addition : ALL able people should work. ALL government benefits (other than senior benefits) should be repaid in full or wages garnished.

I believe the tax system is a rip off (fairtax FTW) and the reason that they do not care about how much money they spend is because they have an unlimited supply of it.

I believe that laws should apply to EVERYONE and not cater to a specific demographic. This means no affirmative action, and no racial benefits for ANYONE.

I think that if you are not from this country (here illegally), you are entitled to NOTHING. No school, no medical care, no money.

Families and communities take care of their own. Stop letting the government and schools raise children, force parents to DO THEIR JOB.

Man, I really could go on and on ;)


Platinum Member
Aug 18, 2000
Originally posted by: mxyzptlk
Sounds good to me. Now figure out how to dumb it down for the fly-over states. Some tips: Include a lot of phrases like "get r dun" and "god bless"

Yeah, cause the people in LA are SOOO intelligent. They are KNOWN for it, amirite?


Sep 6, 2000
The Role of Government - To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.

Healthcare -

government healthcare provider: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.
politician: Yes he is.
government healthcare patient: I'm not.
government healthcare provideer: He isn't.
politician: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
government healthcare patient: I'm getting better.
politician: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
government healthcare provider: Well, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.
government healthcare patient: I don't want to go on the cart.
politician: Oh, don't be such a baby.
government healthcare provider: I can't take him.
government healthcare patient: I feel fine.
politician: Oh, do me a favor.
government healthcare provider: I can't.
politician: Well, can you hang around for a couple of minutes? He won't be long.
government healthcare provider: I promised I'd be at the Robinsons'. They've lost nine today.
politician: Well, when's your next round?
government healthcare provider: Thursday.
government healthcare patient: I think I'll go for a walk.
politician: You're not fooling anyone, you know. Isn't there anything you could do?
government healthcare patient: I feel happy. I feel happy.
[government healthcare provider glances up and down the street furtively, then silences the government healthcare patient with his a whack of his club]
politician: Ah, thank you very much.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: mxyzptlk
Sounds good to me. Now figure out how to dumb it down for the fly-over states. Some tips: Include a lot of phrases like "get r dun" and "god bless"

^ Reason why Dems always blow it... posterchild here for leftwing dickery.


Feb 18, 2004
I agree with the democratic platform on most of the important stuff, the major exceptions being the Iraq war and their lackluster support for gay rights.

if we could invent a time machine, I'd love to never go into Iraq in the first place, but I think that running on a promise of a speedy withdraw is a fool's game... it means they're either lying or they really will go through with the ridiculous idea, which I personally think would be more detrimental to US security in the long run than maintaining a presence in Iraq for a hundred years.

it's a lose-lose on the gay front... I shouldn't even need to get into the republican side of that equation, but Donna Brazile managed to offend me more than any other public figure ever has when she said that including gays as a part of the DNC's affirmative action agenda would be ?an affront to the civil rights movement? on behalf of the congressional black caucus, which Obama heavily supports. ( )

I find it hard to reconcile with the idea that Obama would ever be a champion for my rights when he aligns with an organization that views gay rights as an affront.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I believe that the right and the left are two sides of a coin that can be seen as such with higher understanding. All opposites are integrated within real knowledge. There is only love. Everything else is a delusion. Understanding is not the addition of political or other information, but the subtraction of false beliefs. To be filled you have to be empty.

The ego is a clown on a stage playing make believe. Everything you believe is a lie and any attempt to let go of it is just more games. The ego is the cage. The world is perfect and any attempt to make it so ruins it. The need to change is self hate.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: JS80
The Role of Government - federal gov't should provide defense and infrastructure. Detailed laws should be state/local level

Health Care - people should be free to buy their own healthcare

Government Regulation of Business - economic theory says when the markets fail and government intervenes, it always makes the situation worse. Government's role in business should be to enforce laws and promote laws that encourage investment and innovation and prevent harm to individuals

Foreign Policy - used to be speak softly and carry a big stick. Modern day should be spin suavely (good PR) and carry and use the boom stick. Pwn whomever tries to disrupt world peace. Sadly today the world does need a world police. What good is freedom if you get your ass blown up.

Investing in Our Future - education should be local issue. Scientific Investment should be private, possibly tax incentives to promote it. Infrastructure - yes, should be part of federal plan.

