SIM City 5 - Actual Strategy Discussion


Jan 14, 2013
the first SIM City 5 thread turned into an understandable discussion of yet another EA launch failure. I think it's a good idea to start a thread where we can try to avoid the failures of EA as a specific discussion, while talking about strats and yes, bugs took, but only those that affect strategy, like traffic and how to deal with it.

And while there are clearly many launch issues left and valid criticisms of the gameplay, a lot of us are starting to play it and there are strategies to discuss.

So far my more successful cities I have started focusing on coal and ore plots, mining them and smelting down to metal and alloy, then building a processor plant, importing plastic using depots, then upgrading to a trade port. The next step is to build TV and computers, so taht when my minerals run out I can be importing metal and alloy and flipping the TV and Computers back for a profit. You have to think for when after the minerals run out.

I focus on coal power first until I can get a University so that a Nuclear plant can take over with smart employees. Wind Power if I have good winds. The next plan is to try to build also a tourism industry so that when the minerals are totally gone, I have supplemental income, but it's tough in this small space to have room for these at the same time. The issue with the smaller maps is that you can really only focus on one thing, and rely on the other cities to create things like lots of Sims that can be tourists. The issue is that you have to rely on people actually playing their cities decently, and so far that's not reliable, both due to people and the server issues.

My biggest population so far is closing in on 200k. So far so good but it's very tough to maintain a positive budget. Education and Health take up massive amounts of money. The trading profit is what mitigates that and earns you good income.

What's other people's successful strategies? ANd what are some of your higher populations?


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
I have been able to get one city up to 250k, but the current issues are really preventing me from progressing further. I would love to start working on strategies but honestly feel that some patching needs to be done before we have solid answers.

In theory, you should be able to specialize your cities to reduce redundancy in things like utilities and education. It seems so far, the game makes at least one city more industrial/resource focused and others more business or residential.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
The way it's setup now no one city can do everything...there just isn't enough space. The first city in the region has to be a sort of jack of all trades at first, but after that you specialize. Since gov buildings effect all cities in a region, you spread them out over all the cities, same with resources. Your dirty oil/mining town can supply power to the other cities, thus allowing you to remove those power plants in favor of other specialty expansions. People also commute from city to city for work so you can start to see how it opens up options.

My first few cities were in private regions so that I could have absolute control over the big picture and thus learn how it all works together.


Jan 14, 2013
has anybody built a Great Work? I turned on the power buttons to give the airport project all 3 resources it needs from my city. I feel the airport will drive me the visitors I need to transition to a tourist economy. I make alloy, I make metal, I import oil and make my own plastics. But I can't seem to get them to the airport.


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2008
Trying to make an all industrial/export city, its pretty much impossible. Anyone know how to make thiswork?


Jan 14, 2013
has anybody built a Great Work? I turned on the power buttons to give the airport project all 3 resources it needs from my city. I feel the airport will drive me the visitors I need to transition to a tourist economy. I make alloy, I make metal, I import oil and make my own plastics. But I can't seem to get them to the airport.

some quick searching has revealed this is a bug in the game.


Dec 12, 2002
I was in the same boat ... I am trying to do it all in one city, can only hit industrial, a little commercial, 90% residential + the natural minig/drilling stuff....not sure how to blow it up passed this in such a small area :(.


Jan 23, 2001
How do you sustain Casinos? I had two lower level ones and got up to a Sleek Casio. For a while it was making $20k+ a day. Then all of a sudden (for no reason I could fathom) it went down to losing $30k a day and hasn't recovered. I built it right next to the airport and train station. I tried placing some tourist attractions (Empire State Building) but it still hasn't recovered.
Oct 19, 2000
How do you sustain Casinos? I had two lower level ones and got up to a Sleek Casio. For a while it was making $20k+ a day. Then all of a sudden (for no reason I could fathom) it went down to losing $30k a day and hasn't recovered. I built it right next to the airport and train station. I tried placing some tourist attractions (Empire State Building) but it still hasn't recovered.

I believe casinos feed off of high-wealth that is nearby. Is there an issue where that is concerned?


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2000
How do you export oil onto the global market? My jack pumps get me up to 2,000 barrels a day (I think), but it just sits there in storage instead of going to my trade depot. I have the depot set to export oil. I know I'm missing something stupid to make this work.

I do have an oil power plant, but it's set to accept global deliveries only.


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2010
How do you export oil onto the global market? My jack pumps get me up to 2,000 barrels a day (I think), but it just sits there in storage instead of going to my trade depot. I have the depot set to export oil. I know I'm missing something stupid to make this work.

I do have an oil power plant, but it's set to accept global deliveries only.

Do you have the oil storage in trade depot and the delivery trucks for both? I hit the 9600 barrels to get the oil HQ (or whatever it is called) and had 10 pumps going and 4 trucks. The depot had 3 oil storage and 4 delivery trucks as well.


Jan 14, 2013
How do you export oil onto the global market? My jack pumps get me up to 2,000 barrels a day (I think), but it just sits there in storage instead of going to my trade depot. I have the depot set to export oil. I know I'm missing something stupid to make this work.

I do have an oil power plant, but it's set to accept global deliveries only.

that sounds just about right, how many trucks does your oil rig have? and your depot? and how many of the four depot add-ons are chosen for oil?


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2007
Good lord, how are you guys able to get your pops so high? All I seem to be able to create are small towns (~25-30k) full of rich folks. Granted, I've been focusing on trying to create a Las Vegas like town - lots of gambling, casinos, etc., with a expo center or pro stadium thrown in. Haven't tried to go industrial yet.

