Shogun 2 TW shipped with no direct x11 support

Jun 23, 2006
Nor did it ship with support for 10 or 10.1 Plus at this point there is no AA in the game while a fix for dr x 10 should be released within 48 hours the fix for 11 is likely 2-4 weeks away.
Typical CA/Sega........


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
I just wish they'd code an engine where they don't use sprouts when your zoomed out.
They have added working bow strings which look awesome!


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
I just wish they'd code an engine where they don't use sprouts when your zoomed out.
They have added working bow strings which look awesome!
You can turn the sprites off in Medieval II, so I'd think it would be possible in the newer ones as well. Of course it destroys performance when your dealing with a lot of men on screen.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2010
Nor did it ship with support for 10 or 10.1 Plus at this point there is no AA in the game while a fix for dr x 10 should be released within 48 hours the fix for 11 is likely 2-4 weeks away.
Typical CA/Sega........

Not very surprising given the state of the game engines for the last couple TW games. I thought TW Empire and Napoleon were great but the game engines were horribly optimized. Patches helped things I guess, but Empire, while my fav TW, is still very chunky.

If the gameplay is actually smooth, I won't mind the absense of DX 10-11 features.


Oct 17, 2002
Yea.. I mean, While Crysis 1 in DX10 did look 'better', honestly, Crysis 1 cranked up with DX9 looked amazing too, still to this day. Crysis 2 will support DX11, but not at launch. Even Crytek didn't see dx11 as being 'that' important.

What exactly does DX11 offer that makes it a big deal to miss out? Hardware Tessellation? More efficient lighting?

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Yea.. I mean, While Crysis 1 in DX10 did look 'better', honestly, Crysis 1 cranked up with DX9 looked amazing too, still to this day. Crysis 2 will support DX11, but not at launch. Even Crytek didn't see dx11 as being 'that' important.

What exactly does DX11 offer that makes it a big deal to miss out? Hardware Tessellation? More efficient lighting?

I don't think it's the missing features in DX11 (whatever they may be) that annoys people, it's game devs deciding not to implement it. We all want to see the graphics limits pushed to their max, so it's disappointing when they don't.


Mar 29, 2008
CA doesn't release finished products anymore (or did they ever?). If Sega has CA continue the "Empire" model of release, we will see the following scenario:

1. Shogun 2 is released as extremely buggy and lacking features previously promised by CA.
2. Those missing features are promised to be added in a later patch.
3. CA announces the Shogun 2 expansion and no longer puts priority on patching the bugs and missing features of Shogun 2.
4. Patch and features are finally released 1 year later, just prior to the launch of the Shogun 2 expansion.
5. Shogun 2 expansion is released and all further patching for Shogun 2 ceases, leaving the game with many issues that will never be addressed.

I wasn't bitter about Empire at all. :) Hopefully we won't see this scenario again. I really want Shogun 2 to be great, but I'm holding on to my money until the bugs come to light and objective reviews are out (IGN gave Empire a 9.5...and this is when the AI couldn't even transport troops in ships in a game about global colonization and domination).


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
Here's the reason AA is not compatible with DX9.
Jack Lusted said:
There is no AA in DX9 because of changes to the lighting system in Shogun 2. We now use deferred shading, the wiki article actually mentions some of the problems relating to it and AA.
Seems reasonable, and I was kinda wondering about that in the demo. Seemed way to blocky


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Well guys, I bought the game last night at midnight. Lo and behold, couldn't actually install/play it until this morning (thanks, STEAM!).

Got some free time now though, and I plan on giving it a spin and seeing how it stacks up to the others in the series. If nothing else, just to see if its stable.
I also was burned by Empire. Easily one of the buggiest major releases I've played in recent memory. It really soured me on the series I love and have been with since the beginning.

Hopefully they've learned from their mistakes. I don't trust professional reviews either, since they all glossed over those issues in Empire.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Be sure and give us the details on Shogun 2 when you've played it a while. I myself had not played any total war since Rome and because they had cheap Steam sales on Napoleon and Medieval, I now don't need to buy Shogun 2 for a couple of months lol...

I'm especially interested in whether there is a multiplayer campaign.


Mar 29, 2008
I'm wanting to know if the multiplayer campaign can be played cooperatively.


Aug 9, 2002
Was it unlocked today? Should be good to come home today after work.

CA had earned a bad track record since Medieval 2 with bugs and instability. I imagine with a more elaborate engine would only compound the issue.


Senior member
Nov 14, 2004
Have been playing the game for a couple of hours now, so far very stable, no crashes, lock ups or instability so far.

I have always liked the franchise (including empire), and this is looking very good so far, transition between turns is fluid, art is great, will need more playtime to completely evaluate but I'm enjoying the game and the changes they made.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2009
Well guys, I bought the game last night at midnight. Lo and behold, couldn't actually install/play it until this morning (thanks, STEAM!).

Got some free time now though, and I plan on giving it a spin and seeing how it stacks up to the others in the series. If nothing else, just to see if its stable.
I also was burned by Empire. Easily one of the buggiest major releases I've played in recent memory. It really soured me on the series I love and have been with since the beginning.

Hopefully they've learned from their mistakes. I don't trust professional reviews either, since they all glossed over those issues in Empire.

Er, why'd you buy it when harbouring such serious doubts? And through Steam at that, guaranteeing you can't return or resell it.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Er, why'd you buy it when harbouring such serious doubts? And through Steam at that, guaranteeing you can't return or resell it.

I didn't buy it through STEAM. I never said I did.

I bought it at GameStop at one of their midnight openings for Home Front.