Me too almost exactly. Minimalist fed, more state, and more personal responsibility. i.e. healthcare, education, and retirement. NOT the government's job.

seemingly random

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2007
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I believe that the right and the left are two sides of a coin that can be seen as such with higher understanding. All opposites are integrated within real knowledge. There is only love. Everything else is a delusion. Understanding is not the addition of political or other information, but the subtraction of false beliefs. To be filled you have to be empty.

The ego is a clown on a stage playing make believe. Everything you believe is a lie and any attempt to let go of it is just more games. The ego is the cage. The world is perfect and any attempt to make it so ruins it. The need to change is self hate.
Sounds fine and dandy but you know, if we humans are left unchecked, we start killing each other. I also believe some people have an inherent need to be controlled.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I believe that the right and the left are two sides of a coin that can be seen as such with higher understanding. All opposites are integrated within real knowledge. There is only love. Everything else is a delusion. Understanding is not the addition of political or other information, but the subtraction of false beliefs. To be filled you have to be empty.

The ego is a clown on a stage playing make believe. Everything you believe is a lie and any attempt to let go of it is just more games. The ego is the cage. The world is perfect and any attempt to make it so ruins it. The need to change is self hate.
Sounds fine and dandy but you know, if we humans are left unchecked, we start killing each other. I also believe some people have an inherent need to be controlled.

And some people pay handsomely to be so!

seemingly random

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2007
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I believe that the right and the left are two sides of a coin that can be seen as such with higher understanding. All opposites are integrated within real knowledge. There is only love. Everything else is a delusion. Understanding is not the addition of political or other information, but the subtraction of false beliefs. To be filled you have to be empty.

The ego is a clown on a stage playing make believe. Everything you believe is a lie and any attempt to let go of it is just more games. The ego is the cage. The world is perfect and any attempt to make it so ruins it. The need to change is self hate.
Sounds fine and dandy but you know, if we humans are left unchecked, we start killing each other. I also believe some people have an inherent need to be controlled.

And some people pay handsomely to be so!
Alright, let's not get kinky...

(kinky in p&n - now that would be icky kinky...)


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I believe that the right and the left are two sides of a coin that can be seen as such with higher understanding. All opposites are integrated within real knowledge. There is only love. Everything else is a delusion. Understanding is not the addition of political or other information, but the subtraction of false beliefs. To be filled you have to be empty.

The ego is a clown on a stage playing make believe. Everything you believe is a lie and any attempt to let go of it is just more games. The ego is the cage. The world is perfect and any attempt to make it so ruins it. The need to change is self hate.
Sounds fine and dandy but you know, if we humans are left unchecked, we start killing each other. I also believe some people have an inherent need to be controlled.

Just the sort on stuff you need to let go of. In a higher understanding you may see that self hate and anonymity equals people willing to act out negative feelings, but absent the self hate no such problem exists. Similarly the need to be controlled arises from self doubt and fear of what is repressed. No self doubt and no repression and no problem here either.


May 1, 2006
I think the role of government is to empower the public against the few but powerful; to maximize opportunities for the public and future generations; to protect the freedom and welfare of its people while being a 'good neighbor' and acting like a member of the human race in foreign policy, i.e., not exploiting others.

I think it's critical that we find ways to limit government power from tyranny, in particular from being dominated by the few but powerful, but not limit it from representing the public, such that it is able to enforce the public good on the few but powerful.

My rule has long been that government should have two main reasons for spending a dollar: because it's an investment that will return more than a dollar and is good for society; or because it's an expense but one justified by the moral duty of society to its people.
May 16, 2000
The Role of Government
Federal: Absolutely minimalist. We're a republic, we should act like it. The role of the Fed is to regulate interstate issues, deal with foreign nations, and so on. They must also act as ultimate oversight, to ensure protection of individual rights, etc. Even when it is expedient and efficient to do, the fed should not take on any more duties or powers than are absolutely necessary for the continuing existence of the states. Total transparency is essential (except for obvious things like troop movements, operational codes, etc).

State: Minimalist as much as practical. 100% COMPLETELY removed from decisions of morality (ie no drug laws, sex laws, etc). Government can act as a force of good, but even with the best of intentions should do so sparingly, and only in so much as it is for the protection and promotion of individual citizen rights. Total transparency is essential. The states should have no power of classification.