Question- anyone else having trouble with getting the commuter rail to work? I've tried to use it a couple times now and the game always tells me that the station is not powered. I've placed it next to existing rail line and on a powered street, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any tips?


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2007
How do you sustain Casinos? I had two lower level ones and got up to a Sleek Casio. For a while it was making $20k+ a day. Then all of a sudden (for no reason I could fathom) it went down to losing $30k a day and hasn't recovered. I built it right next to the airport and train station. I tried placing some tourist attractions (Empire State Building) but it still hasn't recovered.

I've found that like most tourist buildings, casinos do well if you have a lot of tourists. To get more tourists, you need some of the advanced mass transit options, like trains, boats, planes, etc.

FWIW, I had a similar problem when trying to support an expo center. Every event I would schedule would only draw 3-400 people.


Senior member
Jan 23, 2009
My first 3 cities I have built have been oil drilling/export cities and here are some tips. I'm sure all these would apply to ore/coal mining as well.

1) Try to hold off on expanding roads/zoning too fast because you want to get your oil drilling rig up ASAP, if you add all 10 drills in the right spot you can get 10k-13k barrels per day (it takes quite some time for the ramp up to do this as well).

2) Build your trade depots close to the highway so the trucks have an easier time getting on/off the highway to deliver the oil for maximum profit. At the same time try to keep your residential/commercial away from your trade depots and not close to the highway because it will cause massive traffic.

3) It takes 3 full fledged oil fields and 3 trade depots to hit the 160,000 profit mark to create your petroleum HQ so you can turn your oil into fuel/plastic.

4) Take your time with your city because Crime/Fire/Health issues can get out of control if you progress to fast due to moving truck traffic, never upgrade large regions all at once otherwise you will be in a gridlock.

5) From what I can tell, once you plop the trade HQ, petroleum division, etc you can power them off so you don't spend 400/month and you still get all the benefits. For example, I just added an incinerator to my gargabe dump but since the incinerator burns the garbage faster than it accumulates I can keep it off 90% of the time and just turn it on when my dump starts to get full. This saves me at least 2,000-3,000 per hour, I turn off all my departments of transportation/education/etc.

The city I made last night in a couple hours has 30k people, no traffic at all(buses really help here), I have almost a full built bus station, I get about 7,500 people riding the buses per day which is almost 25% of my population. I have 1.3mm simoleans right now and make 200k per day in oil, 10k/hour from my city, I am just stock piling the cash right now and planning out my city. Eventually my oil fields will run dry, but by that time I will be right around 20 million simoleans and will switch to importing oil and exporting plastic/fuel.

Last couple tips

1) Don't waste the 110k building a recycling center unless you have at least an elementary school because uneducated people don't recycle.
2) Traffic causes the most issues, my last two cities were less than 30k population and I had all sorts of fire/police/health issues because they couldn't get to the people. My current city has the very basic units and no issues at all, I have mostly health issues, but it is more because I am a fully industrial/oil drilling city so I would expect it to be at least less healthy in the beginning.


Apr 8, 2002
First city is kind of funny. But I like the resource aspect of the game. I have oil wells but have only been using them to power my oil plant. Ill restart and work on micromanaging the city better. My current layout is a mess lol.
Sep 7, 2009
Sep 7, 2009
First city is kind of funny. But I like the resource aspect of the game. I have oil wells but have only been using them to power my oil plant. Ill restart and work on micromanaging the city better. My current layout is a mess lol.

One thing I learned is to not let ground pollution get out of control, especially with larger cities. I've started upgrading the utility addon first, which lets me build a sewage treatment plant, which is extremely beneficial long-term.
Sep 7, 2009
The cities are just too small to work with. It keeps telling me to zone more residential, but there's no where to do it!

They are too small, I've already planned to spend $20 or WTFever on the 'larger cities DLC' rumored to come out. :rolleyes:

That being said, there is probably a lot you can still do with increasing density etc. I was stuck at ~50k sims until messing with high density avenues (versus high density roads). Once that was straightened out I got to 100k fairly quickly.


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2010
My largest city has been stuck at about 230-235k. And thats with getting power and water from other cities to free up space.


Senior member
Mar 3, 2005
How do you sustain Casinos? I had two lower level ones and got up to a Sleek Casio. For a while it was making $20k+ a day. Then all of a sudden (for no reason I could fathom) it went down to losing $30k a day and hasn't recovered. I built it right next to the airport and train station. I tried placing some tourist attractions (Empire State Building) but it still hasn't recovered.

I read a post that quoted Maxis devs' twitter feeds as saying this is something they are looking at, and it appears to be bug-related. Anything beyond a gambling hall has trouble keeping a profit over time regardless of what you throw at it.

How do you export oil onto the global market? My jack pumps get me up to 2,000 barrels a day (I think), but it just sits there in storage instead of going to my trade depot. I have the depot set to export oil. I know I'm missing something stupid to make this work.

I do have an oil power plant, but it's set to accept global deliveries only.

A few things:
  1. Does the trade depot have an oil storage unit (or two)?
  2. Do you have enough delivery trucks in the oil plant?
  3. Is the trade depot set to "accept local deliveries" for oil?
  4. Is oil set to export on the global market at the trade depot?
  5. Do you have enough delivery trucks at the trade depot?
  6. Are the trucks stuck in traffic or otherwise not able to get between the rigs, plant, and trade depot?