It however uses STEAM, and you must activate it through STEAM for it to work.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2006
I'm wanting to know if the multiplayer campaign can be played cooperatively.

It can't.

some guy's positive experience
Rome? Awesome. Rome expansion packs? Killer. Medieval II? Sick nasty.

Empire? Abysmal. Boring, bugged, and slow.

After protesting CA via skipping Napoleon, I bought Shogun II. And I am pleased to announce that it is nearly everything I want it to be. Useful features, great gameplay, many features to explore, almost no bugs that I've found so far, took my DEMO accomplishments and put them in the game, great graphics that don't slow down my computer like ETW. Good job CA, this game is actually worth its A- Metacritic rating (opposed to ETW's A- Metacritic rating). I really am impressed and glad I bought this game. Also, installation and applying bonus's was a breeze, and the handbook was useful. So thank you for making such an awesome game. This really has significantly more depth and polish then any other Total War game ever made.

And apparently Shogun 2 is compatiable with nVidia's nVision 3D which is getting rave reviews...crazy.
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
The boring crap that was Empire put me off the series. Man I hated that game. So freaking boring.

I want Rome 2: Total War.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I don't think it's the missing features in DX11 (whatever they may be) that annoys people, it's game devs deciding not to implement it. We all want to see the graphics limits pushed to their max, so it's disappointing when they don't.

Personally, I'd rather developers worry more about content/playability/story--that whole "game" part--than how pretty it looks.



Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
The boring crap that was Empire put me off the series. Man I hated that game. So freaking boring.

I want Rome 2: Total War.

Right now I'm playing Medieval 2 and even though it seems like it uses the same engine it's amazing how it doesn't seem to be as fun as Rome. So yea, Rome 2 would be awesome. Same base game with maybe just a few more detailed things.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
Right now I'm playing Medieval 2 and even though it seems like it uses the same engine it's amazing how it doesn't seem to be as fun as Rome. So yea, Rome 2 would be awesome. Same base game with maybe just a few more detailed things.

I'd like it to go back a bit. Right back to the founding of Rome to its conquest of Italy. It's an interesting era.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
I'd like it to go back a bit. Right back to the founding of Rome to its conquest of Italy. It's an interesting era.

i was thinking slightly more storyline. Not like a full RPG or anything, just a little. I picked up King Arthur the Roleplaying Game on steam for $3 and for $3 it's awesome, it's a little buggy though and actual combat isn't fun. But it shows that a little more storyline is not a bad thing for a turn based strategy game.


Nov 11, 2009
Weird, I played ALL of them minus Napoleon and new Shogun 2.

To me, they all seem similar/the same. Sure there is some more features and better graphics but in general it's the same old thing over and over again.

Engine seems recycled for AGES.

Also, I really like the campaign aspect of Total war vs the actual battles. Map lay out/controls and general game experience is better than Civ IMO.

Never really been a big fan of anything but Melee warfare, so empire didn't do much for me.

Med evil 2 remains my favorite, but Empire campaign was good as well IMO.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2007
Just installed - initial thoughts are - The menu screen has been overhauled in a terrifiic way. A substantial improvement over the mess that was Empire Total War's menu screen.

I loaded up a historical battle as my first game, unfortunately the very first thing that struck me was that I was able to zoom RIGHT THROUGH the hill my units were standing on, staring at an ocean rolling beneath them. Apparently all maps, even land ones, are really just sea maps with land placed above. Not thrilled with this, it must have just been a glitch but it's hyper annoying since I like zooming in (especially with a brand new game) to watch the battle animations.

I played for a bit and then quit the scenario. The graphics for the units looked superb compared to Empire, not sure about the actual maps since the one I was on was raining and had reduced visability.

Still, I have a feeling this will be a great game... the only other Total War game I've played was Empire - which I did like very much in some respects but eventually grew beyond tired of it's annoyances to the point I uninstalled it mid-campaign, never to play again.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I'm glad I'm going to get it for free, there's a digital download coupon given to get it when buying specific Intel products at, I just happened to buy my 2600K yesterday and Shogun 2 comes with it (the code I mean, to get the digital version). The last Total War I bought was Empire (not Napoleon, just the original Empire), and I am bored with it, but at least I know why, it's the era, the gunpowder, cannons, etc., just not as fun and brutal as it was in earlier times such as in Rome or Medieval with raw frontal assaults with swords and shields, that's my stuff, that's what Total War is for.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Ok, I've spent a few hours with it now. Not too far, but enough to get a real feel for the game.

First thing off the bat, the performance, even with AA and DX 11 missing (until a patch...lame), the performance and stability is excellent. No crashes or slowdowns yet, something that plagued Empire for months after release.
I'm also thrilled with many of the little interface and GUI improvements. Much more streamlined, much more appealing, and less cluttered.

Most importantly, it feels like the quintessentially perfect Total War game. I haven't played too far in yet, but I quite impressed and pleased with the enemy AI. Even as an old veteran of the series from the first game, the AI was able to take me by surprise, and flank me, hide troops, and effectively not do TOO much that was outright stupid.

I'm sure there are "gamey" exploits out there, but from what I've seen, out of the gate, Shogun 2 might have the best battlefield AI of any Total War game on release. And yes, I've played them order.
I'm also loving little things like the return of the narrator from the first game, many of the same tracks from the first game, and little things like the pre-battle speeches return, narrated in Japanese (with english subs), all add to a very atmospheric effect.

Anyway, so far so good. I'm thoroughly enjoying it, but have my guard up for any bugs or issues down the line. We'll see how it goes