Health Care
You wouldn't think it would be so tough, but this one really is. While I don't condone government bloat, there absolutely is a basic human right to good health care. If a government cannot act to keep its people healthy, every other right and responsibility of government is moot. Without health there cannot be 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. That isn't to say that people shouldn't be contributing to their own health care costs...but it IS the role of government to make absolutely certain that health care is available for all citizens, no matter the circumstances.

Therefore there should be a switch to government established, not for profit health care supported through taxes. With the money freed up through the abolishment of unnecessary bloat at the state and federal level, it really shouldn't be that big of a hit. The status of not for profit should do a lot to keep costs down, while direct government oversight and total transparency of operation keep em honest. The LAST thing that should happen is involving insurance companies in this part of the game. If people want additional, private health insurance, bless them. However it must be separate and have NOTHING to do with government (other than regulating business practices as discussed below).

Government Regulation of Business
Absolutely essential. Capitalism is corrupt by nature, as humans are generally corrupt by nature. The pursuit of money is not a valuable goal, and can only lead to harm if not carefully monitored. The rights of the people are paramount, the rights of non-real entities do not exist. A government is not a business...the role of the government is not to make money, it's to serve and protect the people. While money can accomplish this, money must never be the goal, only the means.

Therefore total oversight of worker rights, environmental impact, legality of practices, etc should all be carefully monitored, and within the scope of government control. (Personally I'd love to do away with corporations completely, but I don't want to open that can of worms here and now).

I mean really, government is about protecting the common man by those with the power to harm him. This usually means keeping the rich (and businesses) from exploiting the poor (the workers).

Foreign Policy
Total isolationism is not only impractical, it's damn near impossible. However, our rights and interests end at our borders except where specifically allowed by other sovereign nations. We should always lead by example, never force or coercion. While we have the right to strike back at those that strike at us, we have NO RIGHT to pre-emption. As stated earlier, if asked or invited into a situation we MAY have the right to act...but ONLY with transparency, and accountability in accordance with checks and balances. And military force should ALWAYS be an absolute last resort, and never lasting beyond the immediate need.

The goal of policy should be the supporting of what is right and good, not what is profitable or singularly beneficial (except where this is also what is right and good for all). Certainly we should trade from a position of strength wherever possible, but it is never acceptable to do harm to others in exploitive capitalist ventures.

Since only the federal government has the right of foreign policy direction it is imperative that they not exceed their function to become some kind of global CEOs. Their goal is to act to protect the American people, while not harming the planet or the quality of life of others unnecessarily.

Investing in Our Future
Education is of course a priority, and our current system is in a world of hurt. There is no reason why with our resources we can't be in the top 10 of education globally in all areas. Our education should be better, broader, deeper, cheaper, and in all other ways superior. We need a campaign to promote the importance and benefit of knowledge and intelligence. While not everyone needs a graduate degree, everyone should realize the importance of well educated people to the country.

The federal government should have next to no role in this area, beyond overseeing implementation on the state levels and making sure no citizens are being left out where avoidable. Education, like nearly all things, should be run by experts in that field, not by career politicians who have never taught a class. If you're going to have a DOE at federal or state levels it should be largely autonomous of government interference and made up of educators, not business men or politicians.

Scientific investment is sorely lacking. We have seen an absolute disdain for scientific progress recently, unless it is also bears a strong financial return. This is obscene. What we have today we have because of invention, thinking, and creativity.

Speaking of which, we need better creative investment in this country. All the economics and education in the world are useless if there's nothing to enjoy with all you acquire. Music, art, dance, etc are all vital areas of life...the meaning of life to many. Support them.

Infrastructure is also overlooked. With technological advances we should be upgrading all aspects of infrastructure to run as efficiently, as cleanly, as cheaply, and as universally as possible. Public works is the backbone of a it.

All of this investing stuff is really about one thing from government - abandoning the capitalist/business mindset. Government isn't a business, and money isn't everything in fact it's about dead last. We need to get some direction on the things that really matter (education, beauty, advancement, health) and stop using government as a vessel for wealth building for and by the top 2%.

General Peeves and Fixes

Religion - 100% out of government in every way, shape, and form. Permanently and completely.

Citizenship - the ONLY way you have more than basic human rights here. If you're here illegally you should be thrown overboard on the next ship out of the country. We must, of course, update and reform our immigration laws to make them more functional before implementing this. However the bottom line is you're either a citizen, or your on your own until caught and expelled.

Drugs - While safety regulation is important, and taxation useful, drugs simply shouldn't be illegal. No good has come from it and a world of hurt has emerged.

Sex - Not a bad thing, and absolutely none of the governments business. If you want porn to stay 18 and up to purchase, fine. If you want to make sure that people aren't being murdered in snuff films, and that the donkey did in fact give consent, great. Other than that the government can get the hell out of the bedroom.

Laws - 100% overhaul from scratch. It ain't working, and the problems are self-perpetuating. Lawyers become judges, who become politicians, who write laws that only lawyers can understand or argue...and worse still the argument and laws mean more than the truth or justice they are there to assist. It HAS to be possible to do a from scratch rewrite that will function better for the citizens than what we have right now.

Partisanship - GROSSEST ABUSE OF DEMOCRACY IMAGINABLE. IF parties are truly unavoidable (and I'm not convinced of that) then they must be parties of reasonable theory, and not parties of arbitrary single or two-axis distinction. Even if you keep them they need to have effectively ZERO power. At the absolute most they should be a combination of think tank, administrative pool, and advertising agency.

Advertising - Speaking of, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Yeah, I know you have a right to advertise, but not at the expense of the citizen's quality of life, or if it negatively impacts the planet. We need some serious regulation and controls on marketing and advertising. Public enemy #1 - pharmaceutical advertising. We're about the only civilized nation in the world that allows it. Done now.

Privacy - A big step to the previous point would be a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right of privacy.

That's just off the top of my head...there are probably more I'll think of as I read through the thread.


Sep 15, 2002
Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal. Obama is the closest canadiate to this and I'll be voting for him in the upcoming election.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: glenn1
The Role of Government - To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.


Though there really is something to be said for a fleet horse, a falcon at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.



Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
I think the role of government is to empower the public against the few but powerful; to maximize opportunities for the public and future generations; to protect the freedom and welfare of its people while being a 'good neighbor' and acting like a member of the human race in foreign policy, i.e., not exploiting others.

I think it's critical that we find ways to limit government power from tyranny, in particular from being dominated by the few but powerful, but not limit it from representing the public, such that it is able to enforce the public good on the few but powerful.

My rule has long been that government should have two main reasons for spending a dollar: because it's an investment that will return more than a dollar and is good for society; or because it's an expense but one justified by the moral duty of society to its people.

How do you measure/standardize your definition of "morals"?


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Tab
Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal. Obama is the closest canadiate to this and I'll be voting for him in the upcoming election.

Is this really what Obamabots believe?


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I believe that the right and the left are two sides of a coin that can be seen as such with higher understanding. All opposites are integrated within real knowledge. There is only love. Everything else is a delusion. Understanding is not the addition of political or other information, but the subtraction of false beliefs. To be filled you have to be empty.

The ego is a clown on a stage playing make believe. Everything you believe is a lie and any attempt to let go of it is just more games. The ego is the cage. The world is perfect and any attempt to make it so ruins it. The need to change is self hate.
Sounds fine and dandy but you know, if we humans are left unchecked, we start killing each other. I also believe some people have an inherent need to be controlled.

And some people pay handsomely to be so!
Alright, let's not get kinky...

(kinky in p&n - now that would be icky kinky...)

It's not much worse than the mental masturbation Moonbeam tangents on sometimes :p

/poke fun

seemingly random

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2007
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
I believe that the right and the left are two sides of a coin that can be seen as such with higher understanding. All opposites are integrated within real knowledge. There is only love. Everything else is a delusion. Understanding is not the addition of political or other information, but the subtraction of false beliefs. To be filled you have to be empty.

The ego is a clown on a stage playing make believe. Everything you believe is a lie and any attempt to let go of it is just more games. The ego is the cage. The world is perfect and any attempt to make it so ruins it. The need to change is self hate.
Sounds fine and dandy but you know, if we humans are left unchecked, we start killing each other. I also believe some people have an inherent need to be controlled.

And some people pay handsomely to be so!
Alright, let's not get kinky...

(kinky in p&n - now that would be icky kinky...)

It's not much worse than the mental masturbation Moonbeam tangents on sometimes :p

/poke fun
mb can be interestingly enigmatic.

Hey wait a minute here. We're not supposed to be having normal conversations in p&n - we're supposed to be arguing and knifing each other in the back. Come on, shape up...